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🧵 Effects on Body From Long Term in Space

Anonymous No. 16471347

What are the physical (or mental) implications on the human body of long durations in space flight when you weren't trained for that long? And why does it affect women more than men?

Anonymous No. 16471353

They don’t deliver pizza to the ISS?

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Anonymous No. 16471363

damn, she looks like a literal witch.

Anonymous No. 16471400

Females are supposed to gestate and raise children, not try to compete against males. That is the natural order that must be restored.

Anonymous No. 16471406

>old woman is thin
You don't say!!! UNPRECEDENTED.

The real scandal should be the part where NASA is consorting with witches.

Anonymous No. 16471433

women are more affected because they are closer to the moon

Anonymous No. 16471533

Damn, women can't do anything great without it having some adverse effect on them. Almost as if....

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Anonymous No. 16471585

>dangerously thin

Anonymous No. 16471630

What's good for some people can be dangerous for other people, anon.

Anonymous No. 16471664

Does this mean you have a folder of women wearing Hanukkah sweaters?

Anonymous No. 16471673

i don't remember why but the original (would) is a meme

Anonymous No. 16471674

For the past decade they've been pushing a female only mission to Mars because "women are just better for long term space missions" but it turns out they knew about the muscle wasting problem being worse for women all along. Just another example of NASA putting virtue signalling ahead of science.

Anonymous No. 16471677

Lower testosterone.

Your natural muscle level, before exercise, is mostly a consequence of hormones and genetics.
A man taking steroids will grow more muscles by doing LITERALLY NOTHING than a natty lifter on a strict body building regimen.

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Anonymous No. 16471719

When we're talking about muscle wasting specifically, estrogen is not a very good anti-glucocorticoid.
Testosterone is.
This means it's easier for men to spare muscle against the demands of cortisol. Or in other words, women naturally export amino acids from muscle at a higher rate.
If we're serious about space then we really should be using performance enhancing drugs to make astronauts more physically capable over long periods.

Anonymous No. 16471732

or you can just build rotating sections, which also makes it comfortable and more efficient.

Anonymous No. 16471735

>59 years old

Anonymous No. 16471740

Her peer is older, and do better in space right now

Anonymous No. 16471741

I've been curious about speculative biology ever since reading "all tomorrows" does anyone have any word on the remake of it?

Anonymous No. 16471787

very based Evolan take

Anonymous No. 16472062

just fucking lift m8

Anonymous No. 16472231

Does this mean all the male astronauts can creampie that hag to save her? That is if any one want to creampie and or save her

Anonymous No. 16472411

Read Man After Man, similar themes and comes with unsettling illustrations.

Anonymous No. 16472542

>don't work out as much
>lose weight faster

Anonymous No. 16472551

>the universe expansion is getting faster
>earth is slowing down
>lady astronaut accidentally forced to spend 6 months in the hyperbolic time chamber (low earth orbit) because boing pantsliner failed and returns a witch

Anonymous No. 16474637

She has niggers in her asshole

Anonymous No. 16474652

155 days isn't even close to long term stay up there. The fuck kind of rag is that supposed to be?