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Anonymous No. 16482163

Pi is exactly three

Anonymous No. 16482198

[math]\pm 0.15 [/math]

Anonymous No. 16482225

squared letters away from OP is a faggot

Anonymous No. 16482272

groundbreaking if true

Anonymous No. 16482398

it literally is

Anonymous No. 16482498

pi is exactly 10 in base pi

Anonymous No. 16486060

No, first off that would be like saying 1 is exactly 10 in base 10 and second pi is not a functional base because a base needs to be a rational integer otherwise it is so useless that it can't even be used for counting since you need a rational amount of steps to use a number system.

Anonymous No. 16486063

I eat pi. Now what? Who's right about what pi is?

Anonymous No. 16486079

Pi is 4

Anonymous No. 16486086

The Pi symbol is 4-extrapolated.