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🧵 Why is physics actually failing?

Anonymous No. 16479481

Is it cause of the wokeness? Incompetence? Why does this german mommy keep losing her faith in physics?

Anonymous No. 16479487

The last video I watched of hers she brings up out of absolutely nowhere how invermicen use let covid kill children, then showed a picture of hydroxochloriquin. For a scientist she doesn't seem to follow the science much.

Anonymous No. 16479490

Sabine is a hack. Lubos was right about her, she really is a dip shit.

Anonymous No. 16479491

Jesus she went that looney? You must be baiting, why are retards taking her seriously? Maybe causes shes a hot german milf?

Anonymous No. 16479502

>science is failing
>use my promo code on brilliant to revolutionise science

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Anonymous No. 16479783

>3 minutes in
>compares the evolution in raw numbers with a growth rate
>complains one is exponential and the other isn't
lmao what a midwit

raphael No. 16479923

if she were talking about qm then she'd know whats shes talking about i mean really how the fuck does gravity allow for time in the time complexity of space

Anonymous No. 16479967

professor dave btfo

Anonymous No. 16479994

when is she going to publish something good?

Anonymous No. 16480000

Never. She lacks the capacity to do physics, so instead of contributing, she sits on the side lines sniping at those doing something.

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The Great Stagnat....jpg

Anonymous No. 16480214

No more low hanging fruit to pick

Anonymous No. 16480751

Don't you learn about derivatives in high school physics? What the fuck is she doing?

Anonymous No. 16480758

Watch the video. She's not saying the two curves contradict each other. The braindead idiot who posted the image didn't understand her words, probably because he's an ESL faggot

Anonymous No. 16480762

And instead of correcting him, who is so obviously wrong, you just say "no watch the video."

Anonymous No. 16480773

Assume there is one job in 1930 with a constant 3% growth rate per year, compounded annually. Then by 2000 (70 years later) you'll have an 8-factor increase. Meanwhile the graph shows a 23-factor increase meaning it's growing FASTER than the TFP constant growth rate.

Jesus fucking Christ. You brain drooling RETARDS can't even do this simple fuckin calculation and assume all exponential rates are the same. Never visit this board again. You're too stupid to be here. Kys.

Anonymous No. 16480834

she's a defeatist clown profiting over these depressing ass videos with zero given solutions. for her everything is so over it never even began.

anyways, humanity will prosper and science will advance as always. I just hope she will stop depressing everyone because it's just so pointless, but easy money is too good for these greedy rodents I guess.

Anonymous No. 16480991

>science is NOT failing
>funnel more tax payer money into my research on WIMP β-cuck particles

Anonymous No. 16481002

Why the fuck does the internet care so much about the opinions of a burnt out german boomer roastie? Who is also ugly AF?

Anonymous No. 16481047

You're gay. It's 2024, and that's okay. Just stop being a faggot. Okay?

Anonymous No. 16481116

theres rarely any science physics girls, most physicists are balding retarded fat faggots like yourself.

Anonymous No. 16481122

/our girl/ is right. I support her actually, she is generous enough to give beneficence attention