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Anonymous No. 16479079

>Matter and antimatter look and behave identical
>theoretically-speaking, the only way to know if an object is made of antimatter is if it annihilates when interacting with normal matter, in which case it releases a quick and violent burst of energy
>the maths say the big bang should have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter
>there are large voids between galaxies, which make exchange of material between galaxies amost impossible
>and yet, sometimes we detect huge, quick and violent bursts of energy in random places in the universe, which can't be explained away with natural phenomena
>then half of the galaxies out there must be made of antimatter!
>"the near-absence of antimatter in the universe is one of the greatest mysteries in physics"

Anonymous No. 16479099


Anonymous No. 16479153

How do you correctly call anti-proton? If theres electron and positron, proton and negron?

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Anonymous No. 16479165


Anonymous No. 16479454

People want to worship and spread the myth that is dark matter so they can continue their worship of Einstein is why. It's fucking stupid is what it is, no better then just washing your hands free of shit and just telling the science community the sky daddy did it instead of actually trying to find out why things are a thing.

Anonymous No. 16479509

>and yet, sometimes we detect huge, quick and violent bursts of energy in random places in the universe, which can't be explained away with natural phenomena

Anonymous No. 16479543

unexplained GRBs

Anonymous No. 16479548

Not nearly powerful enough for an "entire galaxy made from antimatter"

Anonymous No. 16479556

I was thinking more of a normal matter planet colliding with an antimatter one.

Anonymous No. 16479949

Some sources say up to 25% of galaxies we can observe are currently in the process of merging with other galaxies, and even more are gravitationally interacting and exchanging stars. Yet we don't observe nearly the amount of ridiculously large emissions of energy we would expect if half of these pairs were in the process of annihilating each other.

Anonymous No. 16479952

I hope I get to live long enough for the science community to get over Einstein. But if they can get away with fantasy-land bullshit for so long why can’t they keep going down that road forever?

Anonymous No. 16479958

just wait for ww3 when we can whip out all the cool toys the governments of the world have been pretending are physically impossible to exist just to discourage their competition for the inevitable ww3