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🧵 Do anti-photons

Anonymous No. 16471482


Anonymous No. 16471713


Anonymous No. 16471791

Yes, they’re just photons. The whole “anti” thing is very antiquated. We now know that particles are categorized by their parity and charge conjugation properties.

If you go by charge conjugation, photons are in the adjoint representation of the gauge group, which is real and thus invariant under charge conjugation (charge conjugation is just a physicist’s term for Hermitian adjoint). So by the charge conjugation criterion, anti-photons are the same as photons.

If you go by parity, then there are two types of photons according to their circular polarization: clockwise and counterclockwise. In that sense, a photon can be taken to have counterclockwise polarization and an anti-photon can be taken to have clockwise polarization. This is how we actually categorize neutrinos vs anti-neutrinos, since they are invariant under (electromagnetic) charge conjugation.

Anonymous No. 16471800

Why don't they annihilate then?

Anonymous No. 16471809

You mean between each other? They don't self-interact.

Anonymous No. 16471810

>why don't they annihilate
>because they don't

Anonymous No. 16471818

No, they don't annihilate because they don't self-interact. They don't self-interact because the underlying gauge group, U(1), is abelian. The photons commute.

Gluons are also their own antiparticles, but they annihilate between each other just fine, because their group is non-abelian.

Anonymous No. 16471966

>>why don't they annihilate
>>because they don't

Anonymous No. 16471978

I'm sorry that you're retarded, anon.

Anonymous No. 16471979

>The whole “anti” thing is very antiquated
Hah. I get it

Anonymous No. 16471981

Clockwise and counterclockwise/anticlockwise are also rapidly becoming antiquated.

Anonymous No. 16472019

lol, dumbass

Anonymous No. 16472067

>why don't they annihilate
>because math

Anonymous No. 16472087

stick to humanities lol

Anonymous No. 16472090

Modern ""'physics""" in a nutshell

Anonymous No. 16472277

wouldn't this mean they are quated?

Anonymous No. 16472429

they called dark matter

Anonymous No. 16472684

If the W and Z bosons have an underlying SU(2) symmetry, what do their self-interactions look like?

Anonymous No. 16472932

Likely conservation, laws, just because ones wobbling one way, and the other is wobbling another way, doesn't mean if they bump into each other, the net of wobbling energy would vanish to 0

Anonymous No. 16473344

Similar to gluons’ self-interactions. Unlike the case for gluons, those are very hard to detect because of the high masses of W and Z’s. They usually only have an effect in loop corrections at low energies.

Anonymous No. 16473347

Is there such thing as “disabelian”, sir? How that one is different from abelian?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16473350

An algebraic object is abelian if its elements commute. Numbers are abelian, for examole. Matrices are non-abelian because for two arbitrary matrices, AB = BA.

Anonymous No. 16473355

>>16473347 #
An algebraic object is abelian if its elements commute. Numbers are abelian, for examole. Matrices are non-abelian because for two arbitrary matrices, AB =/= BA.

Anonymous No. 16473463

This is not an explanation though. What you are saying is that photons belong to a class of physical phenomena whose choice of mathematical model precludes annihilation.

To really drive this home, imagine if retard OP asked "why do my shoes get wet when it rains?" and you answered "because the underlying abelian footwear group have RAINU(1) symmetry, they don't self-hydrophobia"

Anonymous No. 16473465

That's abeliest language and problematic.

Anonymous No. 16473489

>photon don't have a charge
>can there be anti-photons?

Anonymous No. 16473512

>artillery do not charge
>is there anti-artillery?

Anonymous No. 16473517

>the mathematical abstractions we came up with say they don't
physics is an unironic meme. you inserted maths before reality in a causal chain, as if your symbol manipulations are what cause reality to occur
go outside, you're obviously lost in the sauce

Anonymous No. 16473519

I've read this many times and pondered it for several minutes. The only response I can come up is "what?"

Anonymous No. 16473536

Aunt Minnie is in the hospital.

Anonymous No. 16473538

>whose choice of mathematical model precludes annihilation
This choice uniquely determines the form of Maxwell’s equations and QED corrections to them. And that’s what we observe. We observe Coulomb, Biot-Savart and Lenz’s laws. All of these can be derived from the fact that the underlying field is spin 1, massless and in the adjoint representation of U(1). No other Lorentz invariant field theory produces these equations. All of these things are very restrictive because both special relativity and quantum mechanics have strict mathematical concepts behind them.

When OP asks these things, there is no point in handwaving with bullshit explanations because annihilation is a precise mathematical concept. The burden of understanding this concept is on the OP; if he doesn’t want to then he should not had asked the question in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16473540

No, they don't exist.

Blah, blah, blah let's treat different polarizations as though they were different charges. Whatever dude. No one knows whether the neutrino is Majorana particle anyway, and if it is, it is better to say the neutrino does not have an antiparticle either.

Anonymous No. 16473541

If you are too dumb to understand math and abstract concepts, choose something more your speed and fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16473542

>let's treat different polarizations as though they were different charges
Wtf are you on about? I have never said that.
>No one knows whether the neutrino is Majorana particle anyway, and if it is, it is better to say the neutrino does not have an antiparticle either.
This is completely irrelevant and the whole point of my original post was that muh antiparticle is a meaningless term because there are two reflection symmetries at play, not one.

Anonymous No. 16473584

But that's a semantic break. Anti = Opposite = Inverse -> Annilation x+-x=0.
So yeah it is what it is, but it is wrong to call it "anti".

Anonymous No. 16473994

be thankful for photons to not interact with each other, anon.
think about it for a moment.

Anonymous No. 16474003

they're already annihilated. they are electromagnetic radiation after all.

Anonymous No. 16474051

What's there to think about? Black holes evaporate because annihilation is denied.

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Anonymous No. 16474072