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Anonymous No. 16479660

Even if we accept all the premises of the racial egalitarian left, that the races don't differ in IQ or mental ability by much for genetic reasons, and the differences we see are environmental.

What's about the difference in dysgenic fertility patterns we see between the races? Blacks have worse dysgenic fertility in the States, and Latin America as a whole as worse dysgenic fertility than the United States and Europe. Surely after a generation the different selection pressures there would result in a widening disparity in genotypic IQ?

The chances of all races having equal cognitive ability is already slim as it is, but what's certain is that if their fertility patterns differ based on IQ, eventually they'll drift apart. If this has been going on for a few generations, then it's certain they've already drifted apart somewhat even if their starting genotypic IQ potential was the same.

It's an argument I don't think I've ever seen either side bring up. The right brings up both dysgenics and race realism, but have never really brought both points together. The left is forced to contend with the idea that even though the races -may- be equal now, they're set to drift apart and become unequal.

Anonymous No. 16479663

>The left is forced to contend
It really isn't, since it rejects the notion of "dysgenics" entirely.

Anonymous No. 16479667

Dysgenics is a lot harder for them to fight against since it's just so easily observable. They found evidence of it as far back as a hundred years ago by finding low IQ people had more siblings than high IQ people. It crosses over into other behavioral traits too, like criminality. Criminals in prison in the UK have twice as many kids as non-prisoners. Hereditary of criminaltiy is very strong, the genes that predispose for it have even been identified.

Anonymous No. 16479672

Then why have IQ's over the past 100 years increased on average?

Anonymous No. 16479676

The Flynn effect has disguised the genotypic loss, plus the aspects that have increased are apparently the less g loaded.

IQ gains have been reversing in many places recently too. I think it was the Danish military that noticed a regression in their IQ scores since 1998.

Anonymous No. 16479715

>The chances of all races having equal cognitive ability is already slim as it is
Don't play around it. It's non existent. ZERO. Absolutely ZERO. You don't even need selection pressures (which DO exist), but just simple genetic drift which is certain to happen.

Anonymous No. 16479738

>The chances of all races having equal cognitive ability is already slim as it is
Slim? Fucking what, now? It's nonexistent you inbred moron. Don't make me post the evolution pasta.

Anonymous No. 16479741

I know this but racial egalitarianism is a de-facto religion for the western world. It's actually illegal to state otherwise in many western countries. This argument is a very, very generous argument that is assuming the libtard idea that all races are equal is true.

Even if they are equal, we can show that they'll drift off and be unequal again soon.

Anonymous No. 16479895


Anonymous No. 16479938

The problem is that when you have a democratic system it becomes difficult to define who gets to vote and who doesn’t. So when a peasant race (blacks, certain Indians and Asians, Arabs, etc) is present they become politically meaningful via vote-buying (gibs) and then the elites are motivated to make them socially equal to non-peasant polities. Why did the government make it illegal to hire based on IQ? Because using IQ was a scientific, empirical way to differentiate qualitative factors between races and the elites understood that must be abolished from society. If IQ hadn’t already been a well-established field of study the elites may have banned it outright instead of just trying to subvert it. In a different timeline IQ could have easily become just a branch of Eugenics and talked about in the same breath as measuring skulls is today.

But there’s a hidden white pill in all of this. The fact is, no matter what science discovered and no matter what happened, inclusivity and woke was ALWAYS going to be the state religion. There was NEVER going to be a reality in which low-IQ populations were NOT going to used to dilute and defeat the political will of high-IQs populations. It’s a white pill because you don’t have to be angry at living in the worst timeline because this timeline is as good as it was realistically going to get. No matter how you cut it, power dynamics rule all of history and determines the direction of humanity regardless of what you, I or anyone does.

Anonymous No. 16480275

No, it wasn't inevitable. The modern west is a direct consequence of the Second World War. Had Germany won, there is no reason to think Europe would be on the path it is on today.
The reason your arguments don't hold up in court is because the official religion of the day, and that religion is founded in the WW2 mythos. You argue for anything mildly "right-wing" like ethnonationalism, genetics and eugenics, anything anti-liberalism etc. and you will be shut up quickly by being called Hitler or 'nazi'. They pray at the altar of Judaeo-liberalism-capitalism as the fundamental axioms, and in this system Hitler is the Devil.

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Anonymous No. 16480301


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16480311

Humans are NOT rational beings. If it goes against the cult teachings, the overwhelming majority can simply reject it without feeling a tint of intellectual dishonesty or shame. The same way most people in the West will reject anything but exact racial equal-ness despite all reason and evidence and most of LIVED EXPERIENCE pointing to the contrary.

Anonymous No. 16480314

Humans are NOT rational beings. If it goes against the cult teachings, the overwhelming majority can simply reject it without feeling a tint of intellectual dishonesty or shame. The same way most people in the West will reject anything but exact racial equal-ness despite all reason and evidence, and most of all, LIVED EXPERIENCE, pointing to the contrary.

Anonymous No. 16480454

Nobody cares retard.

Anonymous No. 16480699

Leftists would argue that IQ either doesn't exist, can't be defined, or is racist.

Hope you like word games.

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bodhi No. 16480796

there is a timeline where he won

Anonymous No. 16480837

>There was NEVER going to be a reality in which low-IQ populations were NOT going to used to dilute and defeat the political will of high-IQs populations
right, even Nazis are guilty of this. the goyim are just too damn useful, nobody who wants power wants a race of Einsteins and John Von Neumanns unfortunately.
oh what could've been...

Anonymous No. 16480867

>It's an argument I don't think I've ever seen either side bring up

Because the argument falls apart when you realize dysgenics can apply to IQ on the right side of the bell curve too. See South Koreans and Japanese who have soft neutered themselves via work culture. See modern women who focus education/ career only to miss their optimal fertility window. See 1st world economies that grew so complex and capitalistic that they priced their own citizens out of the market to raise families with +2 children unless they're heavily subsidized. See modern men who figured out the "metagame" involved with family court/ social security and are checking out.

These are the results of behavior associated with high IQ not low IQ. You're starting to get to point where you can't even convince the high IQ people to have kids because they're too smart to be "gamed" by society.

Anonymous No. 16481029

The little research I've looked into with dysgenics shows it's hitting blacks a lot harder than whites in the United States. It's limited, but the brief looks in Latin America show it's going down faster for them as well. Whites actually seem to be relatively less dysgenic than other races in the sense that there is a slew of high IQ religious conservatives that do have many children, Mormon fertility patterns in particular are slightly eugenic for IQ. Other races don't really seem to have this. Plus the criminal co-hort typically clusters around the 80-90 IQ range, if certain races have more people relatively in that cohort, then their criminal population will grow much faster.

Even if every race has dysgenic fertility, if it's at different rates there will be variations in intelligence inevitably. East Asia is a different basket to the west because theirs is more the work culture fertility shredder and less 12+ kids babymommas. Even the existence of the welfare state induces variations. I'm sure Sweden with its larger social safety net will induce a different rate of dysgenic fertility than Korea where they get crumbs.

This argument can be applied retroactively too. If we are to assume that blacks and whites were cognitively equal in 1900, and extrapolate the fertility patterns over the last 100 years, we can showcase an estimated spread of how much their genotypical average IQ would've shifted. This brings the argument to focus on -WHEN- exactly the races are equal. Were blacks and whites cognitively equal in 1900? If so, they're not now? Are they coincidentally cognitively equal now? If so, that'll drift apart over the next generation.

Anonymous No. 16481351

god you guys are so gay and boring

Anonymous No. 16481536

Wait till they find out about the eugenicists behind UN documentation and the likes of the Gates and other billionaires.

That being said, the question of the genome and whether or not it also suffers from entropy is a serious question that needs scientific investigation. Too bad it is a taboo subject, and the only ones interested are doing it for their own breakway society.

Anonymous No. 16481827

So, to heavily summarize your comment, your basically saying that its innevitable that the whole world will turn into one giant shithole third world slum?