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Anonymous No. 16456092

Why do I feel nothing from drugs like adderall or phenibut, even in large does?
What is chemically wrong with my body?

Anonymous No. 16456148

maybe you are just fine anon and don't need drugs

Anonymous No. 16456149

I wish that was the case brother, but I really do

Anonymous No. 16456152

maybe you have natural resistance
why you even want take drugs?

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Anonymous No. 16456160

you're just consciously disconnected from it. there are lots of people like that and think drugs don't affect them very much, but then they die early because the drugs were killing them all along. the solution is to stop thinking you have to feel a certain way for drugs to work.

Anonymous No. 16456480

>Why do I feel nothing from drugs like adderall or phenibut, even in large does?
cause its in your system lol. ur overstacked bud

Anonymous No. 16456960

I don't feel much of anything from Adderall, but that's probably because I have ADHD. There's only the very slight and very occasional tingling sensation that will happen on the periphery of my perception and the moment I focus on it, it disappears. Aside from the non-sensory signs it's in my system (being able to focus, being more reasonable, calmer), that's the only way I know it's working. I don't know what your specific reason for perceiving you need drugs is, but you should do some introspection on it. Are you taking Adderall because you want to focus and phenibut because you want to calm down? How regularly do you use substances and what is your expectation for them? What does the rest of your life look like? Exercise? Diet? Age? Are you in school or in work?

Anonymous No. 16458230

When it comes to math... Cm'on, what's large dose, 20 adderals orraly is like 400mg of amphetamine, which is like 70mg of crystal meth, that is barely anything wrothy...

And you aren't supposed to feel anything from phenibut.

Anonymous No. 16458281

probably genetics

ive taken low doses of adderall nothing happened no raise in RHR

Anonymous No. 16458526

I don't think what you see is really possible, especially if you have ADHD. You just don't take a large enough dose. How big are we speaking?