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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476041

Teleportation LITERALLY kills you. You get disintegrated and turned to nothing and die, meanwhile a clone of you is created. The original you is dead, and now there is a new being who has your memories.

Anonymous No. 16476052

We know, but shooting people in head seems illegal.

Anonymous No. 16476064

Why does it matter lol.
There's no continuity post sleep. Everytime you lose conciousness there's no guarantee that what wakes up is the same you.

Anonymous No. 16476065

How is it not the same you? Your neural cells aren't replaced. You don't physically die.

Anonymous No. 16476082

I had got that, I clearly remained conciuss while dreams started and ended back in the day, I was totally having lucid dreams, with non-stopping conciusness. Then psychiatrist intervene, and now I don't even remember what the fuck happened until my first coffee in the morning.

Anonymous No. 16476084

What I mean is that you'll simultaneously say you've "lost conciousness" temporarily, but if you woke up with someone else's memories and in their body you wouldn't notice a difference

Anonymous No. 16476106

I can't imagine how much of dumb you have to be to even consider it possibility,...

Anonymous No. 16476146

You are your memories.

Anonymous No. 16476148

>but if you woke up with somebody's else memories.
As I told you, you're dumb considering it's possible.

Anonymous No. 16476153

If you woke up with a trillions lives worth of memories, would your head hurt, or could you manage it? What if you went to sleep and your dream was of a trillion days really fast so when you woke up you remembered it all and boom. What next?

Anonymous No. 16476160

Imagine what happens when somebody electroshocks your brain. It just hurts and all those information are not coherent.

Anonymous No. 16476190

Hey faggot OP, guess what? by that reasoning you're literally dying every microsecond.

Anonymous No. 16476196

nanosecond more like ahahahhahaahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

fag, kys now

Anonymous No. 16476202

ok, aidsmonkey.

Anonymous No. 16476208

You do know that they clean your brain jar and replace the juice every Friday, don't you?

Anonymous No. 16476210

What? HUAH? You're going to kys? Good.

Anonymous No. 16476220

dance monkey, dance!

Anonymous No. 16476224

that's only true if you are a low iq materialist

Anonymous No. 16476229

I'm a low IQ idealist, now what atheists?

Anonymous No. 16476261

Frozen sets clean themselves. They are self-cleaning.

Anonymous No. 16476268

you will be fine when teleported

Anonymous No. 16476280

The obvious fix is not to disintegrate to source you. Problem solved!

Anonymous No. 16476287

Low IQ means high intelligence as you failed at stupid questions.

Anonymous No. 16476335

I still don't have another's memories. Also please do it also on wednesdays and sundays, regulary. Sometimes they forget and it makes thinking harder.

Anonymous No. 16476351

Mistakes happen. We're just blissfully ignorant of them in our jars.

Anonymous No. 16476355

I fucking hate myself, because I missed day's where reality stream got some packages free forever if you checked out early. And I didn't happened to activate them in that time.

Anonymous No. 16476365

"Kung Fu" is always free.

Anonymous No. 16476370

Teleportation is impossible, ESL.

Anonymous No. 16476371

Well, but fighting all day isn't fun, even if you're winning.

Anonymous No. 16476373

Really? Don't you say... How do you explain going to bar and waking up in your bed next day?

Anonymous No. 16476377

dualists are more likely to have a non-reductionist view of the self and therefore believe the teleported guy is "just a copy" or that teleportation "kills you"

Anonymous No. 16476509

you cant destroy or kill the soul

Anonymous No. 16477232


Anonymous No. 16477256

it was revealed to me in a dream

Anonymous No. 16477266

Teleportation doesn't exist, you might as well be on /x/ discussing magic.

Anonymous No. 16477327

4chan doesn't exist, you might as well be on /x/ discussing magic.

Anonymous No. 16477341

what if it's more like in luigis mansion where it turns you into tiny particles then moves those.

Anonymous No. 16477386

Teleportation also isn't real