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🧵 Human Male Intrasexual Competition

Anonymous No. 16471178

What makes a man attractive in the eyes of a woman? How do men compete against other men for women? Has there ever been any legitimate data collection or study on this or is it considered too "touchy"?

Anonymous No. 16471220

To touchy now tell me why my son actually should be a woman

Anonymous No. 16471240

>What makes a man
>is it the woman in his arms
>just 'cause she has big titties?
>Or is it the way he fights everyday?
>No, it's prob'ly the titties.
>Now you're a man!
>A man, man, man.

Anonymous No. 16471274

Ask a woman

Anonymous No. 16471296

>Ask a woman about male-male violence in regards to sexual competition
It helps to read the OP before replying to said OP sometimes anon.

Anonymous No. 16471298

Go read The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris or The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley
It's all very well documented

Anonymous No. 16471380

we are living in the study anon the truth is ever changing and self evident all around us, it's something that can't be studied and distilled down to one thing but experienced. Also asking on 4chan is inherently retarded

Anonymous No. 16471535

He wants the truth tho?

Anonymous No. 16471540


It's so fucking obvious and simple.

Anonymous No. 16471728

>in the eyes of a woman

Anonymous No. 16472040

thanks for your poetry anon

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Anonymous No. 16472737

>What makes a man attractive in the eyes of a woman?
Looks. And secondly social status which amplifies looks.
The biggest lie about the sexes is that women are less vain than men.

Ugly/short men can bodybuild, get rich, fight and kill in war etc. but they just get laughed at by women. they are tricked into doing these things because society depends on ugly men throwing their lives away in hopes that thing for them will one day get better. Even Jeff Bezos gets cucked constantly by random attractive men worth less than a hundredth what he is. Before someone comes out with an "uhm akshcually" I know there are exceptions to every rule.

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Anonymous No. 16473095

>What makes a man attractive in the eyes of a woman?
Chad looks

>How do men compete against other men for women?
For Chad, there's no competition. For non-Chads, they compete by running various gimmicks. Cars, money, clothes, fancy vacations. Or they adopt personas like acting like a bad boy, a funny guy, a nice guy, you name it. None of these gimmicks really work. Only looks is what works.

>Has there ever been any legitimate data collection or study on this or is it considered too "touchy"?
It was decided it's better to keep people in the dark about this. You can't change the laws that govern biology. But you can get people to work and spend money on clothes and cars in the hopes it'll increase their prospects.

Anonymous No. 16473204

>More handsome > Less handsome
>More resources > Less resources
While you can somewhat improve 1., realistically 2. is the one you should be focusing on as a male

Anonymous No. 16473212

>tell me why my son actually should be a woman
DEI programs that will firehose him with resources with very little expected of him other than playing along with the game.

Anonymous No. 16473457

which is which?

Anonymous No. 16473515

The personal trainer is on the left, wife on the right..

Anonymous No. 16474534

Why don’t you give us your view on the matter instead listing off titles to popsci books nobody here is going to waste time reading