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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16461288

Pathogenic viruses are fake and gay.
Some months ago I got job at the airport.
I encounter 100 -1000's different people every day.
My job means talking directly to many of them face to face all day long.
My new colleagues told me to expect to get sick fairly quickly because of this, they said everyone does.
Indeed, I've seen them getting sick fairly frequently over 6 months.
However, I have not gotten sick once since I started, because I don't believe in pathogenic viruses.
I am fully convinced much of the illness we attribute to viruses is psychosomatic based on people's own belief that other humans are swimming with illness causing virus and getting close to them will make you sick eventually.
Since I know that whole virus paradigm is bullshit, I know that merely encountering many people wont make me sick, so I don't get sick.
What's more, I can more clearly than my colleagues see what makes them get sick - lack of sleep, bad diet, and even yes, the psychosomatic aspect - they are expecting almost desiring to get sick - to prove that the work environment is bad and valid to complain about.
And so they get sick - and then say "See! this is a terrible environment to work in!"

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Anonymous No. 16461302

>I have not gotten sick once since I started, because I don't believe in pathogenic viruses.

Anonymous No. 16461363

I agree 100% and it annoys me when people complain about germs. For the first 20 years of my life, I quite literally never got sick. I never even thought about germs. Now, my job is literally requiring masks again, even though study after study has proven that they don't work. They even got mad at me when I wasn't wearing one. Wearing a mask quite literally blocks your ability to intake oxygen and causes respiratory problems because YOU CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE WITH A MUZZLE ON YOUR FACE. I hate normalfaggots so much.

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Anonymous No. 16461497

Sorry, I couldn't hear you behind the cuck muzzle.

Anonymous No. 16461570

This Anon can't breathe.

Anonymous No. 16461733

the actual sickness comes from
someone genetically engineering new variants and spreading them intentionally.

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Anonymous No. 16461740

No OP, u r fake n gay.

I wear an N95 inside of an N100, and I eat near the tolerable upper intake limits of zinc and copper, because I actually understand this shit better than you are our shit-tier public "health" authorities.

Anonymous No. 16461807

>Pathogenic viruses
As opposed to what? Is there a non-pathogenic type of virus you'd like to tell us about?
A virus can basically only do one thing, which is be a pathogen- infect cells and make copies of itself

Anonymous No. 16461811

There are viruses who infect viruses.
Checkmate atheist.

Anonymous No. 16461815

Not what pathogen means. It means "causes disease", not "replicate".
Although I'm not convinced that viruses don't cause disease. It is true that we have foreign microbes on and in us at all times, and we only see effects when there is already serious malfunction or cell death.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16461832

This is why we have to make sure abortion stays illegal. OP's mom could have prevented this mistake, but I will never be able to un-read this shit.

Anonymous No. 16461834

This is why we have to make sure abortion stays legal. OP's mom could have prevented this mistake, but I will never be able to un-read this shit.

Anonymous No. 16461943

>However, I have not gotten sick once since I started
Sincere question: do you have ancestors from the Far East?

Anonymous No. 16461973

>Although I'm not convinced that viruses don't cause disease
Do you have a single argument in favor of viruses causing diseases?

Anonymous No. 16463194

When it's winter people spend more time indoors together in groups. They then do more coughing and sneezing. It still seems plausible to me that respiratory viruses being passed around are causing that. It makes sense for the reproductive benefit perspective of these viruses. If a strain is new, then it's NOT everywhere yet, so people getting sick could actually correlate with exposure somewhat, unlike with most bacteria or fungus.
And no, it's not proof.
For my health, I focus on the "terrain" way of looking at it, because I can positively effect my health that way, much more than fretting about exposure to microbes. And that's assuming germ theory even partially explains what we see; even then it's almost always better to get your own health together and not worry about germs.

Anonymous No. 16463269

Interesting theory op, I'm not sure I agree with most of what you're saying but I also elected to just not believe in disease in same way I chose not to believe in God, and I haven't been sick a day in my life and I'm now in my late 30's.

Something about anecdotal experiences not being a good basis to make claims other than conjecture. But sure, maybe you're onto something, maybe.

Anonymous No. 16463273

Also wanted to mention that I'm going to die on April 17th 2036 at 4:32pm EST while taking a shit on the toilet, I will have some form of chest pain that I am unable to differentiate between a heart attack or psychotic anxiety from the realization of my own pre cognitive awareness of my own death, causing me to stand and bump my head on the wall while doing so. My idea of the ideal afterlife is an eternal inferno of fractal fire upon which I will refine all aspects of limits from my own consciousness so that I might understand what it is like to walk upon the many suns without detractions. Reality is quite convenient, and while I'm more in the resemblance of a larper than genuine merit I fully intend to enter the bathroom on the accounted for date and time.