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🗑️ 🧵 Space gives women the ick

Anonymous No. 16460059

Anonymous No. 16460064

I fucking hate women (but also agree with her)

Anonymous No. 16460073

Gonna be really funny when basically everyone off earth is a hyper autistic engineer. The bloodline of Martians and spacers will have accidentally been eugenically selected for a predisposition for Factorio. I wonder if it will be a paradise or if something beautiful will be missing. Either way, there will be a civilizational schism almost immediately
>why are Martians all so autistic
>why do Earthers waste money on niggers

Anonymous No. 16460074

Isn't there a difference between enjoying the idea of going to space in a fictional sci fi scenario where it's easier and more commonplace, vs seriously committing and aspiring to be one of the very few people who do it for real?

Though I'm sure asking her to think about this would also give her the ick so whatever

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Anonymous No. 16460076

>no, where are you going, please stay with me here on Earth
She’s so full of herself!

Anonymous No. 16460096

just like my tranime

Anonymous No. 16460101

She is testing to see if you’re actually a normie or a transnorm who is weird deep down

Anonymous No. 16460108

That question is too vague.

Gp visit space and then come back? Anyone who says no to that is a fucking loser.

Anonymous No. 16460149


Anonymous No. 16460157


Anonymous No. 16460198

>stupid whore says dumb broad shit
please tell me more
i am so interested

Anonymous No. 16460311

Good to see that the quality of this website has improved after the latest measures taken by the mods.

Anonymous No. 16460339

>same organization/discord group/schizosz/whomever still spamming clickbait/ragebait/twitter posts/news articles on all boards
>real people need to use email or wait 15 minutes to post
This has to be some coordinated effort by glowniggers to dismantle freedom of expression. I really don't want to believe people in control are this incompetent. I had a one year stint on alt chans, might finally have to return to alt channing this is getting so fucking bad.

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Anonymous No. 16460345

That's fine. Humanity will Conquer the stars without them.

Anonymous No. 16460366

All the alt chans are honeypots or they die in less than a year.

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Anonymous No. 16460382

And this place isnt?

Anonymous No. 16460502

What the fuck is ALTONG?
And why go after /x/ of all places? One of the most harmless boards

Anonymous No. 16460513

>One of the most harmless boards
Only a materialist /sci/tard would think that.

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x ayy lmao this i....png

Anonymous No. 16460519

I stand by that statement

Anonymous No. 16460545

man, women recently have been working overtime to make me hate women

Anonymous No. 16460627

How the fuck does someone even think up something this retarded and say it irl?

Anonymous No. 16460636

The way some people on twitter are interpreting it, it's not real and it's a thinly veiled jab at Elon Musk and his fans

Anonymous No. 16460714

We're hitting longhouse levels that shouldn't even be possible.

Anonymous No. 16460722

Women want a man whose hobby is to travel all over the world (because such a man is probably wealthy). But if he wants to travel upwards, it's suddenly a red flag. Curious.

Anonymous No. 16460724

I don't want to date space nerds either, they're all that's wrong with the world.


Anonymous No. 16460767

And why would anyone want to date women that are so limited.

I was thinking the same.

Anonymous No. 16460782

The super comfy lasted a few years but ow it too is gone.

Anonymous No. 16460810

what am i looking at?

Anonymous No. 16460827

lol stupid vapid bitch

Anonymous No. 16460831

damn, guess i'll not be dating that ugly stuck up cunt. oh well.

Anonymous No. 16460938

Fpbp lmao

Anonymous No. 16460940

Don’t respond to it.

Anonymous No. 16460947

She has likely met several severely rich guys who have bought joyrides into space, found them to be shallow and narcissistic, and generalized to the rest of the population.

Anonymous No. 16460957

typical brown-latina thinking, yet again trying to put down the white woman not in murder yet in her escape to the door -

basically she wants to live on her planet (the white womans) and breed on it all fucking day and be an annoying mess


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Anonymous No. 16460963

The only way is to become a crypto millionaire or win the Lottary. Eitherway it's a once on a lifetime Trip to see the Planet from suborbit

Anonymous No. 16460970

it's sad how every retard can have a strong voice today

Anonymous No. 16460982

Perhaps she could articulate why it's a red flag, but that might be too much work for her few brain cells.

Anonymous No. 16461006

so you're a flerf incel?

Anonymous No. 16461015


Anonymous No. 16461116

>a flerf incel?
A what?

Anonymous No. 16461122

a nigger

Anonymous No. 16461146

No, by the time people are going to space it will become popular and all these women (assuming it is more than one) will quickly change their tune and now wish to go to space

Anonymous No. 16461253

>all these women (assuming it is more than one) will quickly change their tune and now wish to go to space
Why would we allow women in space?
They stay on this mudball with the rest of the filth

Anonymous No. 16461326

An early artificial womb.

Anonymous No. 16461332

flat earth believing(aka flerf) incel

Anonymous No. 16461375

The way a >=7.5/10 human female handles men is the equivalent of a spendthrift billionaire.

Anonymous No. 16461421

Oh, no. Sorry, I'm afraid I don't share your flat earth beliefs, mr incel.

Anonymous No. 16461427

Why do you agree?

Anonymous No. 16461431

Post some good altchans, please.

Anonynous No. 16461437

Basedjak p@rty is okay

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Anonymous No. 16461472

She doesnt get it. She wont ever get it. Such people are not worthy of conversing with.

Anonymous No. 16461476

>humanity can't even go 60 years without looking like crinkled old ball-sacs but we will DEFINITELY conquer the universe

Anonymous No. 16461478

>artificial wombs
demonic tranny incel

Anonymous No. 16461486

Space is gay and theres no pussy or nice restaurants up there.

Anonymous No. 16461539

Artificial wombs are feared by religious people, because those would help non-religious people to flip the tables around and outbreed them, very fast, with quality genetics.
They also would ensure there will be no shortage of workers to sustain the economy.
Women would have no excuse to abort, when they can move the baby into an artificial womb.
Sounds great to me.

Anonymous No. 16461554

Here's a book on how to build restaurants up there

Anonymous No. 16461599

Literally the same thread about this exact same roastie on every board. This is spam, why aren't mods doing anything?

Anonymous No. 16461606

It's the difference between saying you wished you lived in the woods versus quitting your job and squatting in a lean-to in a state park for a year eating berries and shitting in a river.

Permanent space colonization is a one-way trip and I don't know a lot of people who would consider really doing that unless their life is already fairly devoid of attachments (family, friends, etc.).

I love the idea of colonizing space, but I'm not going to go the rest of my life without ever seeing my mom or brother or nephews again.

Anonymous No. 16461662

There aren't any.

Anonymous No. 16461776

Space bros in shambles

Itll just be germany

Anonymous No. 16461788

whitey on the mars

Anonymous No. 16461796

lol mid spic bitch who cares lol

Anonymous No. 16461810

They why do they keep saying that they need some?

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why can't yo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16461964

peak normgroid, she asks a stupid vague question to which most people would go "sure, space is cool, I guess" then makes a massive sweeping judgement about that person based on this alone

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manned space wein....jpg

Anonymous No. 16461977

It even gives nobel laureate physicists the ick, so I'm not surprised

Anonymous No. 16461991

The only good altchan was 420chan and that died a few years ago.

Anonymous No. 16461995

>Women would have no excuse to abort
Debilitating cognitive genetic diseases are not enough of a reason to abort a baby?

Anonymous No. 16461996

>not doing embryo selection
Mandatory abortions for all non-selected embryos.

Anonymous No. 16462001

>embryo selection
Wait, is that even possible? I tried looking it up just now, but i can't open up ncbi webpages for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16462004

Yeah theres a couple companies that do it like orchid.
>one of the first results when you google it is a nature article whining about the tech

Anonymous No. 16462006

Does it cover the cultivation of truly gourmand food, or just bugslop for the space zogslaves in their pods?

Anonymous No. 16462008

My main argument for supporting abortion was not women's rights or any sham that resembles it, but rather the myriad of genetic problems ( especially cognitive ) that could be avoided in case they occur.
>one of the first results when you google it is a nature article whining about the tech
Haven't read anything of the sort... yet. Could you give me a qrd on the status of embryo selection technology and what does it do?

Anonymous No. 16462024

Eugenics isn't practiced when signs are not obvious. If society is aborting unviables, it should start with the blue hairs.

Anonymous No. 16462032

>If society is aborting unviables, it should start with the blue hairs.
How would you bureaucratically implement that? You would have moralfags and simps on your doorstep the moment you submit a hypothesis into academia. If you wanted to frame the problem and make it clear, how would you do it?

In a liberal society, there is no greater sin than to discriminate against someone based on essential features of their identity. As such, language that demonstrates hostility on the basis of race, religion, or gender, is designated hate speech. Crimes motivated by prejudice are prosecuted more readily with offenders receiving longer sentences. There is, however, one group for whom the foregoing legal protections do not apply; unattractive men. Discrimination based on physical appearance is a pervasive form of prejudice limiting the life opportunities for millions of people worldwide. But instead of being stigmatized, lookism is often encouraged and celebrated in modern society, especially when the victims are male, and the perpetrators female.

From an evolutionary perspective, this gynocentric bias is not surprizing. In The animal kingdom, female choice is the older form of discrimination. Since females make more parental investment than males, they are more selective about whom they accept as a mate. Therefore, in the struggle for reproduction, males compete, females choose. By the same token, women are intuitive eugenicists, allowing only the most attractive men to pass on their genes.

Anonymous No. 16462041

My society, my choice.

Anonymous No. 16462044

Incels have convinced themselves the medical companies developing artificial wombs for early neonatal development in premature babies are going to be used for them to reproduce without women
Their real purposes is only to support a fetus if it can't be gestated to turn in the mother (ie health conditions where a person who may need to terminate a pregnancy at 3 to 5 months can instead have an implanted to term, they could help reduce the amount of medically necessitated abortions)
There isn't a single company on Earth trying to develop artificial wombs for incels, or single person investing any amount of money into RND for it, it's just a weird fantasy

Anonymous No. 16462046

You are not powerful enough to make such a statement. What can you do?

Anonymous No. 16462048

>a little too full of yourself
It's funny how anon is so easily triggered, but I don't think she was saying she doesn't like nerds (which girl does?).
It probably means: it's ok if you're rich , that's what I want too, but you shouldn't be too much of a jerk. (i.e. no elon musk)

Anonymous No. 16462052

>Haven't read anything of the sort... yet
This is the one.
>Could you give me a qrd on the status of embryo selection technology and what does it do?
It's pretty well established, mostly for now just weeding out illnesses but theres talk of a company coming out of stealth for IQ selection.

Anonymous No. 16462061

>The selection of embryos on the basis of these predictions is not yet supported by science.
>Moreover, the societal implications of using complex genetic tests to choose embryos has not yet been fully considered.
How exactly are those arguments? If research has not been done yet, then it will be.

I don't get it, what does their critique come down to?
>but theres talk of a company coming out of stealth for IQ selection.
I guess time will tell how this turns out.. unless the masses moralfag their way into societal dissolution.

Anonymous No. 16462062

I wouldn't be so sure about the research.
Like antiaging since it's a very sensitive topics many researchers try to fly under the radar with more reassuring names.

Anonymous No. 16462066

>I don't get it, what does their critique come down to?
They don't really have one besides the moral argument. But they're at least lucid enough to realize anyone who'd use this tech isn't going to agree so with that gone all they have left to argue is vague gesturing towards a supposed lack of evidence. You gotta realize their only goal to stop people from using this tech so they'll say whatever they think will achieve that goal.

Anonymous No. 16462078

>You gotta realize their only goal to stop people from using this tech so they'll say whatever they think will achieve that goal.
Since their arguments are empty, what is it that pushes them? Financial incentives? Are they sponsored by people who would profit were the technology to be discarded? I don't see how tycoons would profit from retard babies being born.

Anonymous No. 16462082

Firstly, literally who?
Secondly, I wonder if she has the self-awareness to see the irony in someone like her telling others they are too full of themselves.

Anonymous No. 16462102

>Since their arguments are empty, what is it that pushes them?
They just axiomatically believe eugenics to be morally wrong and any control over genes=eugenics.
Thats it.

Anonymous No. 16462161

Q: If a cognitive genetic defect manages to be detected by embryo selection tech, what can be done about it?

Anonymous No. 16462257

She knows that right wing chud nerds are into space. Smart woman.

Anonymous No. 16462312

What is written on that flag?
> I'm just a pseud who has no his own goals, so he's ready to be a guinea pig for pockocmoc, to be exposed to large doses of radiation for no real reason (there's literally no reason to have men in space, as Freeman Dyson said: it's more like sports at this point (and sportsmen are also retards who at the same time dare to be full of themselves, so no contradiction here either))

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Anonymous No. 16462337

>women are intuitive eugenicists
Are you sure about that?

Anonymous No. 16462355

Yes. The only eugenics they practice is at an intuitive level, they can't comprehend anything beyond that because that's what natural selection decreed they do throughout the course of human history, although exceptions exist. Historically, violent/handsome traits have been selected for, and they stuck with humanity, even in a liberal society. Their behavior did not change with the industrial revolution. They still select for the same primitive things, and not for intellect, because that's what nature taught them to do.

Anonymous No. 16462364

>little too full of yourself
ironic coming from a woman

Anonymous No. 16462371

>They still select for the same primitive things, and not for intellect, because that's what nature taught them to do.
Then the selection patterns aren't eugenic, now are they?

Anonymous No. 16462381

I thought the term referred to encouraging the reproduction of people considered to have desirable traits and discouraging or preventing the reproduction of people considered to have undesirable traits. That's what they did, except that they were stuck without an update. We progressed technologically too quickly for our intuitions to adapt to them, making our previous eugenic tendencies work against us in the long term. That's why we love salt, sugar, and fat so much, even though they are easily harmful in excess; they were scarce in the past, so our bodies learned to consume them as much as possible when the opportunity arises.

So in that sense, yes. Female selection patterns are eugenic no longer. Males still are though. War, blood, and soil will always be fundamental to the male sex role, and they will be needed for eons to come. Unfortunately we live in a liberal society that promotes female discrimination ( an dysgenic tendency in the modern age ), while penalizing male desire with shame.

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Anonymous No. 16462390



Spanish and hyphenated last names are an immediate sign of mental illness in women. avoid.

Anonymous No. 16462399

>I thought the term referred to encouraging the reproduction of people considered to have desirable traits and discouraging or preventing the reproduction of people considered to have undesirable traits.
I don't know of a single eugenicist who wouldn't argue that intelligence was not a desirable trait or that low intelligence was an undesirable trait. Intelligence was the primary trait focused on by eugenicists (especially early eugenicists) as the trait highly correlates with social class.

Anonymous No. 16462404

Was not an undesirable trait*

Anonymous No. 16462447

So, any explanation why there is a selectyion against cognitive ability and educational attainment? I am not confident about where we are heading, idiocracy, perhaps?

Anonymous No. 16462533

Well, you're right. It's just that the measure for what makes a man "smart" has changed from our days as primates, but women's instinctive perception of it has not. This discrepancy is what causes the problem of women acting in ways that are ultimately dysgenic to the collective.

I think that i don't disagree with you, but it's just that we kind of differently understand the words that we need to express it.

Anonymous No. 16462541

My biggest guess is that this is driven by Hollywood making a bunch of movies portraying criminals as sexxy and the fact that bastard children are subsidized by the state. In the middle ages intelligence was positively selected for because if you had more money you generally had more surviving children.

goes in all fields No. 16462564

why are women unable to separate topics? the fact that I love the tech and also that I would totally travel to space if offered a free or cheap ride doesn't mean I am a Musk lover

Anonymous No. 16462671

ZOG is set up in such a way that you'd have to be functionally retarded to go along with it, so people who ask too many questions get priced out of the things that preclude starting a family.

Anonymous No. 16462863

It's not necessarily that they are unable, they're just always willing to use guilt by association as a tactic against their chosen targets.

Anonymous No. 16462907

You realize this happens all the time with immigration, right?

Anonymous No. 16462910

Madness tends to be the most divinest sense.

Anonymous No. 16463465

They just won't implant that embryo.

Anonymous No. 16463468

Wow, that means we would be able to preemptively decide the genetic properties of our offspring. This changes everything. I really hope it would not be used to make us into obedient negroes instead of the next optimized human model that is to exist.

Anonymous No. 16463479

>Wow, that means we would be able to preemptively decide the genetic properties of our offspring
Well no, they just do the standard IVF stuff but after the embryo starts to develop they take a few cells to sequence the genome. It's not preemptive, you can only do it after the egg has been fertilized.