๐งต Eosinophilic esophagitis: an autoimmune condition on the rise
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Nov 2024 05:38:47 UTC No. 16477509
So, one of my friends was diagnosed with this condition a week ago and it puzzled me as to why she got it. She never smoked or drank alcohol (and no she didn't take the vax), and always seemed healthy, and yet now she struggles to swallow food and experiences food impaction on a regular basis. Why would something like this develop? Is it a natural response to some pollutant or irritant, or maybe something genetic?
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Nov 2024 08:10:46 UTC No. 16477593
A friend of mine has had it since he was little. Doctors say it's genetic
I don't buy it, his dad is a doctor and has been giving him pharmaceutical cocktails ever since he was born. That must have fucked him up to some extent.
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Nov 2024 08:18:00 UTC No. 16477595
Some genetic conditions can be quite benign until the right enviromental factors set them off
There's evidence that the polio epidemic was made much much worse because of high levels of lead in humans from leaded gasoline
So some enviromental factor might make a previously unnoticed genetic condition worse.