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Anonymous No. 16463066

Where did the notion that More muscle = less intelligence come from and why does it still exist?

Anonymous No. 16463315

People want to live in a world where fighting is done by morons only

Anonymous No. 16463395

You can only intake so much oxygen and both the brain and muscles are fighting for it.

Anonymous No. 16463407

ecto cope

Anonymous No. 16463458

dumb and poor = manual work = muscles
But who knows the real "origin"

Anonymous No. 16463471

from 80s TV series I think

Anonymous No. 16463473

>dumb and poor = manual work = muscles
That is simply untrue. Manual labor does not properly provoke hypertrophy enough to optimally form large muscles. Especially when you're dumb and poor.

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Anonymous No. 16463540

Some part of it is probably collider bias, the same reason attractiveness and intelligence might seem to be negatively correlated if you only look at famous people.

Anonymous No. 16463616

Same goes for caloric intake.

Anonymous No. 16463662

The more energy you spend for muscles, the less energy you have for your brain= stupid.

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Anonymous No. 16463913

Anonymous No. 16463987

Nobody ever said that

Anonymous No. 16464040

Silly answers. The body knows how to adapt to increased energy needs (eating more)

Anonymous No. 16464137

The higher your metabolism is the faster your brain works. The brain uses 20% of the calories burned by the body. If your base metabolic rate is 1600 calories then your brain will use 20% less energy during the day than if your base metabolic rate were 2000 calories and you will end up thinking less.

Anonymous No. 16464190

Extremes and excess over balence.

There are many in the center of the venn diagram of brains and brawn.

Due to fierce competition and specialization and momentum, and the fact that both stimulation of the mind is pleasurable (enough) and exercise stimulation of the body is pleasurable (enough), it is easily possible for a person to get carried away over the course of years with an obsession towards one particular pole at the neglect of the other.

The extremes being:
The massive body builder
And the brilliant scrawny nerd

Especially with the quick off to the races of youth.
The football player sees the benefits of their body
The nerd reads about computers and physics and machines for 10 hours a day straight

bodhi No. 16464249

people whose job or hobby it is generally do not have the time to be a book worm, they spend their time working out/training and people whose job is to specialize rarely have the time to work out, they spend it studying. It isnt rocket science

Anonymous No. 16464542

So if a car was dropped on your body, it would just know how to increase energy needs to not get squashed by the impact?

Anonymous No. 16464595

Retarded strawman.

Anonymous No. 16464598

Nope, a demonstration that the body is easily saturated and can't just provide whatever energy demands you desire.

Anonymous No. 16465454

I agree with this >>16464040, this >>16464137
and the answers linked in >>16464040.
this isn't a contradiction, you have to eat more, and, in the meantime, or if you don't eat enough, you are fucked.
I remember when I went from no exercise to heavy exercise 3 days a week, and I had to eat a LOT more. my muscles grew quite fast in that time. I didn't feel too tired, dumb or anything like that though, but I didn't do any intellectual work other than my daily job.

Anonymous No. 16465491

Weird, I wonder if there are some exercises that can make the heart and lungs more efficient at transporting oxygen. I guess we'll never know

Anonymous No. 16465496

Meme logic. If you work out 3 hours a week you will be fitter than 90% of the population. Time is not the limiting factor

Anonymous No. 16465800

It's not a notion. It's the truth.

Anonymous No. 16466954

There is still an upper limit, still only so much oxygen to go around, you still have to choose between intense study or intense workout to either build your mind or muscles since time is also limited.

Ok, but you still sacrificed 3 hours a week of study to work out, so you are still that much dumber and have less information than if you studied or spent the time gathering more information instead.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16466990

from retards that believe living in a city makes you intelligence compared to people that live in rural areas
CIVIlians that dislike PAGANs basically

Anonymous No. 16467053

Managing a larger social network does lead to greater intelligence, though.

Anonymous No. 16467066

>not studying in between reps
>not listening to lectures while you work out

Anonymous No. 16467076

You are like all the fat women who think they can watch netflix and browse facebook at the same time, but they just end up having no idea what is going on in either space and have to ask their boyfriend to explain what actually happened.

Anonymous No. 16467079

Are you telling me that you're so mentally inadequate that you can't multitask? Especially when one is just repetitive physical labor?

Anonymous No. 16467093

No, you can't multitask efficiently, nobody can, each thing suffers from the focus you are putting on something else.

Anonymous No. 16467110

Sounds like cope from someone who is never gunna make it.

Anonymous No. 16467114

>t. the anon too busy opening dozens of threads they can barely keep track of to impotently seethe about other people behind the cover of online anonymity to ever actually start exercising or studying

Anonymous No. 16467123

Cope harder. I used to be 340lbs, and with the help of some /fit/izens, I got a gym membership and came up with a workout routine and lost 140lbs over the course of a year. I lift three times a week, and went from being a fat loser to being a buff loser, because lifting still can't cure my 'tism.

Anonymous No. 16467134

You still can't compete with real athletes or make any real academic contributions since you spread yourself too thin.

Anonymous No. 16467158

I'm not taking care of my body to compete with athletes that train for the sake of competition. I'm doing it for the health benefits. And if you think 3 hours a week is going to cuck you out of your intelligence, you're only exposing how low IQ you actually are. Might as well not ever sleep, if we're going to apply that logic of 'time spent on non mentally stimulating activities = less smart than anyone else who didn't do that and focused instead'. Same thing can be said about cooking, eating, going to the bathroom, showering, shaving, and even things like getting dressed. You aren't studying during that time, therefore you are now more retarded than someone who didn't do any of that and just kept reading. Great logic there, pal. Totally not coping and seething at all, I'm sure. I'll totally be the fool when some lardass who studied more than me clocks out at 47 due to heart disease, while I still keep on keepin' on. Yep. That'll certainly show me. How dare I keep myself fit instead of expanding my mind an extra 3 hours a week.

Anonymous No. 16467188

Dumb people who don't have the brains to be successful often build muscle as a coping mechanism. For them it's a desperate attempt at attaining self-worth despite being otherwise unsuccessful in life, and combined with the being stupid to begin with, they are more likely to push it to self-destructive extremes with steroids. Many low skill, low intelligence jobs involve physical labor on top of that.

Intelligent people capable of using their intelligence to be successful have no need for such copes are spending their time in other ways, so they're less likely to pursue bodybuilding to begin with, and if they decide to, it's mostly to maintain good health or as a hobby. The former is obviously mutually exclusive with going to self-destructive extremes. The latter can still lead to elf-destructive extremes, but it's tempered by intelligence, so still less likely.

TL;DR retards have nothing better to do and are likely to roid, non-retards have a lot of other things to do and if they do hit the gym, they don't roid

Anonymous No. 16467192

>watch netflix and browse facebook
These are essentially the same type of mental activity, as they both require processing information. Lifting on the other hand is physical and, after just a few gym sessions, becomes a routine task that requires barely/no mental processing at all, so it can easily be combined with studying. Retard.

Anonymous No. 16468212

General idea around tradeoffs

Anonymous No. 16468231

Steroid use decreases some forms of intelligence, literally.
Since most people can't tell bodybuilders use steroids, they confuse that with muscle mass.
This is probably one of the reasons people associate muscle with being dumb.

Anonymous No. 16468369

everyday experience supports it.

bodhi No. 16468383

I said RARELY not always gimp. It is where the stereotype comes from because the logic is sound, you are just an idiot

Anonymous No. 16468996

Nice cope, but wrong, the fitter you are, the more energy your brain uses. Have you ever noticed that athletes are massively successful and wimp science nerds are all poor? Thats because athletes are smarter than nerds.

Anonymous No. 16469175

It's a manner of cope that there is a cap on stats which you allocate to certain attributes. The unfortunate reality is that people with the discipline, nutrition, and general capability to amass a substantial amount of muscle without steroids have higher than average intelligence.

Whenever I think of smart, educated people, I think of professor Leonard. I only think of scrawny autists when it's legitimate geniuses like Scholze.

Anonymous No. 16469176

>The higher your metabolism is the faster your brain works.
Where did you read this. Does this mean that increasing your metabolism increases your brain clock speed?

Anonymous No. 16469179

>Meme logic. If you work out 3 hours a week you will be fitter than 90% of the population. Time is not the limiting factor
True, it's discipline. You could easily cut out 3 hours a week from scrolling reddit, or even overlap waiting on meals in the oven, listening to music, etc with working out. If you truly want to be in shape and in good health but are unable to do so, you're simply an idiot or lack discipline.

Anonymous No. 16469207

>Does this mean that increasing your metabolism increases your brain clock speed?
Of course it does.
Its completely insane to believe that the brain, which is an organ of the body, is somehow going to perform better the less healthy the body is. The only people who would believe something so stupid would someone like a sissified wimps who are looking for an excuse to avoid exercise.

Anonymous No. 16469935

>The higher your metabolism is the faster your brain works.
The speed of your metabolism is defined by the combined speed of all the chemical reactions in your body, retard. This is the equivalent of saying
>fast cars are more expensive, therefore my shitbox will go faster if i get expensive rims and a paintjob

Anonymous No. 16469980

>be beta high IQ person (every intellectual ever)
>get bullied by stronger idiots
>emotional trauma causes you to oversimplify the issue and find a common denominator for all your bullies
>them being physically stronger fits nice and tight this parameter
>whine about how bei g /fit/ makes you a dumbass
>other equally emotionally stunted nerds agree with you for same reason

Anonymous No. 16469983

Except that biological bodies are not cars, you fallacious inbred retard.

Anonymous No. 16469989

>being this fucking flacid
Working out improves all areas of life. Classical literature considers a fit body a value. It has been the subject of many classical arts for several dozen centuries, an endeavor only taken by up by the intectuals. It improves blood flow, oxygenation, as well as the literal capacity one has for movement, which means a fit person can travel more and further than one who is not thus increasing his chances of learning, discovering, etc
You're just weak and angry about it. Your will is weak and so are your ideas.

Anonymous No. 16470047

Alright, let me simplify so even a room temperature IQ individual such as yourself should understand.
>metabolism = all chemical reactions in the body
>all chemical reactions in the body != chemical reactions involving the brain
No, being a class III obese hambeast with 3244 kcal TDEE doesn't make your brain work faster. Neither does being a bodybuilder.
>b-but muh 20% calories used by the brain
A generalized estimate for the average person, not an exact linear function.

Anonymous No. 16470055

Post body faggot