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Anonymous No. 16456831

The smartest man of all time

Anonymous No. 16456832

Hilbert was smartee

Anonymous No. 16456834

Objection. Einstein wasn't human. He was the last Anunnaki—vessel carriers of alien species with superior intellect who came to earth to advance us. When they realized humans would use such knowledge to construct nuclear bombs they abandoned us, causing progress in fundamental knowledge to slow to a halt and to reach deadend.

Anonymous No. 16456839

Euler, Gauss and Newton mog him

Anonymous No. 16457140

so smart he was unemployed after getting his phd and had to resort to asking favors for a position as a clerk at a patent office

Anonymous No. 16457154

>of all time
Nah, at best in his time.
But even that polish woman who landed in frogland was smarter in his time.

This guy gets it, Euler, Gauss and Liebniz instead of Newton.

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Anonymous No. 16457185

King of the midwits

Anonymous No. 16457194

faggots that equate money to intelligence are massive retards.

Anonymous No. 16457268

>He's a physicist and not a mathematician.

Anonymous No. 16457325

That is not davinci? Im confused

Anonymous No. 16457335

That’s just anyone after academia

Anonymous No. 16457443

did he copy heavily from other guys?

Anonymous No. 16457554

as far as analytical skills in the physics of the continuum are concerned, probably still the best man we have ever had.
and possibly the best man we ever will have had.

Anonymous No. 16457632

The theories of general and special relativity were a result of decades of work by scientists across various disciplines.
The papers put out by Einstein just tied all the theories together. That's usually how scientific breakthroughs go. Its always the redactor that gets the credit.
A lot of people around the time were putting forth similar theories. But Einstein, being a colorful eccentric and le humble patent clerk, was just the best candidate for being a pop sci rockstar.

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Leibniz Stole New....gif

Anonymous No. 16457664

>Liebniz instead of Newton
Wouldn't Newton be smarter, considering the proven fact that Leibniz stole calculus from him?

Anonymous No. 16458140

his mustache is too wide for that