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Anonymous No. 16474871

What do you call this medical condition?
Every november, my hands get so dry that they crack and bleed. This has been happening since i was a freshman in college. I'm 26 now. Someone told me that it's most likely an endocrine condition and i should go to a doctor. I already know i have relatively low T, but idk how hormones could possibly be related to dry skin.


Anonymous No. 16474971

it's hurts

someone pls help

Anonymous No. 16475025

>I already know i have relatively low T,
nice worms you have there mate

Anonymous No. 16475027

For hands:Use lotion.

For low T: Maca powder and Tongcat Ali plus Fadogia Agrestis supplements.

And just get used to increasing maintenance as you age.

Anonymous No. 16475074

tf are you talking about

I do use lotion. it's not enough. idk what you mean by increasing maintenance as I age. for my skin in particular or are you talking about testosterone? my skin problem I've been having since i was 17-18. age isn't a factor.

Anonymous No. 16475086

This happens to me since childhood and if I apply hand cream it goes away.

Anonymous No. 16475110

Skin fissures without discoloration are usually environmental issues (exposure to harsh chemicals, etc) or dietary deficiencies. Sometimes side effect of medications.

Anonymous No. 16475198

>I do use lotion. it's not enough

You need oil. Lotion and moisturizer will add water to your dry skin, but oil is what locks the moisture in all day long and protects the skin. If your skin is naturally not producing enough oil, then add some. You don't need a lot of oil. A few drops of apricot, coconut, or even olive oil in the palm of 1 hand mixed with a few drops of water to thin it out and help spread the oil around. Rub it into both hands, wait for the water to air dry and meanwhile your skin will soak up the oil. They'll be protected from drying all day.

Anonymous No. 16475678

there is a lot of discoloration. i'm a little brown so it's hard to see in the photo. the back of my hand is red from how dry and cracked the skin is.

Anonymous No. 16475712

I had this problem. The only thing that worked for me is an extremely thick ointment like Vaseline or Aquaphor, and cotton gloves. I prefer Aquaphor. It's the ultimate moisturizer and ordinary lotions are only 1/100th as good at actually moisturizing your skin. Unfortunately you can't use it as a hand cream because it will coat everything you touch with grease.

At night, smear hands liberally with Aquaphor. I'm talking a huge amount. Your hands will feel like you stuck them in a jar of crisco. Then put on the cotton gloves, and go to bed. Wake up the next day, remove the gloves, wash the remaining ointment off of your hands. They sell disposable cotton gloves made for this regiment on Ama*on.

Anonymous No. 16475795

take vitamin d3 10,000iu a day, it produces collagen, you wont' have dry cracked hands ever again, trust me, ive been taking that amount for one year everday already

Anonymous No. 16475898

Anon, it usually gets cold during november in the northern hemisphere. Cold weather typically casuses low air humidity. Low humidity causes your skin lose moisture fast. Skin losing moisture fast causes dryness. Dryness causes cracking. Cracking causes bleeding.

Diagnosis: Didn't listen to mom when she said how to dress when it gets cold
Treatment: Wear your fucking gloves, retard

Anonymous No. 16476142

Wear lotion dumbfuck
If that doesn't work, wear vaseline

Anonymous No. 16476154

We call this condition your hand lacks moisture due to the cold weather and you should apply a moisturizer shithead.
Even a retard can instinctively recognize this himself and apply a moisturizer.

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Anonymous No. 16478015

I have extremely dry hands like your and I tried everything to fix them. Thick lotions, thin lotions, they're better than nothing, but none of them really worked that well. I'm 29 an I've been dealing with this problem for about a decade. Regular lotions just aren't enough, and it's probably the same for you. I would really, really recommend that you try a lotion with either glycolic+lactic acid or with urea. It could be a game changer, you should look into the reviews online. They're a bit on the pricier end, but medical insurance will sometimes even cover these lotions, even though they're available OTC.

I use both the Advanced Clinicals lactic+glycolic lotion and the Flexitol Urea heel balm on a daily basis, at least twice a day, but usually after every hand wash.

>I do use lotion. it's not enough.
Your old fashioned Aveeno or Eucerin is not gonna work. Even vaseline or that really good Burts Bee's stuff is not gonna work. I had the same exact problem bro. You need a urea cream or glycolic+lactic acid.

>Wear lotion dumbfuck
I have the same problem as OP and regular lotion just isn't enough.