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🧵 Anyone knows how to treat ADHD induced brainfog?

Anonymous No. 16476315

Anonymous No. 16476393

Some amphetamine, in moderate doses, there are plenty of different amphetamines...

Anonymous No. 16476402

amphetamine, caffeine, nicotine, exercise, sleep, healthy diet

Anonymous No. 16476419

left, drug free
right, dulled from amphetamine exposure

Anonymous No. 16476439

Kek is this how they trick brinlets into taking the pills

Anonymous No. 16476446

happy, vibrant, engaged.
dull, distracted, sad :(

Anonymous No. 16476458


Anonymous No. 16477679

see how there's no replies and zero information.
no one cares, they just care about their drugs

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Anonymous No. 16477720

Don’t trust or become dependent on medical “professional”
Quit watching porn

Anonymous No. 16477726

It’s a fact meth will make you feel like you never had brain fog to begin with

Anonymous No. 16477803

Like what? Disturbed modulation of amygdala can exactly mean you can focus.

Anonymous No. 16478028

Meth if you have a way to control its release
Nicotine is a bit too short lived imo
Caffeine dries your brain out but it seems to have a ton of other benefits

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cao cao.gif

Anonymous No. 16478036


Anonymous No. 16478444


Anonymous No. 16478449

Were you actually diagnosed with ADHD by a doctor?

Anonymous No. 16478485

ADHD isn't real. Nor is brain fog.

Anonymous No. 16478794

Using crackpipe means you achieve precise working level of dopamine related neuro in like 3 mins of smoking, then you just need to top it every hour or so... Takes little time and is superior to pills.

Also, you need to change your diet, take supplements etc, it's quite expensive.

Just remember that studies when they discovered "methamphetamine neurotoxicity" was mice on atleast 30mg/kg, human should have like 5mg/kg to be enough high to hyperfocus for 20 hours. I recommend combining it with supplements, also on day 2, smoke then try to sleep, smoke again when you wake up, that's best way to get your methamphetamine hyper focus experience into long term memory. You won't gain anything if you're wake for more than 2 days, I mean two daylight periods.

But get like 0.3-0.4g into crack pipe and slowly smoke it whitin three hours.

Don't forget supplements, because you'd have TAAR activated, which activate metabolism, that can't be running on empty (you begin with nutrients from autphagy if you don't have them)

Anonymous No. 16478809

Anyone here tried Atomoxetine (Strattera)? How'd you find it?

Anonymous No. 16478813

Yes. It has worked in mysterious but fucked up ways. Inhaling crystal meth is better.

Anonymous No. 16478823

You should consider following, you need different substance to follow teacher in class, and different substance while you're grinding books on your own.

Anonymous No. 16478831

I like it. It massively helps the emotional instability that comes with ADHD but it kills my sex drive. Focus/Motivation wise it's a mild improvement.

Anonymous No. 16478903

Gave me a heart attack unironically. and it didn't do shit to my ADHD.

Anonymous No. 16478907

I jacked off 4 times a day on it.

Anonymous No. 16478910

Different strokes for different folks

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Anonymous No. 16478941

Made me stimulated and excessively horny

Anonymous No. 16478989

Why do some people respond better to some drugs but not others?
some people get by just by drinking coffee, others need direct bloostream meth injection.

Anonymous No. 16479034

Executive dysfunction disorders were not as bad in the past. You could get by with a simple menial labor job. Now every job requires standing totally still for 8 hours while preforming a boring, unmoving task. All those people who are dysfunctional now wouldn't be as dysfunctional in the past.

Anonymous No. 16479060

That's quite uneffective way to get meth... Really, those people are in too much hurry to be effective anyway.

Anonymous No. 16479103

Do you remember the warning signs of the heart attack? My BP is fine, but chest feels weird nonetheless.
Lisdexamfetamine made my heart go crazy and made me sweat buckets down at 20mg, even 10mg.

Anonymous No. 16479106

Dopamine hypersensitivity can be cured by large dose of meth and getting used to it.

I don't understand how can one buy 100x20mg of meth, for $570, while you can get gram for $40.

Anonymous No. 16479136

I just ignored my doctor's advice and tripled my dose like a brainlet.

Anonymous No. 16479139

I function properly on 525mg trevicta sustena, and 0.5grams of meth daily. It kinda makes having different engaged dopamine receptor profile, than you have doing just amphs.

Anonymous No. 16479141

You probably need some different thing, 4f-ritalin and isopropylphenidate are like $40 a gram most, on the internet... Cheap yet effective.

God have mercy on you for supporting big farma with all the excess money you put in your focus.

Actually that are just smartphone apps that improves your focus for less bux than your neutered version of stimulant you are consuming.

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Anonymous No. 16479151

Go hard and you’ll go home sooner
The real retards are the ones who listen to these kikes. Get high, ejaculate everywhere - you’ll soon realise it’s pointless, better off without it

Anonymous No. 16479158

You've made it...

I didn't, I asked for fluvoxamine, and this soviet doctor gave me flupentixol depod.

Anonymous No. 16479159

Yeah you’re essentially blocking your neuroprotection by inhibiting d2/d3 and promoting full excitotoxic binding to d1/d5, heck, you’re also inhibiting a2a and a2b adrenergic with paliperidone..

Anonymous No. 16479163

I know that paliperidone is bullshit, but they told me meth is wrong about that combo...

Some dopamines doesn't elevate glutamate when activated at once together, this combo breaks that and elevate glutamate.

But I think meth is necessary there, to keep your stratium from straight frying up from paliperidone/haldol.

Anonymous No. 16479164

Doesn't that just makes cAMP skyrocket?

Anonymous No. 16479168

btw, d3 antagonist possibly means, you don't get dopamine receptor expression change from using meth

Anonymous No. 16479170

>I think meth is necessary
This thread summarized.

Niggers here need to calm down. Life is meant to be slow and deliberate.

Anonymous No. 16479448

Just because there isn’t a surface level adaptation e.g. changes to dopamine receptor expression, doesn’t mean there aren’t adaptations occurring downstream. I’ve tried milking the brain for pleasure/focus, you can’t.

Anonymous No. 16479457

question to the actual science dorks: Does it make sense to take Adderall for "adhd" when I have tourettes? My tics are distracting but also stims make tics worse, so Im not sure if it makes sense to be using stimulants or how much of my attention problems are from Ts vs "adhd" (I don't even know if adhd is actually real)

Anonymous No. 16479459

I'm never assuming constant state of mind, especially with daily doses. Daily 20mg of neutered meth is more dangerous than smoking grams a week in asymmetrical doses.

Anonymous No. 16479469

You need to be polyphasic with meds to stay not retarded.

Anonymous No. 16479471

There’s black adhd which is like a neurodegerative condition, sometimes caused by malnourishment but usually genetics
And white adhd is like autism
Some being can’t focus because they’re lazy, dumb and can’t be fucked
Some people choose not to focus because they got more important stuff going on

Hope this answers the thread

Anonymous No. 16479489

delete all social media, quit all drugs for a week (caffeine/alc/nic included), quit p0rn and masturbation, sleep at the same time every day and wake up early, drink plenty of water, exercise every day, if you don't work/study make goals so you can accomplish something every day.

bonus, pray 5 decades of the rosary every day

Anonymous No. 16479497

>be polyphasic with meds to stay not retarded.
How about weed and amphetamines, how long do I got

Anonymous No. 16479549

Good for you, cannabis can reduce AMPH's excitotoxicity.

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Anonymous No. 16479551

Only until cb1 downregulates and stops internalising nmda receptors, then you’ll need sertaline (sigma 1 antagonist)

Anonymous No. 16479561


It won't because I'm not doing it constantly.

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Anonymous No. 16479580

> I'm not doing it constantly
You will once all that pleasure and poor diet malnourish your PFC

Anonymous No. 16479613

I like your info and find it accurate. Psychiatrists dont even do this kind of work. I would pay you to help me find the best "meds"/nutrients for my tics

Anonymous No. 16479671

I’d start supplementing high dose thiamine 200-700mg, magnesium 500mg elemental equivalent, and try some L-theanine 200-400mg

Anonymous No. 16479678

Saffron and Rhodiola are also effective for adhd though depending on location can be expensive
Nicotine (pouches, gum, lozenges) can also be beneficial, and help tics but it is important to stick to reasonable dosing
An occasional megadose is ok, but do too often you’ll need it to feel normal

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Anonymous No. 16479680


Anonymous No. 16480267

The amygdala regulates emotion. It shouldn't have any effect on focus?

Anonymous No. 16480279

Trust me, I have proper diet and I also supplement while smoking meth, even thout it's been half year since last time....

Anonymous No. 16480308

If you are sleeping and eating well, ADHD brain fog is not that serious or frequent. You just take breaks if you're not being productive and some sugar can help. Your brains gas tank is smaller but you should not be getting frequent brain fog. The pills will hurt your sleep and appetite, making things worse in the long run. I like dark chocolate or Gatorade powder in small quantities in my water. Unfortunately, nicotine is pretty effective and I like a cigarette now and then but you really only need a few puffs.

Anonymous No. 16480323

Severely worsened my depression, made me more lethargic, didn't do anything for focus. Previously I had tried a bunch of SSRIs and was very resistant to them. Vyvanse works well for me though.

Anonymous No. 16480737

I thank to god despite being atheist, for the nicotine source such as pouches, those retarded pharmacist put laxatives into nicotine gums where I live.

Anonymous No. 16480740

Also good news is that MDMA works for PSTD and depression already, combined with psilocybin it's suitable for many people to get treated without all those weight gain and heart dissease side effects.

Anonymous No. 16480850

Funny how the the efficacy equates to accumbal dopamine enhancement
Wonder how you’d all “benefit” from vaping MDPV

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Anonymous No. 16481016

I'm not that anon, but N-Acetylcysteine (with selenium + molybdenum...common OTC preparation...Amazon has it) worked MAGIC for both me & my best friend's tics....significantly reduced their frequency and severity. You need to dose like 2 grams per day for the first 2-3 weeks, and after that you should start noticing the positive effects & drop down to a "maintenance" dose of 600 mg - 1g per day.

NAC will significantly reduce your body's oxidative stress load across the board, which is important for amphetamine harm reduction. It also happens to be a fantastic heavy metal chelator (Google that shit). It's ridiculous NAC is so little-known, especially when it's one of the most well-tolerated supplements you could possibly take...pretty much everybody would benefit to some extent regardless of their personal body chemistry.

EDIT: I have failed this God damn captcha like a dozen times and I'm about to give up posting this. Your loss 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16481018

I have adhd but none of the stimulant medication worked for me :(

It's so over

Anonymous No. 16481028

You simply do something very boring and tedious and your brain will adapt.

Anonymous No. 16481923

Little known? It's literally what ChatGPT recommended me when I asked for recommendations...

Anonymous No. 16481926

Get 4-ho-met

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Anonymous No. 16483222

play geometry wars 3 at least one hour a day uninterrupted with all the lights off while either listening to music or listening to a lecture. try to stick to 2-3 levels so you don't spend too much time fucking around in the menus. this works best if you do it as soon as you wake up. keeps me focused most of the day i just have to mediate for 10 minutes later in the day and im good to go.

Anonymous No. 16486000

snus/nicotine pouches, methylated b vitamins, choline, glycine, NAC, regular exercise and proper sleep hygiene

Anonymous No. 16486022

get a gf that keeps you on task

Anonymous No. 16486048

that's like 300mg for a 70kg person, that's too much, why does stimulant medication always indicate that you shouldn't take more than 70-100mg then?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16486068

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Who died for our sins and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. If believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you. He will give the free gift of eternal life. He also promises to heal your body.

Anonymous No. 16486069


Anonymous No. 16486251

30mg/kg is for 100kg person 3000mg, therefore 3grams. I was looking into not just one study, but mostly when then found bad results in mice, they overdosed them, if you exceed 10 times the dose of alcohol, fat, sugar or salt, you're going to have bad time too.

When it comes to "accurate" doses, incorporated into cycles, so your brain gets normal for a while before next dose, it causes abnormal growth of neurons(sounds bad, doesn't it? But when you look at graphs and pictures in study, you see more connections between neurons, smaller soma, more axons/dendrides...)

I think dose on box is lesser, because pharmaceutical companies does wants to be better safe than sorry.

You have to take supplements, and be really in tip top condition to smoke 0.3 grams, because it depletes your storage of neurotransmitters, causes excess glutamate, etc...

e.g.: I smoke and drink coffee, but I drink far much less coffee and cigarettes while smoking meth...

Anonymous No. 16486372

I didn't take my meds yesterday so I woke up thinking and talking to myself nonstop about a design for a spatula

Anonymous No. 16487830

take your meds
and join us >>>/x/39270304

Anonymous No. 16487898

Just (wo)man up and you will be instantly cured.

Anonymous No. 16487936

trooning out is the hammer to every nail

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Anonymous No. 16487937

ADHD doesn't even exist and reading this tread reminds me of multiple shill posts on r/ADHD. Goy pill works, but it's not a solution in a long run. ((Berg)) throws studies on receptors and molecules at you, giving a sense of causality, but at the end of the day they don't know shit about brain mechanisms and brain in general.

If your subconscious is filled with shit and darkness, of course you will spend a ton of energy to mask it. Not even mentioning a dissociation which is usually described as a lack of concentration etc.

If you can't afford to lose a job or you have an important goal to achieve, do it only for that purpose. Otherwise resolve problems you are subconsciously avoid.

Anonymous No. 16487961

>If you can't afford to lose a job or you have an important goal to achieve, do it only for that purpose. Otherwise resolve problems you are subconsciously avoid.
Listen I agree the drugs are just drugs, but that's not a solution for anyone. No one here wants to waste their life or time or energy doing nothing. A lot of people who are "adhd" have a lot of goals and start projects, that just fizzle out and go no where. Unfortunately, those drugs fill in all those gaps that I have had my entire life.
Life moves so fast, I can't care what other people do or call themselves, we all want to see ourself as successful and fulfilled.

Anonymous No. 16487973

>I’d start supplementing high dose thiamine 200-700mg, magnesium 500mg elemental equivalent, and try some L-theanine 200-400mg
Just before the thread dies: thank you for this. Ive expirimented with taking b9 and b12 frequently and while it didnt help with my tics, it helped with some other cognitive things. But I never looked into B1 or heard it mentioned in relation to TS. But I googled it and saw some reddit posts of people saying it worked great for theirs, so I immediately went out and got B complex vitimans. Its only been like 3 days but so far I really feel like the peaks of my tics have gone down a lot. Theyve been a lot less aggressive. So thanks, I appreciate that a lot.

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Anonymous No. 16488011

>Life moves so fast
But that's an artificial way of living life. It's like you are in a race, but where it leads to? All your achievments and memories are closely tied to oneself, and if it is depended only on a singe pill, well it sucks.
I understand your viewpoint but on contrary, deep down, it's a sad life to live.

Anonymous No. 16488027

You are the dude with TS? Have you tried weed?

Anonymous No. 16488228

Yes and yes. Ive never noticed a difference with my tics when I smoke. From what I can tell, its worse when Im stressed/excited, when I dont eat for too long, or if stimulants. I've tried avoiding sugar, dairy and MSGs and didnt notice a difference.

Anonymous No. 16488970

What myelinization stuff you've tried?

Anonymous No. 16489107

OTC Substances to Promote Myelination and Nervous System Health

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish/krill oil or algae-based DHA/EPA): Supports myelin sheath integrity.
B-Complex Vitamins:
B1 (Thiamine): Energy for nerve cells.
B6 (Pyridoxine): Neurotransmitter production.
B12 (Cobalamin): Crucial for myelin synthesis.
Choline (Alpha-GPC, CDP-Choline): Building block for acetylcholine and myelin.
Phosphatidylserine (PS): Maintains cell membranes, modulates neurotransmitters, and reduces stress.
Lecithin (Phosphatidylcholine): Provides phospholipids for myelin formation.
Vitamin D3: Supports nervous system development and repair.
Magnesium (Glycinate or citrate): Promotes nerve relaxation and may reduce tics.
Zinc (Picolinate/Gluconate): Regulates neurotransmitters and boosts brain health.
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): Antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Enhances nerve repair and combats inflammation.
L-Theanine: Promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
Probiotics: Enhances gut-brain axis health and modulates neurological symptoms.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Supports mitochondrial and neuronal function.
Curcumin (Turmeric): Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Dietary Emphasis

Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds.
Proteins: Fish, eggs, legumes.
Antioxidants: Berries, dark greens.
Avoid: Refined sugars and processed foods.

Anonymous No. 16490967

Didn't really understand what this is, I still dont. I occasionally take omega3, magnesium glycinate, thats about it.

Anonymous No. 16491137

That's serotonin syndrome. you need to avoid certain foods while taking lisdexamphetamine, and take it at the EXACT same time every day, i would reccomend the exact same breakfast every day if possible as well, whatever it is. the pharmacy should have given you a warning about this, but you need to do your own research on what to avoid.

Anonymous No. 16491143

how can you focus if you can't even keep your emotions in check?

Anonymous No. 16491387

It's wrapping your nerve cells in fat, so they transmit signals more easily.

In TS it's malfunctioning.

Anonymous No. 16491818

It killed my sex drive and made me extremely lethargic. My focus might have been better but it didn't matter because I had no energy to do anything.

Anonymous No. 16491825

If you only have mild adhd, modafinil is where it's at. Haven't had brainfog in years, even when I'm sleep deprived. I also take nsi-189 for memory and general intelligence. I think it's decent, I'm learning a language and my recall is surprisingly good.