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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16478816

Why is every other member of the Homo genus extinct?

Anonymous No. 16478820

We came from fungus lizards, there's no such monkey becoming human.

Anonymous No. 16478828


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16478900

>he thinks sapien is the only extant species

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16478911

What about niggers and abbos though? They are definitely not the same species as homo sapiens sapiens

Anonymous No. 16478936

this race is first place only

Anonymous No. 16478937

White people commited genocide on them

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16478948

Let's just say that if they did they you wouldn't be able to recognise them that way because it would be racist to say they weren't human.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16478985

>trying to argue about the meaning of words
write a paper if its so glaringly obvious. the fact of the matter is you're impressioning race politics on OPs question because you're a stupid nigger.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16478991

>Anyone but Africans being pure hss
No one in these threads has ever taken a molecular anthropology course.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16478992

>implying you can publish a paper arguing that niggers are not the same species as white people

Anonymous No. 16479065

Because we ball that hard.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16479464

just say you don't like black people already, who cares anymore

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16479766

scientific name is homo erectus, we love science here

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16479796

Fuck off nazi

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16479816

>White people
out of africa happened 65k years ago, it was africans that genocided the neanderthals. africa owes massive reparations for that crime

Anonymous No. 16479871

We killed them all and used their skull cases as dishware

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16481385

It's true, I don't like black people. It's because they're not the same species as humans (white people).

Anonymous No. 16481392

because we beat them and outlasted them

Anonymous No. 16481397

You would know a lot about being a meber of homo :D

Anonymous No. 16481506

theres a couple
>a florensis type tiny one on some jungle islands in south east asia
>what the yanks called "rock apes" during the vietnam war
>wild forest man in the americas, aka sasquatch

Anonymous No. 16481509

they dindn't, they're in america and voted trump

Anonymous No. 16481511

>Why is every other member of the Homo genus extinct?

Bred out of existence... Homo Sapiens will fuck anything that even remotely resembles them.
The other 'humans' are literally in our genes, the pure members were bred out of existence.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16481520

You'd be surprised at how many on this planet aren't a fan of being around this particular subcategory of the currently existing human species.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16481528

I don't think anyone would be surprised

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Anonymous No. 16481701

>shut up, beavith!

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16481770

I don't like black people. Independently of that, humans don't need to be told to not sleep in traffic.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16482107

They don't want to scare the kids with the source of the missing 20%

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483236

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers' heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483243

Put a bomb in a nigger's mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate niggers. Feed niggers poisoned food. Force niggers to walk the plank. Push niggers into a pit. Kneel on a nigger's neck. Curse niggers with a spell. Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten niggers with a tank. Pop a nigger's car tire. Strike nigger children with a ruler. Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a nigger's limbs. Airdrop niggers into Antarctica. Throw niggers off the boat. Pressurize niggers into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a nigger's ass. Falcon-punch a nigger in the face. Make niggers into fiction. Blow niggers heads off with grenade launchers. Blow niggers brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock niggers in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail niggers to a cross and stab them. Run over niggers with a tank feet-first. Crush niggers with a press. Attack niggers with acid. Boil niggers in a pan. Lock niggers inside a brazen bull. Burn niggers alive. Drag niggers across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on niggers. Quarter niggers. Impale niggers on a pike. Total nigger death.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483254

Tenderize niggers with a mallet. Ionise niggers in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate niggers in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify niggers in a black hole. Curse niggers with the necronomicon. Trap niggers in purgatory. Bang a niggers testicles with a spiked bat. Throw niggers off a twelve story building. Freeze dry niggers in the vacuum of space. Fry niggers with power lines. Feed niggers ricin. Kneecap a nigger with a twelve gauge. Re enslave niggers. Sell niggers organs on the black market. Run niggers over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw niggers into the grand canyon. Burn niggers with jet engine exhaust. Beat niggers to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a niggers asshole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice niggers to the sun god. Drop niggers out of a plane at forty thousand feet. Feed niggers to sharks. Load a nigger into a cannon and shoot the nigger at a concrete wall. Keel Haul niggers under a galleon. Disembowel niggers with a bayonet. Strap a nigger to a cruise missile and launch it at a nigger neighborhood. Drop niggers into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter niggers. Lure niggers in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a nigger to learn calculus, then kill the nigger anyway. Atomize niggers with a powerfist. Throw niggers into vats full of FEV virus. Choke niggers with barbed wire. Throw pianos at niggers from 40-story buildings. Throw niggers at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze niggers in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie niggers to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot niggers with syringe guns. Defecate on nigger food stamps. Make niggers pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire niggers into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on niggers then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate niggers with depleted uranium.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483269

Launch a nigger with a trebuchet. Send a nigger exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a nigger as a crash test dummy. Tie niggers onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire jackass movie on a nigger. Trample niggers. Bury niggers alive. Play bowling with niggers heads as pins. Grate niggers with a cheese grater. Get niggers stuck in an elevator. Spray a niggers toilet paper with poison ivy. Shoot a nigger directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a niggers parachute. Sabotage a niggers bungee. Trap a nigger under ice. Force a nigger to work and support a family of 5. Force niggers into gladiatorial combat. Send niggers back to warring African tribes. Hide a snake in a niggers room. Put niggers on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a niggers organs. Waterboard niggers with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay niggers. Tie niggers to train tracks. Put laxatives in their kool-aid. Recreate mortal kombat fatalities on niggers. Gibbet niggers. Tie a lightning rod to a niggers head during a storm. Lure niggers into suicide pods. Bury niggers neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending niggers to it. Stir niggers into cement. Squeeze niggers through a chain link fence. Hack niggers socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a nigger. Microwave a niggers head. Suck a nigger into pool drainage ass first. Pour nitroglycerin inside a niggers basketball. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby nigger in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash niggers black skin. Play games with niggers jigsaw style. Trim a niggers nose hairs with a lawn mower. Strap a nigger to a wind turbine blade. Flatten a nigger in an industrial rolling machine. Turn a niggers bones into furniture. Make minced meat out of a nigger and serve nigga patties to other niggers. Feed a nigger viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a niggers dildo.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483276

Stone niggers. Tranquilize niggers and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from niggers. Throw a nigger down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to niggers. Pimp-slap niggers into airplane turbines. Displace niggers in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a nigger a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on niggers at maximum voltage. Give niggers sentient brain parasites. Give niggers over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave niggers out for vultures. Drive a nigger into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a nigger. Strap niggers on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap niggers to a judas cradle.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483287

Make minced meat out of a nigger and serve nigga patties to other niggers. Feed a nigger viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a niggers dildo. Stone niggers. Tranquilize niggers and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from niggers. Throw a nigger down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to niggers. Pimp-slap niggers into airplane turbines. Displace niggers in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a nigger a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on niggers at maximum voltage. Give niggers sentient brain parasites. Give niggers over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave niggers out for vultures. Drive a nigger into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a nigger. Strap niggers on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap niggers to a judas cradle. Blast niggers with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy niggers. Whip niggers into obedience. Slingshot a nigger into orbit. Rocket niggers into the sun. Stir-fry niggers in a wok. Bite a nigger and drink their blood. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into the wood chipper. Unscrew a nigger's head off. Bake niggers into nigger-pizza. Arrest niggers for no reason. Electrocute niggers. Curb stomp pregnant niggers. Beat a nigger up. Slice a nigger up and wear their skin. Set niggers on fire. Spin niggers around until they puke. Tie niggers to a train track. Karate kick a nigger in the testicles. Stomp nigger skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil niggers into a broth. Deep fry niggers. Fourth-trimester abortions for niggers. Blend niggers in a blender. Snap a nigger's neck. Throw niggers off buildings. Send aliens to abduct niggers. Force niggers to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush niggers with anvils. Throw niggers off of rooftops. Incinerate niggers. Starve niggers. Blow niggers up with dynamite. Gulp niggers. Feast on nigger eyeballs. Cave in a nigger's skull.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16483299

Kiss a nigger to death. Peel a nigger like a banana. Wipe out nigger tribes. Deny niggers into Heaven. Freeze niggers in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a nigger. Lock on to niggers with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a nigger. Ferment niggers into stew. Ensnare niggers. Nark on niggers to the army. Cause a total nigger purge. Jam a nigger into a geyser. Axe murder a nigger. Unleash Smelvin upon niggers. Put niggers on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total nigger death.

πŸ—‘οΈ Janny, come clean it up No. 16483304


















Anonymous No. 16485650

>hmmm why is this thread only on page 3 when it hasn't been replied to in a day?
>open in archive
>80% of the replies deleted
Must be new janny season.

Anonymous No. 16485652

...not this one though, obviously.

Anonymous No. 16487990

>>80% of the replies deleted
Janny must have been working overtime, they should double his salary.

Anonymous No. 16488384

huh, guess that explains why I didn't see noone mentioning the artist (it's Mossa iirc, did some nice smut)

Anonymous No. 16488402

It's a matter of classification. The Chinese believe they're a different species than other humans. To them your question is based on a false premise.

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Anonymous No. 16489081

these shorties were cute asf
they lived in indonisia ig

Anonymous No. 16489083

they all trooned out and killed themselves
this is my theory

Anonymous No. 16489561

No genitals. No reproduce.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16489574

humanity is defined as a single species by a november 1945 declaration from the united nations with zero scientific backing or justification. this declaration was made before dna was even discovered. subsequent science has show that bonobo and chimps, which are considered separate species, are more genetically similar than Europeans and Africans are. regardless that the UN refuses to reconsider the issue and all member states remain bound by the 1945 declaration

Anonymous No. 16489631

Left isn't human either, retard.

Anonymous No. 16489783

The post-war liberal consensus blamed nationalism for causing world wars (which is extremely ironic considering it's internationalism that actually caused them) so the declaration you're citing was a sort of proto-globalism that was meant to prevent war, which is especially hilarious now that the "rules-based order" frequently starts huge wars with massive death tolls in order to prevent wars supposedly.

Anonymous No. 16490192

Democultist intelligence

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Anonymous No. 16490306

>shorter snout
>less pigmentation
>floppy ears
All points towards domestication

Anonymous No. 16490320

what happened?

Anonymous No. 16491744

They were your ancestors too!

Anonymous No. 16491983

If this is the case, how come I can never get my bonobo wife pregnant?

Anonymous No. 16492131

>subsequent science has show that bonobo and chimps, which are considered separate species, are more genetically similar than Europeans and Africans are
Sounds like bullshit to me. Chimps and bonobos split nearly 2 million years ago, humans as a whole have only existed for a few hundred thousand let alone split into separate genetic groups

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16493280

humans live in a far more diverse collection of environments that chimps do. if you've ever read darwin you know that it isn't time that causes evolution, it is environmental pressure. so creatures that remain in the same environment for a long time evolve much more slowly than creatures which are capable of adapting to new environments.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16493281

Anonymous No. 16493365

What is this shit? Where are all the cute elf girls?

Anonymous No. 16493526

Purely socioeconomic factors.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16494793


Anonymous No. 16494954

Because we fucked them

Anonymous No. 16494986

Because they never existed.

Anonymous No. 16495009

Yes environmental pressure decides how fast evolution occurs but we’re still talking about ten times the time difference
There are brown bear populations more closely related to polar bears than to other brown bear populations, yet the two brown bear populations are considered the same species and polar bears are separate. Genetic distance is only part of the question when deciding what makes a species, there’s no good answer

Anonymous No. 16495025

>cursed deviant art, lipless anime style

Anonymous No. 16495031

We came from giant lizards.

Anonymous No. 16495093

>Genetic distance is only part of the question when deciding what makes a species, there’s no good answer

I think the tried and true method of "can these two organisms have sex and produce an offspring" should be the first question. If the answer is a definite "FUCK NO" (a horse and an octopus) then we can safely say they are not the same species.

If the answer is yes, then you ask additional questions;
Is the offspring fertile, stable and has no noticable health and performance issues?

>Yes/Always/Overwhelmingly large percentage of time and the genetic defects/problems are basically a rounding error
Definitely the same species.

>Pretty much always but there is a non-negligible percentage of chance there are some issues.
Same species but "one degree" of genetics removed from eachother. I think "Race" would belong here, although not exactly in just the "skin colour, skull shape" way.

>Vast majority of time, but there might be issues due to the size differences between the individual organisms. i.e. a 210cm, 140kg northern viking trying to impregnate a 130cm 35kg african pygmy negress. Issues with intercourse due to the size difference (yamete kudasai, you are breaking my pussy!), issues with bearing the child to the full term, issues with birth, increased risk to mother during childbirth etc.
This would walk a fine line between "Race" and straight up sub-species.

etc. etc.

This would have the consequence of a "species" being a spectrum, which I think it actually is when you take into account how genetics work. The less of a difference there is, the less probability of some random shit happening, the better probability of everything "turning out alright". This is of course ignoring any inherent defects that have managed to survive in a population because they are not completely crippling but might actually turn out crippling if combined with some other hidden shit in other population.

Species is a spectrum. Fuck RNG.

Anonymous No. 16495096

Same reason whites are about to go extinct again

Anonymous No. 16495107

They didn't during the Black Plague, then they won't now there's x100 of them.

Anonymous No. 16495190


Anonymous No. 16496419

interracial matings in humans have measurably lower fertility than matings within a race

Anonymous No. 16496600

This is because taxonomy/biology is balls, be a pure math faggot like me.

Monkeys aren't monkeys they aren't real, just abstraction of actual atomized concept's that exist. when biology lets me shoot lasers of my dick il acknowledge it, until then than I don't want it.

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Anonymous No. 16496725

Species isn't a hard factual concept. It hasn't been treated as such for a very long time.
There are many ways to categorize species and by phylogeny we know that Polar Bears and Brown Bears are extremely closely related.
Genetics can tell us basically what is a species and what isn't, but redoing the entire tree of life to start deleting or adding in thousands and thousands of species by genetically sequencing everything is probably impractical.
Phylogenetics of general groups is probably the 'least bad' way of handling this issue.

Anonymous No. 16496939

they get assimilated

Anonymous No. 16496940

humans are chimp pig hybrds that back cross with chimps and stabilized as ''new'' specie

Anonymous No. 16496985

Any occurrence of infertility in mixed humans is nowhere near the level of true interspecies like ligers where an entire sex can be infertile

Anonymous No. 16496986

Stop huffing paint. There is already a thread up about hybrids that shows that’s not the case

Anonymous No. 16497247

The good guys won.

Anonymous No. 16497347

Internationalism wouldn't have existed without nationalism

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Anonymous No. 16497635

Some researched I've discovered recently reveals that the people we call Jews have been active for longer than we think.
Different hominids have had their cultures parasitized upon, undermined, and ultimately destroyed and mixed out of existence.
This Khazarian group takes on little bits of genetics of the groups they eliminate, before moving on to a new host. (They have to blend in to some extent in order to take over a society). It takes thousands of years. History isn't as we know it.

It all has the ultimate aim of meeting an eschatological goal, which never seems to materialize, so they keep trying. This has been going on for a long time.