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Anonymous No. 16471284

I scored a near-perfect on my SAT despite never taking school seriously and finishing 347th in my class, before dropping out and getting my GED.

That said, I have an IQ of 103, which is odd because everyone said I was easily the smartest kid in my grade.

Are objective measures of intelligence a meme, or is it just a matter of interest and exercise that determines whether or not a person is successful?

Anonymous No. 16471458


Anonymous No. 16471934

IQ tests are bullshit because human scientists understand very little of the brain, when compared to a human's capability to succeed in reality.

There are groups planning on releasing information about "new ways to think" in the dawn of AI we can figure out how to make the standard white box/off the shelf human brain more efficient with more precision than ever before.

There are ways to force yourself to think that arguably give you outcomes equal to a human with a higher testable IQ.

Intelligence is ultimately just a balance of efficiency between how you apply wisdom to knowledge, in order to solve problems.

As long as you have an IQ even remotely near 100, you can get outcomes beyond a 200 IQ individual under certain circumstances.

I wouldn't worry about it in a negative manner.

You have enough of the toolset at 100 to succeed at the same levels of any genius.

Anyone that believes otherwise is insecure.

Remember, Stephen Hawking himself felt that IQ tests were bullshit, in the same sense of power levels don't mean shit in Dragonball Z at the end of the day.

Raphael No. 16472900

Holy shit you’re a pseud

Anonymous No. 16472957

You probably have a better memory and attention span than most.

Anonymous No. 16473812

>IQ of 103
Can you describe the state of the environment where you were tested in? Can you describe your physical and mental during the IQ test?

Anonymous No. 16473839

I have a high IQ and I'm 32 just now getting my degree. Who gives a shit about IQ?