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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473477

>Despises conquistadors for destroying the Aztec and Mayan civilizations simply because they had some scientific and astronomical knowledge.
>Completely ignores their constant human sacrifice, slave-based society, and fundamentalist beliefs.

Isn't supporting the most technologically advanced civilization the most pro-science stance you can take? Why do some "scientists" place their emotions above progress?

Anonymous No. 16473481

Because science isn't about progress, it's about knowledge for its own sake. A civilization destroyed is knowledge lost, which in the mind of the knowledge absolutist is more of a tragedy than any number of lives they might have brutally ended.

Anonymous No. 16473561

science =/= technology
technology is detrimental to science as the dependence of the latter on the former eventually turns science from an aesthetic endeavour of bored aristocrats into a bug hive of government rats who sell their souls for grants and sacrifice genuine curiosity for applicability.

Anonymous No. 16473667

typical jew

Anonymous No. 16473842

bruh he was agnostic

Anonymous No. 16474182

Lmfao you have so much to learn

Anonymous No. 16474197

There is no such a thing as "agnostic". He was an atheist. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16474198

"Bruh" Judaism isn't just a religion, it's a genetic race.

Anonymous No. 16474210

He would separate those two things and call it a great tragedy.

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Anonymous No. 16474212

Considering you don't fulfill the 3 digit IQ requirement for /sci/, /pol/ is 2 boards down there for you, buddy.

Anonymous No. 16474213

I was really angry at him when I found out the Hypatia story is all made up.

Anonymous No. 16474334

and completely ignoring the fact that aztecs and mayans destroyed all their neighboring civilizations which is how they rose to prominence to begin with. just more reflexive jewish hatred of whites, its part of their dna or something.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16474340

Ashkenazi are way whiter than any meds.

Anonymous No. 16474356


When did he ever say he despised conquistadores? Here he's just making a point about convergence. Or is it an implication that they could potentially have become like Europeans on their own that makes you rage?

Anonymous No. 16474357

>>Completely ignores their constant human sacrifice, slave-based society,
Evidence? (That it wasn't only of criminals/prisoners of war)

Anonymous No. 16474403

honestly it was probably morally justifiable to burn the religious texts of all these civilisations

anything that produces a society that raids nearby villages and towns to fuel human sacrifices is probably not worth keeping around

Anonymous No. 16474409

It's both. Like how race means a competition to see how does something faster, and it also means subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16474668

Sagan also propagated the myths that the "Dark Ages" halted technology for centuries and that Hypatia died heroically trying to save the Library of Alexandria...

Anonymous No. 16474674

U r a dum nigger

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Anonymous No. 16474711

>Sagan also propagated the myths that the "Dark Ages" halted technology for centuries
It's not a myth, it's a fact.

Anonymous No. 16474740

>imagine falling for this bullshit meme

Anonymous No. 16474816

These are non arguments.

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Anonymous No. 16474853


Anonymous No. 16474893

Ad hominem

Anonymous No. 16475114

Did you even question what is used to gauge "scientific advancement"? You're likely some sheltered office faggot who never bothered thinking about progress in areas like metallurgy and agriculture because you take it for granted.

Anonymous No. 16475144

I always think its hilarious how semites, who are an asian race, are so desperate to be considered White. There isn't even a single semite nation that borders on Europe. Why are semites so concerned about being seen as White?
Is there something wrong with being asian?
>lets outsource our antisemitism to asia, they'll do it for free

Anonymous No. 16475225

You don't even need to think about it, you can just go to a museum and compare the shit from the dark ages and Roman Empire. It is extremely painful to see the level of regression even compared to Ancient Greece.

Anonymous No. 16476851

It's really not. Dark Ages Europe had better technology in most areas than Rome. The advantage of Rome was in sheer scale. Rome had gigantic aqueducts with simple circular arches, dark ages Europe had windmills and efficient pointed arches.

Anonymous No. 16478518

They also had all sorts of technology that was never conceived of in Rome during the dark ages. Mechanical clocks & eyeglasses were both invented in Europe during the so-called "Christian dark ages" and that is already more than any atheist ever invented

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Anonymous No. 16478617

I couldn't find anything about that technology (e.g., windmills, pointed arches, mech. clocks, and eyeglasses) being invented or widely known/used between the 5th–10th centuries.

However, I found that Friar Roger Bacon (c.1219-1292) is known to have placed considerable emphasis on the study of nature through empiricism by accompanying his Catholic faith with a scientific way of thinking.

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Anonymous No. 16478633

That's not true at all. Late middle ages Europe MAYBE.
Much technology was lost. Just look at the warfare. Their "epic battles" were 5000 troop skirmishes with zero tactics beyond a cavalry charge into peasants with bats.
The Romans basically had fracking ffs

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Anonymous No. 16478635


Anonymous No. 16478649

Aztecs and Maya destroyed themselves due to their sinfulness.
The maya had long collapsed before the Spanish even arrived, and the Aztec created a wider society which utterly loathed them so much they jumped on board with some aliens rather than support the native rulers.

Anonymous No. 16478650

He’s a slimy jew. Couldn’t get past the first few pages of Cosmo because it reeked of Jewishness.

Anonymous No. 16478652


hes a jew, what did you expect? he hates whites and christians.

Anonymous No. 16479888

Name a single good thing about the Medieval Europe until the 12th century.

Anonymous No. 16479897

They were Christian and therefore saved instead of damned like the pagan Romans

Anonymous No. 16480938

>>Despises conquistadors for destroying the Aztec
what a retard. Aztecs are a meme, most of their stuff was not original
>>Completely ignores their constant human sacrifice, slave-based society, and fundamentalist beliefs.
but enough about europeans

Anonymous No. 16480971

This. Cortez led a popular rebellion against the Aztecs with 200,000 natives assisting the Spanish. The Aztecs were already hated due to their cannibalistic genocidal tendencies and the arrival of the Spanish was just the catalyst for destroying them.

Anonymous No. 16481089

No, I'm convinced it is not about race. Look at it this way, if you are an atheist but you say that you are culturally Jewish or Muslim, or whatever, straight away it means that you align all your preferences and goals with those of that religious group making you ideologically inseparable from them. Being 'culturally Jewish' is enough to generate the exhibited behaviour without any racial element, which doesn't exist anymore in the context of Jews anyway (see khazars).

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16481090

Culture is downstream of genetics.

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Anonymous No. 16481136

He was oblivious to the religious aspect of humanity in general
>science is so spiritual, dude weed, the cosmos, man
Not the same thing

Anonymous No. 16482390

>Completely ignores their constant human sacrifice, slave-based society, and fundamentalist beliefs.
You mean... exactly the same as the conquistadors' own ones?

Anonymous No. 16482491

There's your answer.

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another six million.jpg

Anonymous No. 16486916

oy vey!

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Anonymous No. 16488750

just another spineless hebrew zog shill who got famous because he had no morals and was willing to repeat any propagandist's lie that he was told to

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16489971

>here, a random graph

Anonymous No. 16490773

Anon this is four channel Jews are considered a whole different species here

Anonymous No. 16490786

He's Jewish

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Anonymous No. 16490791

>constant human sacrifice, slave-based society, and fundamentalist beliefs.
You know what the church did? How many people they killed. Their fundamentalist beliefs
>Spain abolished the transatlantic slave trade in 1817, but the practice continued in Spanish America until the late 19th century

It's not all sunshine and rainbows either.
Genocide bad isn't a hot a take.

>Isn't supporting the most technologically advanced civilization the most pro-science stance you can take? Why do some "scientists" place their emotions above progress?
"Supporting". Define it. Where's the line. Where's the goal really? They just wanted their gold not to stop anything.

Anonymous No. 16490799

>Genocide bad isn't a hot a take.
It's a hot take when ONLY genocide from one race is a bad thing. And the others are conveniently ignored.

Anonymous No. 16490807

Christians loved the practice of beating kids, which disturbed the natives. What does that tell you?

Anonymous No. 16490833

He's armchair moralizing. It's one thing to lament the loss of knowledge. It's something much different to blame only Europeans for conquest.

Anonymous No. 16490856

This Reddit graph is not scientifically accurate and has been disproven many times

Anonymous No. 16490858


Anonymous No. 16490881
