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๐Ÿงต /bio/ - Biology General

Anonymous No. 16473764

Manmade Horrors edition

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Top Bio News Headlines This Week:

QOTT: Let's say you genetically engineered a species of satyrs and minotaurs. What would their taxonomy be? They have characteristics of both the family Bovidae and the order Primates, but don't seem to fit in either. How would you classify them?


Anonymous No. 16474331

whatever they are they need some optrex

Anonymous No. 16474429

>How would you classify them?
If you stuck a bunch of cow genes into a human embryo then itโ€™d still be classified as a human the same way those glowing mice donโ€™t have their taxonomy changed just because we planted some jellyfish genes into them

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16475735

When will we have irl furries like this? Asking for myself.

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my wives.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16475747

I have no idea, biobro. Someday soon, I hope.