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Christopher Johnson The Seventh at Mon, 11 Nov 2024 14:49:12 UTC No. 16470798
1)Define energy so we may have a sensible discussion
2)Why was the theory for higgs needed?
Why did they think mass could not be an inherent quality?
Why they assume in the beggining was the big bang and the big bang was with the big bang and the big bang big banged and saw that it was good, but it was all massless because ______________
3)The Universe at any given time is 100% of its own volume. What percent of the universes 100% volume, might contain absolutely actually pure true nothing, from yours and sciences best total estimation:
1% 2% 3% 5% 7% 9.3% 9.48% 25% .5% .2% .1% .034% .0003%? 16% .00000000000003993%? Etc
4)What physicality/s forces light to always travel ~300,000,000 meters per second and not a meter faster or slower?
What were the odds humans would settle on using the length of the meter, which fits into such a clean number with light. It surely is coincidence, but maybe the meter should have been slightly (to early to think) smaller or larger to make that pure 300,000,000
5)Bring S pole of magnet towards S pole of magnet, feel repulsion, are you feeling photons?
6)Google "actual images of atoms"
A device could not use light to detect these, a device had to use physical probing to gather info of structure:
But because electrons always cover up and bond nuclaei, the device touches electrons, and so provides an image of the shapes of electrons it touches.
It does not touch 1d points.
It touches what looks like globules of quicksilver
7)What is the physical geometric meaning of electrons having the units of charge they have, and protons/neutrons/quarks having the charge they have, in relation to whatever Em field and photons are, and their nature and relation to charge?
8) Estimate how much EM field is inside the nucleus(depending on P/N quantity), and how much EM field is inbetween nucleus and electron.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Nov 2024 20:57:08 UTC No. 16471249
Forgot, how does electron/s physically hold 2 nucleai together.