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Anonymous No. 16476858

The president of the EU is not attending the big climate summit, neither is the president of the USA or the leader of China. The leaders of Japan, Brazil, France and many other nations are also skipping the event.

Does this signal the official death of the global warming meme?

Anonymous No. 16476913

It signals the fact that all governments are in the oil companies' pockets.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16477974

Even Greta moved on from caring about global warming. She is a shitskin rights activist now

Anonymous No. 16478955

Stalin killing off the bolsheviks.
Will the true believers now realize they were useful idiots?

Anonymous No. 16478956

No, it signals that even retards in government can see that "solutions" to the climate change "problem" are utterly untenable.

Anonymous No. 16479025

>Does this signal the official death of the global warming meme?
It more immediately signals that that no one cares about the Conference of Parties set in one of the countries that pioneered drilling oil out of the ground and which exports still massively depends on fossil fuel exports.

Another point is that the debate about energy and climate, much to the chagrin of the heirs of the Club of Rome, has evolved. It's pretty clear that the world will not allow for degrowth. Not the rich, not the poor. And artificially limiting our energy generation, our industrial production and our mobility just to appease hysterical climate harpies is not going to happen.

So until we find a good way of storing electricity generated by solar panels (the only way of making abundant renewable energy for a reasonable price) and start building nuclear power plants like it's 1970's France, everything else is pretty much on hold.
Sure, you can ask (or keep asking) Brazil and Indonesia to stop destroying their rainforests and you can control wildfires better, but that's it. We'll still need more, not less, energy in the future.

Anonymous No. 16479078

>Club of Rome

Anonymous No. 16481072

Everyone with a functioning brain has known global warming was fake for over a decade already

Anonymous No. 16482379

The purpose of a thing is what it actually accomplishes, promotion of climate alarmism ultimately creates rising energy prices which in turn slowly de-industrialises a nation. Now alongside a token takedown of "wokesters" we are being permitted to maybe ignore climate shite because they need goyim bodies and industrial base in ww3,

Anonymous No. 16482382

they know the jig is up

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16482809


Anonymous No. 16482811

they know that having world leaders ignore the global warming meme will only embolden the global warming protestor zealots and drive them to ever more outrageous lengths to focus attention on themselves.
narcissists hate being ignored more than anything else

Anonymous No. 16484090

It signals the fact that countries have basically given up trying to reduce emissions. Actually kind of sad seeing everybody spin their wheels with these "summits" and emissions are just as high as they were 8 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16484720

> The president of the EU
The EU doesn't have a president. Kys, mutt

Anonymous No. 16485319

>emissions are just as high as they were 8 years ago.
Thats good, CO2 is good for the environment, makes plants grow better

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16485341

oil compsnies were the ones pushing for that in an attempt to fuck over nuclear energy

Anonymous No. 16485392

There is no universe in which it wasn't obvious they were referring to the president of the EU Commission.

What is a 4chan No. 16485493

What is an oil company

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16486316


Anonymous No. 16487064

good analysis

Anonymous No. 16487099

electricity in the US is one of the cheapest in the world and it de-industrialized.
>buh evropaaa
they shot their own foot by trying to counter-signal america in every turn. i do hope they find some peace of mind now that the US will leave them to their own devices.

Anonymous No. 16488524

The global warming meme is a lot like the covid vax meme. The people who were tricked by the media barrage promoting both of them are too egotistical to ever admit that they were dumb enough to be tricked by the media so both memes will never die.

Anonymous No. 16488530

Global warming was only an excuse to invade western world with clime refugees. With the west completely subverted from within by corrupt politicians, it is now a redundant mission.

Anonymous No. 16488543

Retard takes

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Anonymous No. 16490100

I wonder what the next big 'science' scam is going to be, anyone have any good guesses?

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Anonymous No. 16490900

>what the next big 'science' scam is going to be
expensive, just like all the rest of them are.
they don't do those scams unless they can make a lot of money off them

Anonymous No. 16490913

It signals the fact that global warming / overpopulation are just tools to trick white liberals into helping the elites enslave everyone. No need to keep up a scam if the mark isn’t paying attention.

Anonymous No. 16490918

The pandemic paid off nicely for both pharma companies and authoritarians. They'll make another go at that. You might think the public has wised up but when it comes $current_thing, almost everyone will fall in line again.