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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16481470

Are scientists in competition to see who can waste the most of other people's money in the most absurd and grandiose fashion?

Anonymous No. 16481482

>only NEW AND EXCITING research gets funded
>you don't eat with out funding
>so you make up bullshit so long as it's NEW AND EXCITING
this bullshit and the "studies don't mean anything anymore if they're older than 4 years" will keep the academics feeding meth to chickens forever

Anonymous No. 16481483

>>only NEW AND EXCITING research gets funded
>>you don't eat with out funding
>>so you make up bullshit so long as it's NEW AND EXCITING
Get a real job, fag.

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Anonymous No. 16481484

I don't work in academia. I just know their secrets. The only people that need a scientific journal are physicists and chemists and the like. But scientific journals became fashionable so now everyone from literary types to Phd dishwashers have become people watchers and opinion surveyors so try and attach numbers to their literacy to try and ape "science."

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Anonymous No. 16481487

lmao what is this meme magic?
I just can't take this world seriously anymore

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Anonymous No. 16481499

Sometimes these are ridiculous as they sound, sometimes it's just hyperbole looking for an excuse to cut funding.

There was a biology prof at my old institution who got constantly shit on by politicians looking to slash funding, they'd post ludicrous claims that he was some pervert getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to watch snails having sex. His research was looking at species of sexually and asexually reproducing snails to determine what may have led to the development of sexual reproduction in lifeforms, and it was mostly built around genetic sampling data.

Same here - a casual search reveals this is part of multi-year study on the impact of substance abuse on tendencies towards high risk sexual behavior and how both behaviors can be curbed. It also was for only $100K, not a million.

Where's the Department Of Hyperbolisms?

Anonymous No. 16481525

wtf i love nafotrannyis now?

Anonymous No. 16481534

Only 8% of the budget goes to federal employees, the other 92% goes to contractors and commercial entities. So DOGE being the retarded idea that is it is going to cut back on the 8% rather than the obscene amount of waste in the other 92%. tl;dr more money goes to the billionaires.

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Anonymous No. 16481626

Anonymous No. 16481659

>is going to cut back on the 8% rather than the obscene amount of waste in the other 92%
Did you just pull that out of your ass?

Anonymous No. 16481674

That makes sense if you replace "socialism" with "Britain"

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Anonymous No. 16481696

nta - but he's probably not far off. the vast, vast, VAST majority of waste in government spending is paying contractors obscene amounts of money to mismanage the shit out of projects.

... VAST.

just look at the ares rocket program, we paid ATK six billion dollars to develop a prototype for a shuttle replacement, and all they did was paint the words "ares" on the side of one of their off-the-shelf SRBs and put a goofy payload fairing on the top.

Anonymous No. 16481706

Not talking about the ratio, but the targeting of the ratio. Like how dumb do you have to be to think the 92% wouldn't be the easiest target to fix

Anonymous No. 16481709

How many "nearly $1 million"s does it take to make a trillion?
Yeah, it's silly, but is this really gonna clear our $36 trillion debt?

Anonymous No. 16481722

OP is just the clickbait stuff. The biggest problems are elsewhere.

>“We expect mass reductions,” said during an appearance on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo. “We expect certain agencies to be deleted outright. We expect mass reductions in force in areas of the federal government that are bloated.”

>Ramaswamy also said “massive cuts” are expected among federal contractors “and others who are overbilling the federal government.”

Anonymous No. 16481738

Don't look now but there's a "related projects" section. But anyway, they use quail because they're more reliant on their color vision to choose their mates compared to mice. And they have the same sex hormones as humans, although they don't work exactly the same. It's just an animal model. Labs use quail and chickens more than dogs, cats or monkeys but there's no pop-culture visibility that I know of.

Anonymous No. 16481740

execute the debt-holders.

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Anonymous No. 16481771

>its only a million dollars
everything is cheap when you're talking about other people's money

Anonymous No. 16481785

>DOGE focuses on slashing science funding

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Anonymous No. 16481813

>$100,000 to *measure* snails having sex
>$100,000 to *prevent* coked-up pheasants from having sex
Do you really think you’re talking your way out of this one?

Anonymous No. 16481817

>the vast, vast, VAST majority of waste in government spending is paying contractors obscene amounts of money to mismanage the shit out of projects.
That’s second. First is giving welfare to nonwhites (who hate us).

Anonymous No. 16482085

>Government waste
>It's about science grants
>Not the military
This is a dailymail article. Why do you fags come here to shit up the board with tabloid nonsense?

Anonymous No. 16482088


Anonymous No. 16482104

Don't worry, we're cutting the hundred gorillion a year being flushed down the Ukraine toilet too, that just doesn't happen to be a DOGE thing.

Also that's not a dailymail screencap. Sperging out about news websites you hate already makes you look dumb enough without being literally wrong about it.

Anonymous No. 16482108

Nobody is sending Ukraine money. They're sending them old military equipment that would be decommissioned anyways. Halting aid to Ukraine does nothing to limit military spending. This is exactly what I expect from someone stupid enough to read dailymail.

Anonymous No. 16482114

>As of September 30, 2024, the U.S. Ukraine response funding totals nearly $183 billion, with $130.1 billion obligated and $86.7 billion disbursed.

Still not a dailymail cap btw.

Anonymous No. 16482119

That's the value of the equipment sent. It's not actual money. This is exactly what I expect from someone who reads dailymail.

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Anonymous No. 16482133

The entire government budget of Ukraine is supported by foreign aid. Not to mention, that "old" equipment has to be replaced. 155mm shells are good for 50 years, they've blasted through those and have started up increased production.

Anonymous No. 16482139

Why would congress need to pass huge appropriation bills for old tanks? We give Ukraine free shit and congress passes a bigass funding bill to replace it all. That the literal cash ends up at Raytheon instead of Kiev doesn't change that it's stupid and that it's going to stop.

Anonymous No. 16482153

1 million usd is pretty much nothing for a scientific project. The largest part by far is usually salaries, and I wouldn't be surprised that behind the clickbait title there are huge practical applications. Imagine for instance that increasing reproduction rate of quails doubles the productivity of quail farming...

Anonymous No. 16482174

That old equipment was slated for decommissioning and replacement. The US loses nothing by sending it to Ukraine. Halting aid does nothing to change the military budget. Now look up actual military budget waste. The military industrial complex is real has consumed more of your tax dollars than immigrants and Ukraine ever could.

Anonymous No. 16482241

Fuck you. We lose the equipment which can be decommissioned and auctioned or scrapped for recycling. Better than supporting the ukraine.

Anonymous No. 16482255

He's not even correct about how money and budgets works. Probably a meth head Azov nazi.

Anonymous No. 16482267

I wrote a Phd thesis ones for some dude for money. He told me before we even delivered the whole text, that it was arranged to get published. This is before official acceptance of the thesis lmao. The consultant professor gets lots of references in the thesis, then they publish it in one of their circlejerk journals and get free academic references.

Anonymous No. 16482294

100,000 would barely cover salaries for 2 lab techs before the actual snails and equipment.

Anonymous No. 16482328

>Are scientists in competition to see who can waste the most of other people's money in the most absurd and grandiose fashion?
No, they are playing the same game every single person on this planet is: capitalism

Anonymous No. 16482341

>So DOGE being the retarded idea that is it is going to cut back on the 8% rather than the obscene amount of waste in the other 92%

Even assuming your figures are correct - cutting off the 8% "head of the beast" fixes the allocation of the other 92% anyway, I mean who enters into these agreements with contractors in the first place.

Are you a child?

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Anonymous No. 16482483

It's clear from this image that Interest payments (kill all (((userers)))), DoD, and Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security are our biggest expenditures.
Even if we could somehow ignore interest payments (to whom?) and double corporate taxes, that'd still leave $0.5 trillion to somehow get rid of. Shit is fucked.

(Look at how $50 billion is barely even a pixel LMAO. And people in this thread are pissing themselves over less than $1mil)

Anonymous No. 16482506

>that'd still leave $0.5 trillion to somehow get rid of

Anonymous No. 16482517

Neither of you have any idea how the military works or how it decommissions old equipment. At this point it's a giant welfare scheme for corporations and people who aren't smart enough for college.

Anonymous No. 16482575

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Might as well be a dog barking about magic food bowls.

Anonymous No. 16482577

To be clear, yes, it's very much a corporate welfare sink; everything else you said about how money, depreciation, or cash flow is pure headcanon.

Anonymous No. 16482647

>be policymaker
"We are tired of funding social science research that can't be replicated. A million dollars to anyone who produces QUALITY social science research"
>Scientists gets grant for highly objective, highly replicable basic behavior research in birds
>Research much cheaper and IRB-feasible than primate research
>Research can reduce the cost of future research in other animals and humans by piloting methods and processes
"No, not like that! Let's give $3,000,000 to a bunch of Marxist sociologists to study homelessness"
>Sociologists pay temporarily sober methheads/formerly homeless to interview currently homeless
>Sociologists recruit ex-homeless interviewers as they 'will work better because they will trust them'
>Sociologists take homeless informants at their word when homeless say they are local to the region and give other info
>Critics ask, "15% of your sample self-reported as homeless veterans, why didn't you confidentiality
verify veteran status as an independent benchmark? You could even connect them to services"
>Sociologists scoffs, 'such probing questions would scare them off'
>Critics ask, 'Can we see your structured interview?
>Sociologists 'Sorry, the exact questions are proprietary'
>Sociologists point to the Silicon Valley statistics firm that crunched the numbers, 'the statistics are on our side.'
"Wow, what quality research!", explain the politicians, "The homeless are temporarily downtrodden locals who just need a boost. See? The homeless report that they are victims of violence, not the perpetrators! if only we could explain why homeless who live in areas where one can safely smoke meth or crack, without being victimized by the police, are so often reporting being victims of rape. Maybe next time the sociologists can see if white prep school kicks are raping homeless people."

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Anonymous No. 16485510

ITT: people will kneejerk try to defend any ridiculous thing, if you say Elon Musk is against it

Anonymous No. 16485581

I don't think destroying social security and medicare while defaulting on the national debt is going to go over well with the typical republican voter, or any voter, really.

Anonymous No. 16485608

Why not throw in a second holocaust and forcing women into breeding pods while you're at it?

Anonymous No. 16485670

You know that 3 million dollars is nothing, right? Are you poor?

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Anonymous No. 16486956

>FotM boomer talking point #297520908

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Anonymous No. 16486962

Anonymous No. 16487263

>governments waste money
A thief does not spend his victims money wisely. This should be obvious.
Government workers are even worse than a thief, at least the thief has to work to plan out a burglary: Government workers just have tax money fall on their lap.

Anonymous No. 16487264

Don't rely on government funding then.

Anonymous No. 16487266

Irrelevant. Are you willing to part with $100,000 to measure snail sex? This science is funded by government because it is not worth doing.

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Anonymous No. 16487272

>Interest payments (kill all (((userers))))
Or just use some impulse control and don't spend more than you steal by taxation.
US govt spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world. This is why US healthcare system is so shit.

Solve debt crisis by axing medical care completely (also totally deregulate the industry, no doctors licensing, no patents, nothing), axe welfare, and axe military funding: you have a second amendment for this.

Anonymous No. 16487277

>bunch of Marxist sociologists to study homelessness"
Symbiotic relationship. Marxists get free money and clout, government get's "facts and statistics" to backup and justify further government spending and intervention.

Anonymous No. 16487281

Who cares? It's only $100,000.

Anonymous No. 16487288

>US govt spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world.
>This is why US healthcare system is so shit.
Explain this jewish magic to me

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Anonymous No. 16487300

Germany's budget breakdown for comparison (gesundheit means health)

Germany has a population of 84 million, and spent $35 billion on healthcare ($416 per person)
According to this >>16482483 chart, The USA spends $1488 billion (lol) on 333 million people, or $4468 per person

So how is it the Germans get free universal healthcare, but we still have to pay $6k a year out of pocket just for incomplete coverage?

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Anonymous No. 16487674

Batman Anus moment

Anonymous No. 16487678

>The USA spends $1488 billion (lol) on 333 million people, or $4468 per person
I hate when people use this sloppy language. What is "The USA"?
The USA government or the entire coutry?
Because the country as a whole spends 17% of GDP on healthcare. This includes all healthcare: Pharmaceuticals, hospice homes, all those retirement homes that have nurses bringing old people their medicine and bathing them, all of the money people pay private insurance to then pay hospitals, its over 4 trillion dollars

Anonymous No. 16488539

The topic of discussion is the federal govt, so the federal govt. Which, in itself, is already 11x less efficient than Germany.
The way you've put it, we're really wasting more like 30x more than necessary on shit healthcare that still leaves millions dead due to malpractice and makes ordinary people go bankrupt.

Heads need to roll.

Anonymous No. 16488584

You're stealing $100,000 from someone to pay for this.

Anonymous No. 16488587

Government interference in the market distorts selection pressures to the point that severe dysfunction manifests.
E.g. government says "we'll pay for poor people's medical fees", this increases the demand for medical stuff, so the price rises in typical supply-demand fashion. Also, hospitals & insurance realize they can charge whatever price they want because government will always pay.
This is very basic and requires little intuition.

Consider also regulations:
Only 3 companies can legally make insulin in the USA due to regulations and patent laws. This is yet another state enforced monopoly.

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Anonymous No. 16488610

Anonymous No. 16488769

Nope. That's not how tax dollars work. If you think taxes are theft then stop paying them or fuck off to a different country.

Anonymous No. 16489673

now you've become emotional and angry because of how guilty and ashamed of yourself you feel over being a worthless, wasteful their instead of being a useful productive member of society

Anonymous No. 16490102

No doubt deliberate. Elon shitposts most of the time while paying people to do all the work keeping his companies afloat.

Anonymous No. 16490356

The truth is, the "government" prints only a fraction of the ""wealth"" that is currently in circulation.

>Make a business
>Get (((someone))) to **value** your business as $6Billion
>Take out loans, or trade shares of your business for liquid cash, tangible assets, or shares of other 'legitimate businesses'

To put it in other, perhaps more easily understandable terms:
>Draw a picture of a cat
>Get an ""art appraiser"" to value your cat picture for $6billion
>repeat 100x
>You now have $600billion
You don't necessarily need to have $600billion in hard cash, but you can use that alleged wealth to trade for other forms of money and goods/services.
This is where you need to start finding ways to "launder money" in ways that are not going to draw too much suspicion. When people talk about needing to "clean their money" because of "le selling drugs", that is just a meme. Drug dealers use cash. The people who actually need to launder their money revenue are just doing funny money stuff like above.

In the USA alone, there are tens of millions of businesses, and millions of non-profits. When you have MILLIONS of these people doing circus routines, it begins to become difficult to conceal. Does the government spend too much on wasteful programs? Sure, no doubt. But it's relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

And though there isn't (or perhaps they do have some secret list) an officially public record of how much ""money"" is out there floating around, **we** don't even know how much there is. Tens of $trilly's? Hundreds of $trillz? There's really no 'hard limit' as to a set cap, because there's so many different angles that one could go about it.

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Anonymous No. 16490359

>if someone takes your money by threat of violence it's not theft because it just isn't okay????

Anonymous No. 16490368

I don't disagree that a lot of ""Science Research"" is meme-tier, but the amount of money the government spends on Scientific endeavors is laughably miniscule. And of those paltry token crumbs given to Scientific research, only a trivial % of that actually makes it to the research projects after it's been ransacked by ""overhead"".

We're victims of economic war waged from within. People want to throw shade at corporations and businesses who contribute to the function of civilization, but there's an unfathomable amount of 'wealth' that is created through other channels of financial manipulation, for example, see: >>16490356
that ultimately renders productive businesses, from small startups to major conglomerates, victims of financial piracy in a manner that draws these "heartless corporations" to being much closer to that of the lowly worker, than being separate.

So we not only have an ordeal where we have every country in the world pooling resources to get "their people" inside and get their hustle going, but it's an ongoing battle on the domestic front as well.

And this is why I personally think the "DEI" campaign is not necessarily for *our* best interests. Because it's not meant to solve for any social injustices, it's just meant to create as many holes possible in a sinking ship, to distract from the already leaking holes.

If you robbed $1billion from a bank what would you do? Here's what I'd do:
>Set aside some $millions for yourself
>Get a bunch of firearms, drugs, and cash that you drop off in areas with a bunch of gang activity
>Let them cause as much chaos and mayhem as they can
>Cops will be too busy trying to keep up with the damage that a bunch of small armies with an unending supply of dope, booze, and firepower are causing all over town

Anonymous No. 16490373

Taxes don't pay for government activity though.
If taxes were completely elimianted- you and everyone else suddenly stop paying taxes, either through personal choice, or taxes are just legislatively erradicated, do you think the government is going to say >"oh gosh, how will we ever find money to fund government projects :''''(
>if only we had some magical money printer device to make the money train start flowing again..."
Taxes exist for many reasons, such as a need for you to use the State's currency. Funding meme-science papers or food stamps is really not one of those reasons.

Anonymous No. 16490413

There is a thing called debt. Happens when you spend money that you don't have.

Anonymous No. 16490415

>It's clear from this image that Interest payments (kill all (((userers)))),
The United States has never paid a single cent in interest payments
It pretends to but it first borrows money to make the payment, then borrows some more. So theres for sure a huge debt but nothing has been paid
is it so hard to understand than borrowing money to pay older debts isnt paying your debts?

Anonymous No. 16490459

Is it real to develop a new technology on 20000$ funding?

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16490467

I AGREE. Most studies should have some economic benefits or a return on money spent. Why waste it on things that don't make us more productive. With trillions in debt it's mostly an exaggeration but a good example of why these studies don't have any benefit for the public long term.

But but we need to learn and have knowledge. Sure but that can be done in your free time.

Its just wasteful.

We need to spend money on things that can realisticly progress society And add economic benefit

Anonymous No. 16490481

le line must ALWAYS go up.

Anonymous No. 16490513

>We need to spend money on things that can realisticly progress society And add economic benefit
Highest economic returns (ROI) is lobbying followed by investments in law firms

Anonymous No. 16491112

>Most studies should have some economic benefits or a return on money spent. Why waste it on things that don't make us more productive.

The science budget is really not that big at all, if you don't include the Healthcare industry. But I also think the problem with some of the published "research" isn't the minor financial burden, but the fact that it can have more detrimental effects on scientific progress if there are willfully misleading reports being published. It would make more sense to pay them to NOT publish studies that were not done in good faith, potentially impeding scientific advancement.

I'm aware that there is still plenty of genuine 'science' still going on, but I also think there is some 'counter espionage' where our education is being given the run-around as a form of sabotage.
And I'm not referring to teachers giving out 'free grades' easier; because I personally don't believe the current paradigm of rote memorization is conducive to learning properly. I think it's much more important to be exposed to material where you aren't focused on memorizing every word from a teacher's lecture or their book, but you can let your mind freely play around with the concepts without some overbearing stress that shackles the mind from active mental engagement.
You don't have to completely eradicate every metric used to gauge one's educational success or academic aptitude, but the current system seems to encourage degenerate gameplay.

>There is a thing called debt. Happens when you spend money that you don't have.
Right, but I don't see what that has to do with taxes.

Anonymous No. 16491350

>Right, but I don't see what that has to do with taxes.
Debt causes inflation
Inflation is passed on to the people
Debt is an invisible tax on the people

Anonymous No. 16491398

So no one bother to read the study that's related to said Japanese Quail?

The research deals with a 2016 study concerning the field of Psychopharmacology. Studying "state dependent" learning effects on Japanese Quails (who are animal models for research) in relation to addictive drugs commonly used by humans.

>State-dependent learning has been observed for several addictive drugs including ethanol [2, 3, 4, 5], pentobarbital [2], morphine [6, 7, 8, 9] methylphenidate [10], and amphetamine [11]. Romieu and colleagues [12] used a modified passive avoidance task and found that relatively low doses (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) of cocaine induced state-dependent learning in mice. Low doses were used because they did not affect acquisition or consolidation of the memory. In addition, it was found that the cocaine-induced state-dependent effect could be altered by GABA and opioid receptor modulation [12].

The reason to study this is clear when you realize it's associated with "down the road" effects of opioid use.

>The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery recognizes cocaine as a valuable anesthetic and vasoconstriction agent when provided by physicians as part of an individual’s treatment.

Calling this "government waste" when a bird regularly used for research.

Is tested in relation to concerns of conigitive affects of a drug (cocaine) that is known for millions of Americans receiving some form of it through doctor administered medicine or questionable recreational use is foolish.

These kind of studies exist because of the opioid epidemic in America. But it gets labeled as "obscene" because you let a multi-billionaire South African and Brahman class Indian who have no connection to rural and urban populations in the US tell you what is waste or not.