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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Today has been interesting

Anonymous No. 16479877

Long story short i work as a labtech (been on the job for 3yrs now) and today was the magical day when we i found dogsemen on a pap test. I know its legal here but man i didnt think i would live to see the day. Now im currently sitting on the corner of my bed looking at my wall and im not really sure what to think. I thought this shit was a 4chan epic meme

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Anonymous No. 16480219

How easy is the job of a lab tech, and can a retard do it? How long does it take to become one?

Anonymous No. 16480223

>legal here
what country?

Anonymous No. 16480228

how did you know it was dog goo?

Anonymous No. 16480236

OP has a keen sense of taste.

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Anonymous No. 16480411


Anonymous No. 16480417

semi hard but wery doable its basicly MDmini, good thing if you want to get into medicine easy to contioniue studying to be a MD after if you want to (one of my friends doing it right now) or other medical siences or biology have another guy i know that currently doing her masters in cell biology

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16481318

> its legal
How do you know the dog consented?

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16481504

>i found dogsemen on a pap test

Anonymous No. 16481516

>i found dogsemen on a pap test

How did it get from her asshole to her vagina?
That is the question.

Anonymous No. 16482615

Dog goo is more watery and has a metallic flavor