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🗑️ 🧵 /the/ theory general

Anonymous No. 16477830

Out of the box edition

Welcome to /the/ theory general, where you can post your own theory work.

Anonymous No. 16477832

The mind has a print(ex. Fingerprint) that's called an 'adult'. It is the best item to compare to other patterns. It is found around the sides, near the top of the temple area, in your consc. It is the points where you are most in tune with your brain.

Anonymous No. 16477856

Last night I programmed an evolutionary algorithm to see how well mutations of Finite State Machines at various sizes can learn a random string much larger than the number of their memory states. For a small number of memory states, adding more memory states does help the fit. However, surprisingly to me, the marginal returns collapse quickly and the performance flatlines. I have no idea why, but next I want to compare will it with pushdown automata

Anonymous No. 16477862

AGI is impossible because a complex system cannot reduce itself. See Godel's, Halting Problem and the like.

Anonymous No. 16477869

I agree but I think “irreducible complexity” and “algorithmic information content” are more relevant concepts rather than the halting problem

Anonymous No. 16477881

I cited the Halting Problem because of it's self-referential nature. The problem is more a system can't adequately talk about itself.

Anonymous No. 16478668

Your working on compression?

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Anonymous No. 16479111

Stars do not explode. Supernovas are overheating stars, not exploding stars. To exist around 'exploding stars' is too bizarre to consider, a true supernova is intense overheat and brightening of a star. Our sun is currently in supernova.

Anonymous No. 16479470

Dark matter is complete and utter bullshit because Einstein found a hole in his math he couldn't answer but didn't want to go god did it LMAO so he just made up shit about a particle that cannot even remotely be interacted with; Despite the fact that this very hole could have been filled with anti-matter which we do know exists in the universe.

Anonymous No. 16479506

>a true supernova is intense overheat and brightening of a star

A thermonuclear bomb is also just a heating event

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Anonymous No. 16479536

In the grand scheme of things, life is nothing more than order trying to emerge from entropy - not unlike perfectly symmetric crystals emerging out of a chaotic soup of minerals.
This is why everything about the universe seems hostile to life as we know it - because WE are the anomaly.
It is not a coincidence that Earth's atmosphere is full of one of the most unstable gases out there (oxygen) and is the only place where computers occur.

Anonymous No. 16479558

I agree.

Anonymous No. 16479586

Ouch, only if otter space wasn't so much poluted with artifact from wireless communication I would believe you.

Anonymous No. 16480089

This is the opinion of the mainstream scientific community, and of course it's wrong. Order emerging from chaos is a natural and inevitable process. Look up the law of increasing functional information.

Anonymous No. 16481048

There's an electrological universe existing simultaneously to this universe, and when we die we will return to a body we own there and regain memories of our prior lives. In this electrological universe space is biological and matter is electrological and we are more like holograms than meatbags, with the potential to create simulations of biological matter and form in our minds.

Anonymous No. 16481051

What, so this is just a bio experience in our electrological body in a different simultaneous universe?

Anonymous No. 16481222

Look: when people identify a pattern but haven't yet figured out the details they speak in metaphors. For example: clearly there's digestion, a metaphorical fire in the belly, no need for autopsy or details about molecules and enzymes to know that there's digestion, see?

Now clearly there's a force working against human wellbeing. Call it whatever metaphorical name you want but clearly there's such a force. I don't know what that means and I don't want to load it with schizo assumptions but it boggles the mind.

Anonymous No. 16482025

Yes, this is called Time. When we think, simultaneously it is simulated and that's where growth in that dept. Comes from. Time feeds the mind with more advanced prospect and our thoughts evolve.