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🗑️ 🧵 ITT: black excellence in STEM

Anonymous No. 16468378

>Two High Schoolers Found an ‘Impossible’ Proof for a 2,000-Year-Old Math Rule—Then, They Discovered Nine More

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Anonymous No. 16468380

Anonymous No. 16468405

Why are you shitting up /sci/? Do you get paid to ruin this board?

Anonymous No. 16468426

That's not the response he wanted. You were meant to go on an angry rant about /pol/ and reply with "go back to your containment board". It's some of the easiest bait to hook people on.
Doubt he was trying to slide anything or even had the intent of shitting up the board; these people usually are lonely and bored so they troll for attention, not caring if they make everything worse for everyone else.
OP, if you're going to troll, at least have the decency to put some effort into it and get new material.

Anonymous No. 16468453

?? Why are you jealous of black sisters achievements??
libtard yapping stfu
no one's reading that shit

Anonymous No. 16468459

The raider cries out for the mods as he makes shit threads.

Anonymous No. 16468828

I don't see the value in proving a theorem that has already long since been proved. Seems like a total waste of time that should be discouraged rather than encouraged.

Anonymous No. 16469090

Then why is finding the next biggest prime number significant?

Sage No. 16469105

Why do they struggle so much with per capita?

Anonymous No. 16469116


Anonymous No. 16469253

no racism is allowed on sci

Sage No. 16469276

But according to science they are dumb niggers.

Anonymous No. 16469334

It's not, it's a waste of computing power. Note how the people searching for these primes aren't mathematicians but compsciggers looking for that mathy prestige.