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Anonymous No. 16479040

Is this mathematically sound?

Anonymous No. 16479061

You actually need only about 80 percentile in all of those.

Anonymous No. 16479074

elon is none of these things. he is just a rich guy who does random shit with his money. can everyone please get off his dick.

Anonymous No. 16479090

Now calculate the odds of one person being all of those. To be mathematically sound...

Anonymous No. 16479112

Why does the car salesman trigger these "people" so much. Elon is, demonstrably, one of the smartest and most high energy people on the planet.

Anonymous No. 16479119

As usual, you have to explain how Musk managed to revolutionize three seperate industries, fintech (Paypal), automotive (Tesla), aerospace (SpaceX), become the richest man ever, then buy Twitter, fire 80% of the employees to make his preferred presidental canditate win the US election and bend the arc of human history to his liking etc.

Anonymous No. 16479124

Emeralds mined by slaves

Anonymous No. 16479126

Yet, he is prime example of brutality(things you can do simply, but takes enormous energy to change).

Anonymous No. 16479132

Getting further advanced in industries that he excells in really does equal to deconstructing steel reinforced concreete in preceeding things you could build, which means he has to build for energy(1) but you have to invest energy(3 to 5) to top that, and he already have most of the energy on planet, so you defacto can't get bigger than him.

Anonymous No. 16479140

You left out his weaponized autism. It's not all that useful on its own but in combination with those other traits, it's like a power boost.

Anonymous No. 16479154

We must all agree that having money is a big + if you want to have money.

Anonymous No. 16479157

Uhh, have you looked at the image

Anonymous No. 16479161

No, it doesn't get bayesian, those aspects are correlated.

Anonymous No. 16479668

Plenty of people have rich dads out there, yet still go on to achieve nothing. How do you explain that?

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Anonymous No. 16479706

i think each year there are born 1000 geniuses globally
been like that since ancient times

but 999 of those people don't get to grow up in places where they can nurture their talent
all of them will live in the ghetto or as trailer trash, held back all life

only 1 will be lucky enough to shine and be successful
humanity has amazing potential with people but we're still in the dark ages

Anonymous No. 16479822

Musk was literally born in Africa.

Anonymous No. 16479852

>but 999 of those people don't get to grow up in places where they can nurture their talent
>all of them will live in the ghetto or as trailer trash, held back all life
Bullshit. Intelligence is highly inheritable, and they'll most likely have had at least a middle class upbringing.

raphael No. 16479921

just sell your soul nigga thats all he did and cast spells for statistical significance

Anonymous No. 16480303

ok this reddit cope is getting old now

Anonymous No. 16482277

I am one of them. AMA.