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Anonymous No. 16453868

Why do so many women seethe at the male variability hypothesis? Why are so many of them adament that all behavioral differences are down to socialization?

Anonymous No. 16453872

A very common defense mechanism is to deny the reality of a quality one lacks. Stupid people say IQ is irrelevant. Ugly people claim beauty is entirely subjective. Weak people demand that you say they can do whatever strong people can do even though they clearly can't.

Anonymous No. 16453874

>Why are so many of them adament that all behavioral differences are down to socialization?
Prove that variability isn’t due to socialization.

Anonymous No. 16453886

>Why are so many of them adament that all behavioral differences are down to socialization?
Prove it isnt
It isnt a rethorical question, there must be experiments about it. Twin studies and what else
So post the studies

Anonymous No. 16453889

>Stupid people say IQ is irrelevant. Ugly people claim beauty is entirely subjective.
Prove stupid and ugly people say such things more frequently than the population does as a whole

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16453902

Men have greater variability in height, IQ, VO2 reserve, reaction times, alcohol metabolism and hemoglobin levels. Are also more likely to have the kind of autism that makes you hand-banger levels of retarded, which can't be explained by masking.

There's a known mechanism for it: the fact that women have two chromosomes and men only one, as well as a Y chromosome.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16453904

>two chromosomes
two X chromosomes

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16453906

reserve, reaction times, alcohol metabolism, bone density and hemoglobin levels. Are also more likely to have the kind of autism that makes you head-banger levels of retarded, which can't be explained by masking.

There's a known mechanism for it: the fact that women have two X chromosomes and men only one, as well as a Y chromosome.

Anonymous No. 16453907

Men have greater variability in height, IQ, VO2 reserve, reaction times, alcohol metabolism, bone density and hemoglobin levels. Are also more likely to have the kind of autism that makes you head-banger levels of retarded, which can't be explained by masking.

There's a known mechanism for it: the fact that women have two X chromosomes and men only one, as well as a Y chromosome.

Anonymous No. 16453983

found the ugly stupid person

Anonymous No. 16453996

Women are mor consistently intelligent than men. That’s about it. The variability is both a weakness and a boon.

Anonymous No. 16454001

anon the burden of proof rests on the positive statement, you should know this...

Anonymous No. 16454009

How is "variability is genetic" not a positive statement?

Anonymous No. 16454017

Protective X chromosome, no Y chromosome. It's already well established.

Anonymous No. 16454019

>It's already well established.
The famous proof by authority.

Anonymous No. 16454022

Are you disputing that women have an extra X chromosome and no Y chromosome?

Anonymous No. 16454024

I am disputing that it has an effect of the standard deviation, Mr Retard.

Anonymous No. 16454026


Anonymous No. 16454028

And what effect does this have on the standard deviation? Are /pol/tards even capable of forming coherent thoughts?

Anonymous No. 16454030

It's explained in the link so your the retard in this case. It affects standard deviation of X-linked traits because there's a higher threshold for expression. There's why X-linked diseases are much less common in women.

Anonymous No. 16454031

>your the retard
fuck. Okay we both are

Anonymous No. 16454032

That's a meme. Most "positive" statements can be reframed as negative ones, and vice-versa.

Anonymous No. 16454043

>X-linked traits
such as?

Anonymous No. 16454077

Handedness, language ability, general cognitive ability, spatial and emotional intelligence, height and impulsivity.

Anonymous No. 16454081

And where may I see studies that exhibit these correlations?

Anonymous No. 16454571


Brain morphology variability:

Brain differences between sexes correlated with performance on verbal-numerical tasks and reaction tasks:

Variability in energy expenditure:

Variability is international:

Its gonna be pretty fucking hard to skew these results to the "muh social reasons" side.

Anonymous No. 16454575

I asked for correlation studies between all that chromosome stuff and variability. Not just variability studies between sexes. I mean actual studies where they go ahead and correlate gene expression with trait variability. For someone seething about female IQ, you sure do struggle with a simple train of thought in a debate.

Anonymous No. 16454607

First off I'm NTA (>>16454081)

Second, how in the flying fuck do you expect anybody to control for "chromosome stuff" you troglodyte. The best I can give you is that people with Turner syndrome have worse math and spatial IQ's ( Turner syndrome is where one X chromosome in an XX pair isn't present, so this gives us a clue. When you ask, "show studies that find a correlation between genes and intelligence", you are essentially telling people to throw darts into the dark until they think they have reached a possible correlation, that's why sample sizes for these things are really small. Other then that, brain morphology WILL be your next best bet for gene expression on... you know... the brain.

Anonymous No. 16454612

>le control
humanities meme (biology is humanities-tier too) that people who can’t into statistics cope with

Anonymous No. 16454618

>biology is humanities-tier too

Think I've heard enough retard.

Anonymous No. 16454627

physicists be like
>we can say with a 7 sigma confidence that we have found this particle by analysing petabytes of data in an incredibly messy collision
>uhhhh you can’t do that without a control, the sample size is too small

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Anonymous No. 16454634

Hey faggot, found a study for you:

>uhhhh you can’t do that without a control, the sample size is too small


Anonymous No. 16454643

>found a study for you