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Anonymous No. 16475817

Why is it extremely difficult to make male birth control? It sounds easier on paper to stop sperm production with some drug than female ovulation

Anonymous No. 16475830

Syringe goes up the ass?

Anonymous No. 16477504

the problem with stopping sperm production, as far as i understand, is that you end up with killing the libido as well.Also, just do vasectomy, it's simple.

Anonymous No. 16477697

>It sounds easier on paper to stop sperm production with some drug than female ovulation
No it doesn't. Female ovulation happens in cycles which are regulated by hormonal changes, males produce sperm continually. It's much easier to freeze the female cycle in nonfertile stage by simply holding hormone levels on the according levels than to reversibly stop sperm production.
High chance of it being nonreversible, also often causes permanent pain.

Anonymous No. 16477771

It's not easier, women cannot be impregnated in some periods of time unlike men who produce sperm all time. You fucking brainlet if you think it's easier or a woman

Anonymous No. 16478065

Even vasectomies are not 100%, I got one (after having 4 kids) and my body decided to regrow the vas deferens connections.

Anonymous No. 16478086

Women are programmed to turn off normal cycles outside of good conditions.
Men are programmed to make sperm even when they're on their death bed.

Anonymous No. 16478209

>>how did you get pregnant after I got a vasectomy??
>oh tee hee I guess your vans deferents grew back tee hee

Anonymous No. 16478213

why doesn't circumcised foreskin grow back?

Anonymous No. 16478226

Because no one is actually born with foreskin, it’s an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Anonymous No. 16478227

Because the body is actually healthier without it.

Anonymous No. 16478303

Just have sex with men

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Anonymous No. 16478571


Anonymous No. 16478625

did you ask how thats even possible and why it only happens to some people and not others?

Anonymous No. 16478690

Ah I see, so if I chop off your arm and it doesn't grow back that would also be healthy.

Anonymous No. 16478695

Shut the fuck up you fucking cuck don't give them ideas.
That shit is gay as fuck

Anonymous No. 16478705

> continually. It's much easier to freeze the female cycle in nonfertile stage by simply
Hormonal birth control tricks women into thinking like a pregnant person 24/7 for decades, it completely fucks the normal mate finding selection and I would bet could be blamed for the disaster that is modren world

Anonymous No. 16478939

did you do a paternity test?

Anonymous No. 16479083


Anonymous No. 16479451


Anonymous No. 16479505

Only good post ITT

Anonymous No. 16479688

I love how irrationally angry the anti-circumcision crowd is

Anonymous No. 16480017

not possible. it would have to regrow the whole vas deferens while maintaining its intricate pathway. your wife got knocked up by another man 100%

Anonymous No. 16480084

NTA but it's called recanalization. It's pretty rare (something like 3 in 1000 vasectomies performed) but it does happen and is especially common within the first 3-4 months.

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Anonymous No. 16481323

My wife has not had any children since I got the vasectomy, we have been using other birth control. We specifically held off on having unprotected sex after the surgery in order to do a sperm motility test. Frankly I worried about that happening before the surgery, since I heal really well for some reason; for example I once ripped most the skin off the back of my hand by trying to adjust a garage door spring, and it healed back without any scarring.

Anonymous No. 16481451

>just do vasectomy
Women really can't accept their own loss of fertility so they also force it onto their men.

Anonymous No. 16481466

birth rates are already collapsing, which will laed to the collapse of the economy and society. if not for mass immigration most western nations would be fucked by now.

Anonymous No. 16481469

The point of the foreskin is to create safe bacteria around the head of the penis, i order to protect against harmful bacteria which can cause a UTI and that lead to kidney failure.

It's there for a reason, it's less important now we have soap but it's still an important safety mechanism.

Smegma is like earwax, it exists for a reason.

Anonymous No. 16481559

>I once ripped most the skin off the back of my hand by trying to adjust a garage door spring
never touch the red screws

Anonymous No. 16481615

There's already an effective one that doesn't effect sperm production: phenoxybenzamine. I tried that shit a decade ago and can report it kicks in within a couple hours, lasts about half a day. IDK why the FDA ain't figure it out.

Anonymous No. 16481772

No body part once removed grows back.

Anonymous No. 16481809

To my understanding, a lot of it is that they're willing to accept more side effects on female birth control, partly because of doctors dismissing women's issues and concerns and partly because the risks and effects of pregnancy are significant enough to justify some side effects to prevent it.

Anonymous No. 16482016

I've noticed trans people seem disproportionately in favour of circumcision, I suppose it's because it could count as the first 5% of a sex change operation and it gets performed at the age they think all sex changes should be performed at

Anonymous No. 16482021

What are you talking about? I've never had that impression, and I'm trans as are a lot of my friends. If anything, the general tendency to pro-bodily-autonomy positions would tend to lead to being less in favor than the general population.

Anonymous No. 16482041

that was a facetious statement intended to insult the poster I was talking to and circumcision supporters as a whole as well as all transgender people, you misunderstood it even though that should have been obvious because of your severe autism. you should consider whether that autism might also have caused you to misunderstand something about yourself. I say this to help you and not to upset you.

Anonymous No. 16482056

> My wife has not had any children since I got the vasectomy, we have been using other birth control.
I can’t imagine using birth control WITH YOUR WIFE LMAO

Anonymous No. 16482096

>Just have a million children or stop having sex
Outed yourself as an incel.

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trying for approv....jpg

Anonymous No. 16482216

Just switch off your sperm bro

elipo No. 16486468

Well imagine this:

you have a machine, an entire machine that makes babies, all it needs is a few messages containing DNA and the evrything else is purely automatic

it seems pretty obvious that anything that can stop the machine is easy to figure out, but stopping the message factory that is producing millions of messages is way harder

Anonymous No. 16486477

and yet it increases the risk of certain infections (and not) diseases
we were designed not to actually need it

Anonymous No. 16486480

they gay community certainly is very much against circumcision because it increases the flavor and taste of the penis

B00T No. 16486482

My penis tastes like ice cream chewits

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B00T No. 16486485

Or cola bottles.

Anonymous No. 16486661

>imagine having kids without preparation and just because hurr durr gotta keep reproducing, who cares about their quality of life and education
There's certain organs that can regrow part of their tissues or expand depending on certain situations, like the skin, the liver, the stomach... But regrowing an entire body part is very much impossible unless you have some weird radioactive mutation, and that's more than likely just cancer.
Yeah, this is pretty much it. Side effects in women can be noticeable and a bit annoying but they don't impede completely in the way to have sex, the main symptoms I've seen in women from my social circle is period abnormalities like missing the period, spotting, dryness, a bit of pain during sex, sensitivity around the pubic area and where the uterus would be located, breast sensitivity, symptoms that are similar to the normal hormonal process in women.

Anonymous No. 16488378

> >imagine having kids without preparation and just because hurr durr gotta keep reproducing, who cares about their quality of life and education
Those are excuses. There’s a reason that Africa is the fastest growing continent while developedoids are depleting

Anonymous No. 16488483

Preventing 99% of female ovulations prevents 99% of pregnancies. Preventing 99% of men's sperm production and you prevent 0% of pregnancies. The numbers are really not that hard to understand.

Anonymous No. 16488841

I dunno man, dick in puss feels very good and I like it.

Anonymous No. 16488842

Yes, you obviously don’t know because I’m the one saying to go fuck and you’re the one chopping your balls off

Anonymous No. 16489003

Doesn't copper kill sperm? I remember women had an option for a copper "T" shape to be placed in their wombs as a form of birth control for a decade, so guys could just have like a urethra tube made of copper stuck down their penis and it would have the same effect

Anonymous No. 16489007

It's not that hard most men just don't wanna grow bitch titties

Anonymous No. 16490504

Why not close the legs?

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Anonymous No. 16492699

big if true

another reason why Hormonal birth control is bad is that it fucks with the water

Anonymous No. 16492702

> male birth control is completely safe and reversibile tee-hee
> NO ... you CAN NOT force male immigrants to undergo this process
that's really all you need to know about
> (((male birth control)))

Anonymous No. 16492704

I don't really reply or make threads anymore but Images like these have helped me out with some of the worst points of my life and even get comfortable with the inevitability of my own death. In the end we are products of this reality, I could ramble on about what makes this universe special like how matter won against anti-matter or all the unique properties that keep the universe stable enough to support us and what exactly it took for you to exist but don't forget how insignificant you and I are. Remember to be humble, It is a privilege to be alive, an unbelievable amount take existence for granted, most live day to day just completely unaware of how much they owe to just being alive. if you are feeling hurt about a girl leaving you or someone dying or maybe something made you trip in life like someone abusing you, remember that you are alive, born healthy and were born in the greatest century so far to be alive. Life is fleeting and there is a very good chance consciousness is a temporary state. Whether there is an afterlife or not both are equally terrifying. If you are ever in a rough spot remember to be kind to yourself and to others, most people will not return it but so be it. Expecting a reward through kindness defeats the purpose of kindness. remember that you are a gift not only to yourself but to others.

Anonymous No. 16492705

It’s called getting a vasectomy after impregnating your hot wife a few times