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Anonymous No. 16477755

why does prostate stimulation feel good? heart stimulation or liver stimulation don't feel good. what's the evolutional purpose of this?

Anonymous No. 16477772

My understanding is that it's because the prostate has a very large portion of the nerves related to ejaculation (which does have a clear evolutionary benefit to being pleasurable). I'm certainly no evolutionary biologist (or biological teleologist for that matter) but my guess is that it's related to the other functions the prostate serves in standard sexual intercourse.

Anonymous No. 16477780

It doesn't feel good. It feels gay. It feels good if you're gay.

Anonymous No. 16477843

feel gay = feel good.
there's a reason why if you bottom once, you're gay for life

Anonymous No. 16477845

What serves you, serves me, serves you

Anonymous No. 16477870

Because god thought it would be funny if you put things in your butt

Anonymous No. 16478556

I always thought it was to make shitting feel kinda good to encourage apes to do it and not try to hold it in all the time and avoid the inconvenience of the process

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16478604

Thar was my assumption as well. Like shitting would kinda of be unpleasant if it didn't feel good

Anonymous No. 16478698

It doesn’t feel good, most people hate it.

Anonymous No. 16478783

he was right it is funny

Anonymous No. 16478790

As an expert on the topic I say that the pleasure of taking a shit feels completely different from prostate pleasure

Anonymous No. 16478801

you have a phd in buttfucking?

Anonymous No. 16478805

well, riding a dildo probably stimulates it differently to how an entirely malleable turd slowly sliding past it does

Anonymous No. 16478807

Depends how you use the dildo, I for one like to slide it up my anus and bounce up and down softly and quicky

Anonymous No. 16478829

even if it's made from a very soft material and no matter how it moves in there I don't think a dildo could produce the same sensations as a turd given a turd is perfectly flush with your anal walls and so doesn't apply the same kind of pressure, also consider that a turd only moves against it once and only in one direction, it wouldn't be very surprising if during conventional masturbation you found that only making one, slow, downward stoke against your penis felt different to stroking it up and down in a rhytmic motion
I think a much greater mystery is that sissy faggots are now reporting that their newest pasttime, slapping their balls with their dildo while locked in a chastity cage, also somehow feels pleasurable

Anonymous No. 16478925

Evolutionary reasons:

Anonymous No. 16478927


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Anonymous No. 16478983

you're scared, you really are

Anonymous No. 16478988

I'm not homophobic I'm homobigoted.