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Anonymous No. 16464192

Is there anything I can do to increase my Working Memory? There are some aspects of life where I'm effectively disable because of my poor memory.

Anonymous No. 16464196

get some crank from a drug dealer

Anonymous No. 16464198

I used to take stimulants but they gave me seizures. I'm also black if matters. I just don't think we evolved to hold lots of information in our heads at one time.

Anonymous No. 16464214

just smoke weed and complain about racism mang.

Anonymous No. 16464227

Does it get boring being this unfunny? I'm being serious. Do you think smoking weed and complaining about racism is a fulfilling life or some kind of funny joke?

Anonymous No. 16464234

dual n back

Anonymous No. 16464262

everything is a tradeoff

Good working memory inhibits your ability to take in new information because you're chunking so much.

Likewise good comprehension of information means working memory will suffer because good comprehension requires details and exceptions that cant be chunked

Anonymous No. 16464273

What kind of career would you imagine somebody with this profile has? Also, what field do you think they can succeed in?

raphael No. 16464295

take adderall wmi is usually fixed cogntive decline is a bitch just or weight lift

Anonymous No. 16464333

What test is this? Did you take it online?

Anonymous No. 16464336

Read fiction literature everyday, do university mathematics everyday, try the memory palace technique, and use a dictionary often.

Anonynous No. 16464366

>Does it get boring being this unfunny? I'm being serious. Do you think smoking weed and complaining about racism is a fulfilling life or some kind of funny joke?
Based nog sincerity.

I recommend reading "The Power Of Concentration" by William Walker Atkinson and "Memory and how to Cultivate it" by William Walker Atkinson.

Audiobooks for both are on YouTube, but both are on gutenberg if you want to read with your eyeballs.

Anonynous No. 16464367

You've got a lot of typos. I'm curious. Are you living in Africa, because I think most American blacks would have fewer spelling mistakes. Not trying to be smug. Just insatiably curious.

Anonymous No. 16464374

Dual n-black

Anonymous No. 16464404

its probably more important to just ask yourself honestly 'what am i good at'

my input on your career would be about as helpful as a horoscope mate

Anonymous No. 16464428

Lol no. I've lived in Europe/North America my entire life. I just never got into the habit of proofreading my posts online, but even still I'm generally a pretty poor writer. I remember one of my friends, who gets paid to write, was expecting me to be a great writer based on our conversations, but ended up disappointed when he finally read something I wrote.
All good. I don't think I'm particularly talented at anything, but I enjoy coding which is my job. I've seen people on r/cognitivetesting get their scores interpreted and figured I'd give it a go.

Anonymous No. 16465296

You could try dual n back but its mostly just your genetics

Anonymous No. 16465299

not to mention past a certain age its just decline decline decline no matter how much you train... imagine doing working memory training as a 90yo expecting to whip the whippersnappers lol

Anonymous No. 16465331

a local LLM using RAG on your own notes

Anonymous No. 16465363

This is kind of scary desu. If my memory is operating at the same level as a boomer's when I'm 23, what the fuck is going to happen to me when I actually get old.

Anonymous No. 16465380

most likely going to be fully senile and reliant on others sadly

Anonymous No. 16465381

Fuck. As long as I remain "normal" till 60 I think I'll be fine.