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šŸ§µ Masturbation

Anonymous No. 16459776

What is the real Scienceā„¢ stance on this?
I focus only on this, separately from porn because (1) i think it's obvious enough that frying your brain with giga-stimulus can have some adverse effects and (2) I really can't emphasize with porn addicts personally, because I never needed to throw extra fuel into the fire, and 2 days into NNN i already start to lowkey go insane with zero extra stimulus.
what makes sense to me:
>masturbation can't be too harmful, since too close to sex
>at the same time, it makes sense that going out of your way to abstain can send your body a message to give you hormones that to help you score whore moans
>On the other hand, I'm not aware of any research that would show *lasting* impact on energy, T, etc.
>On yet another hand, it's an interesting experiment and a willpower exercise, also pic related
However, the only results I got from that particular experiment were learning that I'm
(a) an incredibly horny animal
(b) not entirely...ughh...straight.
This time I'm not even sure why I'm participating, out of spite to my animal inside i guess.
Gentlemen, your thoughts?

Anonymous No. 16460116

From personal experience and a few fairly rare anecdotes I've learned that jerking off too much can give you tinnitus, or can worsen tinnitus that was caused by something else.
It sounds implausible because of course your dick isn't connected to your ears, but it can do so by messing with your blood pressure or altering blood flow in your head.

Nutting just once might not do any harm, but if it's a prolonged session where I'm furiously jerking out a 3rd or 4th one, I'll notice the ringing is worse afterward

Anonymous No. 16460118

>What is the real Scienceā„¢ stance on this?
you aren't looking for a real answer by asking on /sci/, you are looking for confirmation bias

Anonymous No. 16461145

I think it's weird how angry some people get about NNN / nofap

Anonymous No. 16461180

My peepee get big when I touch it. I've run the experiment many times and can replicate the results.

Anonymous No. 16461182

If you think that's bad, wait til you see how the low IQ NPC porn-addicted males act when you tell them you can jerk your dick without going insane and most people don't have an issue with it.

Anonymous No. 16461978

I like to nut less frequently because it feels more satisfying when I do. My erections are also stronger when I haven't ejaculated within the last 24 hours. I don't use porn at all, I just use my imagination.

It's like with anything, overstimulation leads to desensitisation. Drinking frequently gives you a tolerance, taking drugs repeatedly gives you a tolerance, same goes for sex/fapping/porn. Yes, even actual sex- Those of you who aren't lonely virgins will know this.

All things in moderation, friends. Balance is the key.

Anonymous No. 16462146

Yeah both are pretty cringe

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Anonymous No. 16462175

>(1) i think it's obvious enough that frying your brain with giga-stimulus can have some adverse effects
those should appear on porn whores and the turbo coomers who fuck them, but apparently they are fine, besides the nor normalized drug use and virtue signaling and voting for kamala

Anonymous No. 16462177

>>(a) an incredibly horny animal
>(b) not entirely...ughh...straight.
>This time I'm not even sure why I'm participating, out of spite to my animal inside i guess.
Animals have sex once per year and they only do it for procreation, contrary to women who are sex addicts and always in heat.
Don't forget that according to atheists, sex is the only ting in common between humans and animals, and animals fuck all the time. This is completely false.
The truth is that animals don't value sex and it is female humans who are inherently sluts...
Atheists deny the truth because they want to pin their degeneracy on ''uncontrollable irrepressible biological urges'' so that they avoid being guilty of degeneracy.

Anonymous No. 16463844


Anonymous No. 16463847

nofap is a meme but porn is evil and will literally turn you gay