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🧵 mental illness is real

Anonymous No. 16466614

If psychiatry isnt real how come some people have been to the psych ward multiple times and have real psychiatry issues like legit schizophrenia and bipolar disorder that cause serious non meme issues? I have a relative who has mania that causes him to legit not sleep for days and even when he gets admitted and pumped with drugs doctors can't even get him to sleep no matter what drug they pump with him for days and days and they have to try a cocktail of drugs over the course of a week until they find some random shit that works lol.

And every time it has to be a new one like he is on #7 for psych ward visits and Depakote, trazadone, Seroquel etc etc worked and they have to keep trying new ones each visit because the last ones stop working. Explain this /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16466621

Retards have no theory of mind. If they haven’t seen it personally, it doesn’t exist.

On the flipside, mentally ill retards can’t comprehend what it’s like to be of sound mind. So they believe that everyone is as batshit as they are, and that mental illness isn’t real.

Anonymous No. 16466628

Illnesses that mainly affect the mind are real but psychiatrists barely understand them and the drugs they use to manage them often barely work (or just plain don't work, or have side effects that are worse than the original problem, or seem to help the problem in the short term but worsen it in the long term)

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Anonymous No. 16466691

They're being too careful about doses or he spits out the pills.

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Anonymous No. 16466696

I have schizophrenia. I hear voices that are not my inner monologue. It just suddenly happened to me one day and then got worse over the course of a year. I tried to rationalize it, like what could possibly be causing the voices. I thought maybe it was technology and was being tested like MKULTRA or something. So I just got really paranoid trying to rationalize what was happening to me.

I also can no longer focus on a single task. It's like ADHD but even more extreme. I go on tangents uncontrollably and have a million thoughts running in my mind at any moment. Disorganized thinking and speech is absolutely debilitating. When you can't focus long enough to even write an email and your brain just goes off the rails to some random subject you completely forget what you were doing before. 'm not stupid. As part of the psych exams I took, an IQ test was one of them. I have an IQ of 145. I'm knowledgeable in many subjects and I'll ramble on from talking about quantum mechanics to how the RCS signature of the b-21 works within a couple sentences.

The medication helps a lot but I still have very bad days. I'm still paranoid and think that I'm being tested by some shadow group. Pattern recognition is one of the symptoms and I see the same imagery over and over again while browsing the internet or watching TV. Just like John Nash would see his peers wearing red ties and thinking they were part of a secret communist conspiracy ring. Even knowing my own symptoms I still can't shake the paranoia. It doesn't make sense for this to just be happening to me, there has to be a reason behind it and I want to know what it is.

(I could describe the imagery I see all the time but it would take forever. There are certain symbols, shapes, and gestures in the media that are repeated over and over. I have screenshots of them, images saved of them, and texts. My brain says paranoia, but it also recognizes the patterns to be more than coincidence. It's driving me insane)

Anonymous No. 16466704

>The medication helps a lot but I still have very bad days. I'm still paranoid and think that I'm being tested by some shadow group. Pattern recognition is one of the symptoms and I see the same imagery over and over again while browsing the internet or watching TV. Just like John Nash would see his peers wearing red ties and thinking they were part of a secret communist conspiracy ring. Even knowing my own symptoms I still can't shake the paranoia. It doesn't make sense for this to just be happening to me, there has to be a reason behind it and I want to know what it is.
Unfortunately that reason is mental illness. Sorry, anon, hope it gets better for you.

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Anonymous No. 16466717

The "shhhh" imagery is constant. I see it half a dozen times a day. It makes me think that people are either watching my screen or are able to see through my eyes and the "shhh" symbol is to remind them to keep quiet and not saying anything to me. Or that I should keep quiet and stop trying to crack the code.

And then today while listening to music on youtube, clint eastwood by gorillaz comes on. Which appears to be about an AI that got loose and controls the world. The song ends with

>"Feeling sensations that you thought was dead
No squealing and remember that it's all in your head"
Like they are just fucking with me at this point.

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Anonymous No. 16466721

Like holy shit, I just opened up my email and clicked on a pinterest email with "images you might like" and this was literally the first image that popped up just now. This is the 4th time today I've seen it. You just can't tell me that it's a coincidence.

Anonymous No. 16466724

>images you might like
In other words, images that are similar to ones you've looked at before (or have saved on your computer if you're running a spyware OS).
Algorithms are unironically gangstalking you, fortunately they only want you to keep browsing the internet and buy things. Accept it and move on, or become a based privacy schizo.

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Anonymous No. 16466725

and this one was from twitter earlier today, a completely separate site from the other 3. Confirmation bias, maybe. Maybe everyone sees this. Maybe they are telling me to shut up about my condition before other people start asking questions.

Anonymous No. 16466730

Websites track your activity and feed you with content similar to what you show interest in. You're not the only one that can recognize patterns. Sites like Pinterest have their literal business model based in providing personalized content.

Anonymous No. 16466733

So the algorithm bot is making posts on /tv/, twitter, and pinterest. Occams razor doesn't apply because there could be half a dozen equally simple solutions to this and it drives me crazy.

What's worse, just being paranoid or knowing for sure you should be paranoid.

Anonymous No. 16466735

It's not making posts, it's deciding what posts to show you out of the infinite variety of posts available. The result is the same.
Occam's razor is not a physical law and has no bearing on reality.

Anonymous No. 16466737

theory, I have multiple points of opinion I carry, and I assume this happens to either smart people, or people with a diverse ethnicity like mine (mexican,white, jewish even some maghreb africa) and they kind of work together so its not always obvious its multiple, but at the same time there view points feel almost to varied to be just one main voice, maybe schizo are people who got that but unlike me aren't able to take ownership over it and it just feels like outside voices intruding on you

Anonymous No. 16466739

also because i'm right wing I feel like the most dominant voice was able to maybe wrangle the more lefty opinions I have and subdue them so they don't really take over just exist to play devil's advocate

Anonymous No. 16466743

>Occam's razor
>Occam's razor is a principle of theory construction or evaluation according to which, other things equal, explanations that posit fewer entities, or fewer kinds of entities, are to be preferred to explanations that posit more
It fits for what I'm trying to figure out. Which is what is the cause for the paranoia.

An algorithm AI that stretches multiple sites and domains owned by completely different entities used to control what imagery I see, even controlling which thumbnails and posts on an anonymous image board (which would have to be bots at that point since it can't control real people, right?) as per your explanation is scarier than it just being in my head.

What product would it be trying to sell using that imagery? What would be the point of an algorithm to post related images like that? Wouldn't I be more concerned that they have access to all the files on my computer as well?

Anonymous No. 16466752

>An algorithm AI that stretches multiple sites and domains owned by completely different entities used to control what imagery I see
Google Analytics. Amazon. Cloudflare. Facebook.
Install uBlock Origin and open its menu on any website, and it'll tell you what gigacorp's globally networked spyware is running on it. There is ALWAYS something, usually multiple.

>What product would it be trying to sell using that imagery? What would be the point of an algorithm to post related images like that?
Engagement. They show people what they tend to seek out, because that keeps them coming back to the website so they can show them ads, and more importantly, keep up their engagement statistics to scam investors.

>posts on an anonymous image board
Blame the pattern recognition for that. Start only caring about what you see in places where the algorithms aren't at play, and see if that alone is enough to justify your paranoia. It isn't, because if it were, other people would be noticing the patterns too, since it's a public catalog where everyone sees the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16466753

The algorithms are a means to maximize user retention. The point of putting those images in your feed is to get you to watch/engage with them, so that you'll use the twitter/facebook/whatever for longer and watch more ads or purchase more microtransactions along the way, generating more profits. If people are posting those things on /tv/ and twitter, it must be a popular trend right now, so that's why you get that in your feed: because it's popular and likely to draw your attention/engagement.

Anonymous No. 16466763


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Anonymous No. 16466818

Anonymous No. 16466830

If you know it's just illness, why can't you just disregard it? Write the definition and explanation of schizophrenia on a piece of paper, signed by you, so when you get an episode, you can read it and understand that it's just content of your imagination. Yeah, maybe the content of intrusive thoughts still FEEL real, but if you understand that it's an illusion, why can't you shake off the feeling and do something else?

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Lucian 1887 - Tri....jpg

Anonymous No. 16466871

>I'm being tested by some shadow group
>there has to be a reason behind it and I want to know what it is
>medication helps a lot
The unconscious becomes conscious. It's hard work to wrangle remote possibilities. For example, if they're working together you'll have more motivation to do good, since they can return favors more easily. In my case, Fregoli delusion just means I'm aware that my representations of two different people overlap.

I had a bad experience with medication: the drug for psychosis caused by another drug removed my ability to advocate for myself. I was reduced to the level of a 5 year old.

Anonymous No. 16466885

A part of it can go away but then you see something new and you can't help yourself but wonder. Like the things the voices might say will be cryptic and mysterious at times. The paranoia can be hard to control when you just see the same patterns over and over again as well. Once you think its gone you'll start seeing something new that just can't be a coincidence.

And like I said before, the worst part is my mind has become split. It's like ADHD on crack at times. Focusing on a single task becomes literally impossible. My brain will jump from one subject to the next and I'll forget entirely what I was originally talking about entirely. It's the equivalent of something like dementia
I'll talk about one subject for two minutes, hit a tangent and spend the next five rambling about something else. I might be crazy but I'm not stupid, I do spend a lot of time studying history and mathematics. I'll go into deep details of either one then switch topics forgetting my original intent entirely. This doesn't happen all the time because the meds do work to a degree but I've written emails and reread them a day later and they are all over the place. Schizophrenia means scattered brain, not multiple personalities. So with the voices and pattern recognition sending me into a spiral, tangent thinking makes focusing on a single topic incredibly difficult at times.

I take two different anti psychotic and still have episodes of delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, and incoherence. My friends just let me ramble on at times and say they had no idea what I was even trying to say. I will just go on tangent after tangent while forgetting what I was originally suppose to be talking about. This is the most debilitating symptom and makes my work hard. I'm a professional artist that just can't focus for five minutes max at times. I'll look for references for a painting and then see something triggering my paranoia and it's down the rabbit hole again.

Anonymous No. 16466894

Like how can the voices be so clear and distinguishable? Sometimes they will be the voices of celebrities like Harrison Ford or David bowie, clear as day. Hearing Harrison Ford say some cryptic shit like "to men, wind and fire" or bowie saying "be safe, you'll be home soon." Just makes me question if it's done by some kind of (unoriginal I know but for the lack of a better unknown name, ), illuminati. I dissected bowies music video black star and it's literally about my life. The symbolism in it reference multiple parts about my gf, my mother and more. The lyrics "behind it all, your eyes", is in reference to the fact my eyes could be recording and people are watching the world through my perspective. Hence all the shhhh imagery, reminding people to keep their voices down and not tell me. It just makes to much sense to me. I know it sounds crazy but the symbolism is so specific to me.

Anonymous No. 16466929

Psych ward gets money from sick people, and that's why treatment doesn't work in a way that it'll treat him.

Literaly get DIPS peptide, and 20mg melatonin at 8PM and he'll sleep like a baby.

Anonymous No. 16467655

anon please come back and listen to me. I hope you read me because I've been through what you are describing. I only experienced for a few days I can't imagine what it is to you, although I suffered a stronger effect than you, it was for a shorter time.

the patterns you see do indeed have reasons behind them. when you are sufficiently smart but your unconscious betrays you (it happened to me, with mania), it happens that the patterns gangstalk you.
the reason behind all the patterns you see is found in economical, biological and other kinds of mathematical equilibrium.
when you're too out there, you will meet signs that tell you to stop it, there is a regression to the mean.
check out this book
read control theory,
don't read bullshit like physics, study the actual patterns of systems, their regularity and equilibrium, it will all make sense.
read about discrete dynamical systems, etc.
it will all click. unfortunately when you get it all is kind of sad, because there is no point to all this order, people think life is chaotic but it is not. there is a pattern like you say. if there weren't patterns and order, there would be no consciousness for you to exists. chaos is fake and gay, it's only superficial. overlying chaos there is smoothness, control and equilibrium.

take the fucking meds. maybe health care where you live sucks, try different psychiatrists and have a family member or friends keep a track of your symptoms so that they or you can describe the symptoms to the psychiatrist
>The unconscious becomes conscious.
it's partially this,

Anonymous No. 16467664

it's not that easy. nta but when I hit schizo levels of psych ward, everyone was telling me I was acting insane and saying things that do not make sense. it made perfect sense to me.
i was recognizing patterns from all over the place because I studied a lot of mathematical modeling. my unconscious picked up the pattern recognition and it basically exploded with information until I got injected with sleeping meds and antipsychotics. I was ok after that, but I forgot what I was thinking about before that, and I was very unlucid for two years because of the antipsychotics. Just now reading that anon I'm remembering what I was thinking. it's all a system that takes care of itself because otherwise the whole thing just vanishes.
it's control theory, dynamical systems, functional analysis, abstract algebra. a lot of shit going on in life that you shouldn't understand at the same time

Anonymous No. 16467667

>a lot of shit going on in life that you shouldn't understand at the same time
and I'm not even saying, "you shouldn't learn all this stuff", you perfectly can, the problem is when your brain perfectly matches with all theories to a subconscious level. The notion of reality banishes as your brain takes care of all information as an automatic system that has no timely halting conditions on its processes. It's not even bad when you have a mental illness, I'm just describing the pattern recognition the brain sees when you're psychotic

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Anonymous No. 16467794

Prigogine takes a "bakers transform" to make an analogy about reality, more specifically to reconcile the conflict. I think he's sort of on team determinism, where chaos is a detail of the initial condition that can't be seen until the system unfold it.

Anonymous No. 16467872

What's the difference between just disagreeing with most people and being psychotic? For example, if what I say is especially culturally sensitive, people can react by telling me I'm insane. Or is it about seeing you were wrong afterwards? But can you also "realize" that by being successfully brainwashed by the industry?

Anonymous No. 16467926

>Or is it about seeing you were wrong afterwards?
there are many factors to being considered psychotic
The most important is the uncontrollable erratic behavior like not sleeping, being hysterical, on the edge, against social norms, etc. That's ok for the jungle I guess, but it's unbearable to live with someone like that so it's treated as a disease.
There is also the factor of delusional thinking.
Which wouldn't be a problem if you just kept it to yourself, but as it can be problematic you end up spilling it to the doctors and they treat it as a disease too. Even if it wasn't problematic to yourself, you end up spilling it because by the first factor, you can't fucking keep it to youself. You have to tell everyone your delusional thoughts or show behavior based on delusional thinking. Some people have thought they could fly and kill themselves from jumping from a building (imagine if a psycho thought the matrix movie was real and he could just superman jump like Neo).

tdlr: definitely, having antisocial, delusional, or paranoid thinking isn't the main factor, it's about external behavior.

Anonymous No. 16467930

>people react by telling me I'm insane
They aren't saying that in good faith. If you are insane you're not responsible, can't be reasoned with, and there's no point in ending the argument with that kind claim of victory over a child. If you're only figuratively insane, well then it's equivalent to a literal "I'm insane" because they've outed themselves as a person who says the opposite of what they believe when it's convenient. They're mad that you're open about their taboo beliefs.
It's supposed to be a state of mind. The impossible happens too often. Suddenly the laws of physics or of social behaviour changed as a Mandela effect. But thought crime was abolished and now I only do time for bad behavior, so the definition of psychosis adapted.

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Anonymous No. 16467932

Today I decided to use fancier wording on 4chan. It’s no big deal. I was sending a message to literates this time.

Anonymous No. 16469643

Good verbal diarrhea thread, that’s just how I like it.