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Anonymous No. 16476889

Did the first Homo sapiens look like the Khoisan tribe of southern Africa?

Anonymous No. 16476894


Jefferson01 No. 16477016

>Looks vaguely Asian

Anonymous No. 16477022

These are mongolian rapebabies
Admiral Zheng He burned down his fleet to stop mongolians to keep flooding into the lush plains of south africa, few that did got stuck

Anonymous No. 16477046

Correction, Asians look vaguely Khoisan.

Jefferson01 No. 16477090

>OG colonizer Zheng He

Jefferson01 No. 16477097

True, but seems weird that a South African tribe looks like the chicom far away, and there are many large-eyed Hindus, Arabs, and Caucasian between them, why the phenotype similarity then? Seems off

Anonymous No. 16477128

south africa (south of congo) has plains ideal for mongolian horsemen lifestyle

Anonymous No. 16477138


Anonymous No. 16477243

one race.