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๐Ÿงต Can someone suggest me a nice Calculus book for beginners?

Anonymous No. 16460124

Anonymous No. 16460200

Barron's E-Z Calculus? It's the one currently on my shelf at the moment. You give no information about your math abilities so I can't help you out much beyond that.

Anonymous No. 16460202

>Barron's E-Z Calculus
they're pretty shit in fact i said a math book for beginners

Anonymous No. 16460247

Browse this review collection.
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There's MathSciNet but is available by subscription only, or if you are enrolled in a good university,

Anonymous No. 16460308

Spivak's "Calculus, 3rd Edition". Best freshman introductory text around. Plenty of legal, free download pdfs available.

Anonymous No. 16461001

Books are cool and all, but a more interactive format would be useful. Khan Academy has a great set of videos, articles and automatically graded exercises. Plus it's free.