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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477732

What's the purpose of society? Are we ever going to reach a 'promised land', or a state of paradise, or are the costs going to continue to rise and life becomes more of a struggle? Who's problem is this?

Anonymous No. 16477738

You might find that life is in the end days of ruination. We're doing nothing but fart in the wind while those lucky to be rich sail in boats and party across the seas. Most people on sci are educated stupid, sheeple, destroying themselves and future in social subhivemind.

Anonymous No. 16477866

I think thanks to industrialization and robotics we could mostly all stop working now except for some surgical work and robotics work, if the only purpose of society was to fulfill material needs. However I now think societies are created to fulfill the egos of those at the top, who make everyone work so they can live in a wonderland of their own creation. Most of the work people do is so that other people can buy useless shit that they don’t need. Often people are buying shit just to fill the holes in their lives created by their jobs, and their jobs also happen to be building selling or servicing shit other people don’t need.

Anonymous No. 16477873

In a finite system entropy always increases. So things will continue to get harder and solutions more complex. The good thing is the we're evolving with this constant change in state and able to keep up. But yeah there is no utopia, there is no promised land. In essence life is suffering and there is no escape. The only solution is to accept and embrace it.

Anonymous No. 16477891

Society as act of one man domesticating the other. Society is slavery. You were born a cattle for others, OP.

Anonymous No. 16477908

Doesn't this forewarn a catastrophic event occuring to reset minds down here onto the proper path(of working towards a promised land)? Humans seem to be inherently evil-willed and are making a mockery of life's meaning, so much so for a lot of people and other life forms on Earth are experiencing existential meaninglessness for which no item created by man can substitute.

Shouldn't nature be working towards healing the state of the mind here? Perhaps the sun will sooner or later cause a gravitational disaster wiping the correct humans out.

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Anonymous No. 16477910

To add, obviously the root of this problem rests on a few with great power.