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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16482023

Do natural squares exist in the universe? Can some parts of the observed universe be considered squared?

Anonymous No. 16482179

>never saw rock salt
All you had to do was not sleep through chemistry at highschool.

Anonymous No. 16486978

Halite lattice isn't cubic, moron. Pyrite is though.

Anonymous No. 16487024

>Halite lattice isn't cubic, moron
It literally is, why are you so aggressively wrong?
>Halite features an isometric (cubic) crystal system, which simply means that the crystals in the mineral contain three axes that are all equal lengths and stand at 90 degrees from each other. Halite is a sodium chloride. Both atoms are regularly distributed within the cubic crystal lattice.
stay salty

Anonymous No. 16487033

>appeal to authority
Lol ok idiot, I actually mined fool's golf so I know it is cubic, never saw rock salt that's cubic because never happens.

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Anonymous No. 16487050

>>appeal to authority
Argument from anecdote.
>never saw rock salt that's cubic because never happens
Are all pictures of halite crystals a jewish conspiracy? Is the earth flat because you never saw the curvature?

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Anonymous No. 16487078

Btw, if you're still scared of the evil authorities, you can grow perfect NaCl crystals at home. It's a pretty common science project for kids at many schools. You can verify it yourself. Do it, you either prove me wrong, or finally learn enough about chemistry to compete with a highchooler.

Anonymous No. 16487356

last i checked cubes dont look like that.

Anonymous No. 16487358

those are rectangular prisms

Anonymous No. 16487551

I live in a flat country barely above sea level and can see very slight curvature in the horizon with my two very eyes though? What's more likely, me noticing the curvature or rock salt being cubic?