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🧵 Small dick problems: Masculine entitlement as rhetorical strategy

Anonymous No. 16474118

>This essay aims to sharpen the term entitlement for critical scholars by positing entitlement as a rhetorical strategy of hierarchy maintenance. The Reddit community r/SmallDickProblems, intended to provide support for men with small penises, furnishes an appropriate case study for threatened masculinity employing entitlement claims to maintain status. Abetted by the affordances of scale and anonymity associated with networked platforms, the men at r/SmallDickProblems assert affective and epistemic entitlements to recoup what they perceive to be a natural gendered hierarchy.

>Content advisory: This essay examines discourses concerning misogyny, transphobia, and suicide.

>Keywords: Affective entitlement; epistemic entitlement; male entitlement; manosphere; networked misogyny

You're telling me that right now, right fucking now, there are pieces of shit in this god-forsaken world taking actual grant money to "study" online websites to find ammunition to humiliate, berate, condemn, and disparage men who were unlucky to be born with less than 7 inches below the belt? You're also telling me this shit gets peer reviewed?

Anonymous No. 16474141

gaping cavernous vaginas looking like browned roadkill, hanging droopy saggy tits with huge aerolas and a misshapen cellulite ass

Anonymous No. 16474147

Why so nervous and upset over this issue, anon?

Most still would.

Anonymous No. 16474159

angerbait thread

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Anonymous No. 16474255

This was the only study I needed on that topic.

Anonymous No. 16474408

How does any of that relate to transphobia? It's just a support group for dicklets

Anonymous No. 16474413
not science or math

Anonymous No. 16474507

Threads like this stay up but I can't post about RFK Jr being retarded about raw milk and germ theory

Anonymous No. 16474550

>Small dick problems: Masculine entitlement
stopped reading there, sorry you cant get any dick you fat stinky hole

Anonymous No. 16474651

I have a 5.9 inch cock am I eligible to be shamed by these academic roasties??

Anonymous No. 16474663

Having a huge penis isn't as based as people think it is. Have to spend like fifteen minutes stuffing it in there and making room before you can start pounding away.

Anonymous No. 16474739

Bullshit, just like tall people saying “it isn’t as good being tall because I sometimes have back pain”. I would trade all the worst backpain in the world for being treated like an actual human being by people.

Anonymous No. 16474747

pasteurization is bullshit. Deal with it, lactose intolerant ESL.

Anonymous No. 16474754

Pasteurization isn’t about lactose intolerance you dumb fuck. It’s about killing bacteria with thermic shock so you don’t get ass blaring diarrhea and die in the toilet.

Anonymous No. 16474759

Oh wait are you actually associating pasteurization with lactose intolerance or did I misrepresent your post? Sorry I’m in the middle of a boring ass lecture with 4h of sleep

Anonymous No. 16474760

watch it reach bump limit

Anonymous No. 16475002

Loose cunt authorship: Devaluation of Academia as means of female empowerment

Anonymous No. 16476513

rofl good wordcel

Anonymous No. 16476516

me too well 5.89

Anonymous No. 16476523

This is good research, but don’t worry, women have even worse body image issues than men. You guys don’t need to take this so personally.

Anonymous No. 16478392

Why is it always called entitlement when people complain about not having or getting something specific? To complain about external factors that make partnership or sex a hard to achieve doesn't automatically mean that you believe in the right to obtain these things.
You may not believe in a right that say that people have to talk to you, but if nobody talks to you, you'd feel quite frustrated, wouldn't you? Either there is a very specific academic definition of entitlement or this is the work of people whose worldview is influenced by heavy internet usage.