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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16459562

If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and… does that mean that there are infinite infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…) continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And…(…)…

Anonymous No. 16459652

The rational numbers are dense in themselves but nonetheles are countable
The real numbers are uncountable

Anonymous No. 16459679

How many times will this copypasta be allowed, and can you name a larger infinity?

Anonymous No. 16459696

>the rational numbers are dense in themselves
All sets are dense in themselves, Anon.
But the rationals are also dense in the reals.

Anonymous No. 16459752

Yes, if it ever stopped it wouldn't be infinite

Anonymous No. 16460162

> The real numbers are uncountable
maybe learn to count lol

Anonymous No. 16462110

>The real numbers are uncountable
/sci/ is retarded

Anonymous No. 16462113

>Speaking of which delinquency

Anonymous No. 16463938

There are infinite number of thinkable infinities. So what purpose does that have to our finite grasp of reality may ask. The answer is there is none.

Anonymous No. 16466259


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Anonymous No. 16466316


Anonymous No. 16466395

take an infinite set, like the natural numbers. you can define a bigger one by taking all the permutations of its elements. call this bigger set the 'power set'. do that again and, well, now you have a set of all power sets. there's a power set for that too you know? your brain will always underestimate infinity e.g. there are things that are bigger than any type of cardinality, majestic as unicorns, that will just slip away from comprehension and mock you for as much as you have fucks to give

Anonymous No. 16466406

They don't map onto natural numbers.
Boom. Owari da.

Anonymous No. 16466408

What number is in the power set of all naturals that is not contained in the naturals?

Anonymous No. 16466604

No number (except the empty set) belongs to the power set of the natural numbers. At most, the singleton of each number belongs to the power but [math]n\neq\{n\}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16466687

the power set of the natural numbers has the same cardinality of the real numbers. therefore, any number that is not natural: 1/2, sqrt(2), pi, etc.. can be put to correspondence with an element in that power set