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Anonymous No. 16467628

So, was commutative algebra a crutch all along?


Anonymous No. 16467644


Anonymous No. 16467654

>was commutative algebra
What does this have to do with commutative algebra?

Anonymous No. 16467668

the IMPLY gate is non-commutative.

and in Stanley Williams labs, they got a computation speedup implementing universal logic with NIMPLY instead of NAND or NOR

nature likes the path or least resistance,

Anonymous No. 16467671

That has jackshit to do with commutative algebra. Don't use terms you don't understand because you're embarrassing yourself.
All you're saying is that p=>q is not equivalent to q=>p which is obvious.

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Anonymous No. 16467693

this is important in the implementation of high dimensional tensor networks running on NAND and NOR logic gates.

Anonymous No. 16467855

The nand logic exists at the hardware level, not the software level. From the truth table definition, of 1101 for imply and 1110 for nand, a transformation of string is not going to provide any advantage.
Anyways, if what you is saying is true, and you actually care, then you would draw the imp gate equivalence for each logic operation and find where transistor advantage is located.
Finally, P->Q = ~(P & ~Q), this is inherently a NAND gate.

Anonymous No. 16467858

>The nand logic exists at the hardware level, not the software level.
yes in Mr Williams's lecture he was quite clear that every component needs a redesign.

here he states that one of the people in his lab wrote a compiler based on IMPLYs and found a 3x speed up over nand. and thats just by compiler thats not even hardwiring IMPLYs

Anonymous No. 16467873

Maybe there is some speed up in larger compound statement optimization, but then the statement is like
>a program optimized for imp ops is more efficient than one not optimized for nand ops.
It is very tough to prove this claim in general when imp is equivalent to nand.

Anonymous No. 16467890

well nand commutes, as opposed to Imply there different truth tables, Williams says you can mimic NAND with two IMPLY's .

what i'm quite curious about is what IMPLy's have to say about XOR