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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Problem: too much CO2. Solution: Use spotlights to force plants to do photosynthesis at night

Anonymous No. 16460854

If there is too much CO2 in the air, the most optimal solution is to use plants to turn that CO2 into oxygen via photosynthesis.

You don't need to plant more trees (though doing that is always a good idea), all you need to do is to get the trees you've already planted to work overtime.

Thanks to humanity's complete dependence on plants not just for food, but also for drinks (beer, coffee, tea, etc.), medicines, and even clothes (cotton), we have trillions upon trillions of plants in farms turning CO2 into oxygen. Unfortunately, they only do this during the day.

Photosynthesis needs light, but it doesn't have to be sunlight per se. Any light will work so long as it's strong enough. So you can place spotlights on farms to help the plants do photosynthesis at night. You can even connect the spotlights to wind turbines so they are self-sufficient and don't need to be connected to the power grid.

This could potentially double the amount of CO2 turned into oxygen in the farm, while also increasing food production, and it should pay for itself thanks to that increase in food production.

This is the most efficient, most effective, cheapest way to deal with any extra CO2 in the air because it would turn that CO2 into food at virtually no cost, and could be deployed and be fully functional worldwide in a matter of months.

The current approach of trying to reduce CO2 emissions (which has proven to be a complete failure for 50 years) has 2 inherent flaws:

First off, reducing CO2 emissions does NOT reduce the amount of CO2 that is already in the air. You're going to need plants to deal with that no matter what.

And second, unless you can convince 8 billion people and trillions of animals to stop breathing, the total amount of CO2 released into the air every day isn't going to go down by much anyway, even if you convince everyone to stop using fossil fuels. Increasing Earth's capacity to turn CO2 into oxygen is the only sensible way to go, and only plants can do that.

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Anonymous No. 16460884

>Just don't sleep bro, it's healthy for you bro!
>Just burn electricity and trillions of light bulbs to stop pollution, you know like we use to make that electricity and the light bulbs. No that's not a positive feedback loop of pollution bro.

My response:

t. horticulturist

Anonymous No. 16460887

>You can even connect the spotlights to wind turbines so they are self-sufficient and don't need to be connected to the power grid.
how about we connect ourselfes to wind turbines? problem solved.

besides that, I hope you realize that its not working without blowing out literally endless addidional CO2 for those lights and the wind turbines.
you have no idea how much more this would need to work. it would be like 10 or 100 times more power demand. maybe even more. sun does 1000 W/m2. make an estimation with the surface of land yourself.
you would also have to consider the heat generated by the lamps, the material consumption for the cables and so on.
then there would be an incredible light pollution, it would kill the most animals and you would probably have to contend with waves of pests as a result.
the plants would not double their growth either, their biology has certainly adapted and optimized itself for nocturnal regeneration.

and even if all of this had worked, the increased biomass would still decompose every year, namely when the plants die.
if you really want to store more co2, you would also have to increase the area for plant growth.

Anonymous No. 16460895

Picrel is false, plants love magenta light, not yellow light

Anonymous No. 16460904

Retard take.

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Anonymous No. 16460906

Yup, it should be a basic fact that plants love this color, not yellow

Anonymous No. 16460909

maybe this was posted by an underage.
I wouldnt call that retarded, he will grow up and learn.
you always have to be allowed to fail when you try. thats the only way we learn.

Anonymous No. 16460913

It's almost certainly the spammer

Anonymous No. 16460916

ye probably.

Anonymous No. 16460966

>blah, blah, blah
We'd just end up burning the plants to generate electricty to run the lights.

Anonymous No. 16460983

No, it's very retarded and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about how the world works from a biological, chemical, physical, and economical standpoint. It's as retarded as being a flat earther.

Anonymous No. 16460988

Here's a neat idea: if you don't want to be called a retard then stop shitting up the math and science board.

Anonymous No. 16461115

pls tell that also to the climate denier posters and those who constantly post /pol/ threads.

/pol/ motivated threads right now
>Is evolutiona finally proven to be true, or is it still a theory?
>Why does this happen?
>How good are standardized tests for judging someone's ability
>Can you faggots explain this shit
>History of peer review
>scientifically speaking, what is the root cause of homosexuality?
and probably more

Anonymous No. 16461120

It's a problem that doesn't exist. CO2 levels SHOULD be at least 3x what they currently are. We're in a desert, cold, CO2 sparse climate right now. It's extremely bad for life.

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The Device+MIT.png

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16461194

I'd like to thank MIT for producing this knowledge that improved the efficiency of my vacuum distillation "Device", and helping me "win the global water wars"

>MIT's addition is in light green

congrats, MIT, you have have just solved the Icing problem.

as an addendum to your brilliant research into the chloroplast molecule and the thylakoid structure, I would suggest there might be a photon frequency counterpoint which encourages condensation.

Imagine! total photonic vacuum desalination, no heat pump required, except maybe as a booster!

in reference to the water wars, that would be a Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Missile with Multiple-Indepentantly-targetting-Reentry-Vehicles armed with ThermoNuclear warheads.

"Good shit"

>Pssssst... try indigo or violet.

it takes a different amount of energy to FORCIBLY GASSIFY water, than it takes to add moisture to an under-saturated atmosphere?

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16461212


Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16461222

>>Pssssst... try indigo or violet.

>or red.

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Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16461225



Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16461229

Fractal Antenna.

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16461261

>Also it has no internal moving parts

>Not to mention, no filters that need replacing.

Anonymous No. 16461419

We all need to do our part to call out the retards without engaging with them in a way they find meaningful or entertaining. Call them a retard and leave.

Anonymous No. 16461543

last time I tried it with 'faggot' and got banned. :D

Anonymous No. 16461626

I've been calling retards retards for months without getting banned. Just make sure it's not the only thing you're posting.

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CO2 famine.jpg

Anonymous No. 16461637

>If there is too much CO2 in the air
there isn't
there is not enough CO2 in the air
life is carbon based, not oxygen based

Anonymous No. 16461707

sounds like a job creator, even better than throwing bricks through windows to boost GDP

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Anonymous No. 16461719


Anonymous No. 16461743

Question for you anon. When did stop pollution turn into climate change?
I'm curious because I see a lot less stop pollution campaigning these days and it's all focused on CO2 output.

Anonymous No. 16462231


No you don't, retard. Why do you think straws have been being banned, sulfur emissions are being limited, ect., ect.? You only key into climate change because it makes you irrationally angry.

Anonymous No. 16465345


Anonymous No. 16465359

Where are you going to get that energy from?

Anonymous No. 16467806

bump since this is an intelligent thread

Anonymous No. 16467826

No it isn't, retard.

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Anonymous No. 16468390

>it takes a different amount of energy to FORCIBLY GASSIFY water, than it takes to add moisture to an under-saturated atmosphere?
Yes. To go from the under-saturated partial pressure P1 to the other you supply pressure-volume work >=nRT ln(P2/P1), which is not much compared with the amount needed to vaporize so he doesn't go into it in the talk.