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Anonymous No. 16474559

How much of pure higher level math is just bullshit, logically speaking? I know of so many proofs that were LATER FOUND TO BE FALSE!

Maybe that is where GAI will start - by showing us that we are all "proving" things that aren't actually true.

Anonymous No. 16474574

i kina hope for a ai that you can give your math and it checks if it is correct.
i would love some form of spellchecking for my math

allready use ai as a tutor and i find it much more relaxing than any tutor i ever had

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16474620

Niggers are in your walls

Anonymous No. 16474873

Proof Assistants are a thing and modern "AI" architectures (transformers) are simply not designed to accurately perform this task and will always be inferior to a trained person

Anonymous No. 16475168

Proofs give some insight about why something MIGHT be true, but aren't perfect.

Anonymous No. 16475174

idiots that keep putting their faith in a machine to tell them what is true or not will just end up being manipulated by people more intelligent than they are

Anonymous No. 16475620


Anonymous No. 16477395

>jw is this considered higher level math's op's picture? i mean it's above me, but i've seen the symbol in ultracold etc

Anonymous No. 16477398

You're counting on the same AI that can't reliably tell you how many r's are in the word "strawberry" to double check your math. Large language models don't have an underlying structural model of reality or logical system, it's all relational and heuristic.