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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Thin hair

Anonymous No. 16466804

Scandinavians are notorious for (amongst other things) having extremely thin hair, they have the thinnest hair of all of the races.
If they were left to evolve on their own without interacting genetically with any other race would they eventually evolve to be completely bald?
And doesn't it seem weird that the people in one of the coldest locations evolved to have the thinnest hair?

Anonymous No. 16466940


Anonymous No. 16466967

Wtf are yoy talking about? Did you mean fine hair? Because blonde people literally have 25% more individual hair strands than people with darker hair colors. And as far as balding is concern Southern Europeans and Arabs are worse in that aspect.

Anonymous No. 16466975

Le thin hair chin man... It's been a long time...

Anonymous No. 16467024


Anonymous No. 16467074

Scandis have been worshiped for their hair by all of the rest of the Earth, and themselves for that matter, since the beginning of time. There are multi-billion dollar industries dedicated to trying to make kinky haired freaks look like they have "good", White People hair, and of course, blonde is best. It ALWAYS is.

Besides, when you're a foot taller than every other Brownoid around you, it doesn't matter much. It's not like they can see the top of your head from way down there.

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Anonymous No. 16467465

Anonymous No. 16467762

they compensate by having strong chins

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two chins.jpg

Anonymous No. 16469098

Anonymous No. 16471145

>And doesn't it seem weird that the people in one of the coldest locations evolved to have the thinnest hair?
hair gets wet an makes you cold

Anonymous No. 16472269


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Anonymous No. 16473928

this is what he looks like today

Anonymous No. 16474889

I haven't seen that in 20 years, if I remember correctly the guy was from Iceland and it was a finn who spammed it

John the fisherman No. 16474906

I have the formula you can have hair again

They will forbid non big pharma research on it

Anonymous No. 16475364


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Anonymous No. 16476979


Anonymous No. 16477484

Their hair is thinning from the stress of civility and dying because their barbarian nature is suppresed within them fags. a complete universal field model. I submit this video for peer review.