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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477520

Are millimeter wave scanners harmful to humans?

Last thread was deleted for no reason.

Anonymous No. 16477524

even if they are, they use the same frequencies that cell phones use but like 1/1000 the power, so they are the least of your worries

Anonymous No. 16477568

Yes. Touch is important. The TSA could have prevented my developmental disability by touching me instead.

Anonymous No. 16477571

you can always asked to be touched, anon

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Anonymous No. 16477660

100% safe.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16477725

You are a retard fuck off to >>>/x/

Anonymous No. 16477727

If you are not satisfied then you can always fuck off to >>>/x/. Your schizo friends there have better knowledge about millimeter waves.

Anonymous No. 16477734

Why are these retards so afraid of radio waves but not visible light? Visible light has a much higher frequency and compared to the device in picrel, the light sources usually have a higher power density.

Anonymous No. 16477735

Whoa, take your seroquel psychos, your uncontrollable emotions are showing.

Anonymous No. 16477763

You ever notice how light doesn't pass through your whole body?

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Anonymous No. 16477775

Cool, a certain time and date perhaps?

Anonymous No. 16477789

Because /x/fags tend to attribute supernatural qualities to anything they can’t see.

Anonymous No. 16477806

But it does somewhat penetrate

Anonymous No. 16477816

Millimeter-waves don't penetrate that deeply either. It's the microwaves and below that penetrate deep into the skin. But all of these are non-ionizing at the photon level. So the problem is with high-power radio waves that can heat up your tissues. But this device radiates 1 mW for a few milliseconds. Even weaker than your modem at home, which is constantly on.

Anonymous No. 16477835

you mean the same frequencies as a microwave oven. Ever wonder why your face gets warm when you hold the cellphone up to it? I'll give you a hint, it's not the battery :^)

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Anonymous No. 16478010

>But it does somewhat penetrate
the skin depth (how far field penetrates matter more or less) of human skin at 2.4GHz is like 1 um.
at higher frequencies the skin depth is even less.

>you mean the same frequencies as a microwave oven
the microwave is operating at like 1000W.
your cellphone is operating at like 1 W.
wi-fi is operating at like 0.1 W.
and those scanners? something like 0.001 W.
if i'm willing to go outside in 2024, i'm willing to walk through a millimeter wave scanner (and have done so many times because i've collaborated on research building these things)

Anonymous No. 16478066

The damage has already been done.