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๐Ÿงต Do they touch

Anonymous No. 16478722

Do squares A and D touch? If not, what is between them?
Do squares B and C touch? If not, what is between them?

Anonymous No. 16479072

they are touching

Anonymous No. 16479076

They all square each other but each one only triangles 2 others and each one only circles 1 other and each one crosses 0 others.

Anonymous No. 16479108

>Do squares A and D touch?
Depends on how you define touch.
>If not, what is between them?
Depends on your distance metric.

Anonymous No. 16479131

(), [], (], or [)?
Remove the intentional vagueness in your post, troll.

Anonymous No. 16479836

Two shapes touch when at least one point in the diagram exists simultaneously on the perimeters of both shapes.

Anonymous No. 16479838

square B and square C
square A and square D

Anonymous No. 16481912

they dont touch each other because there is a black border between them

Anonymous No. 16481915

i assume then you mean that the perimeter/boundary is considered part of the constituent shape, correct?

?????iguessthisishowitsdone????? No. 16481968

Why draw people in with this b******* dude why don't you just f****** tell us if you know not being a dick or anything but like I don't have much patience for f****** up and down and left and right and all that s*** like I'd rather just get it from the guru right the first time instead of being f****** drawn

Anonymous No. 16486716

Suppose the squares lie on a grid.
The center would be at 0,0 - smack in the middle, let this be L.
The inner corners of all 4 squares, if the squares are perfect, are equal to point L.

Personally I liked the "this is a square" threads much more than this one.
The portal threads are also great.
Someone should make a portal thread again.

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Anonymous No. 16486786

I downloaded your shit and zoomed in 256x for u, hope this helps

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Anonymous No. 16486891

If you glue two squares togeter to make a rectangle, you only used those squares. But yet 1/4 of the perimeters of each square became part of the rectangle. In other words if you glued two sets of points together to create a larger set of points, then any point that now exists in that larger shape must have been part of the pieces you created it from. So the perimeter of a shape is part of the shape.

Proof by Microsoft Paint.

Anonymous No. 16486894

Provide a real situation where the answer to this question is meaningful

Anonymous No. 16486944

They share a coordinate, so they are touching. If 0.0 were the bottom left corner, then they all share 1.1 as a coordinate. There's no debate or discussion to be had here.