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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16481119

Let's try develop a Ion Cannon, a step in this direction may advance our science.

An Ion Cannon is a science fiction weapon, which may actually be a real weapon because all it refers to is a out of space Lazer that charges, and then over-charges through g-force hijack, and shoots an unstable Lazer towards earth that creates a nuclear effect by collapsing an ionistic field generated by creating a strange cold fusion.


These would be more long and less thick machine lasers.

The Lazer would be more heat and less light based.

Anonymous No. 16481125

these fuckers were annoying in the cave that leads to the Odin esper or whatever. I forgrt why but I dislike them still

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Anonymous No. 16481154

Low orbit ion cannon already exists tho

Anonymous No. 16481184

An encounter with a Tonberry is unexpected and not threatening until it one shots your characters one by one and you're unable to flee which takes the unexperienced player completely by surprise and to the brink of despair and rage quitting.

Anonymous No. 16481186

It's a berry that weighs a ton, hence the name, Tonberry

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Anonymous No. 16481465

Those were days

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Anonymous No. 16482029


Anonymous No. 16482031

Come on now. Out the way you bollocks. I'm trying to advance our science.