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actual retard please be nice No. 16482418

I thought mRNA replication was really unstable, highschool bio said so
it also said we don't really know the full effects of some medications/products until 10+ years after
am I retarded for being skeptical of the covid vaccine because its not diluted/weakened pathogens but instead uses mRNA for delivery

might just have to go back to college for this because I'd rather not live the rest of my life curious

Anonymous No. 16482434

No, it's worse because they use techniques like modified uracil that break the normal biological protections against runaway translation. They got obsessed with the effective part and stopped caring about the safe part.

Anonymous No. 16486013

>mfw effective part still fails

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Anonymous No. 16486210

I hope you and your loved ones didn't get it.
There's a reason for the rise in cancer and for those mysterious menstrual abnormalities after vaccination.
Why are vasa praevia, SUA, hypertension and pre-eclampsia way more common now?
Why are there suddenly fewer cases of testicular cancers and way more ovarian ones than before the vaccination campaing?
Why do you think all that is?
Every time you post this conspiracy theory the thread just dies.
Tons of responses to stupid graphene nanobot delusions, but none to this.
Dig and try to disprove it.
Just try.

Anonymous No. 16486233

the mRNA codes only the spike, not the whole virus ya dolt
Read a book

Anonymous No. 16486622

It is, and replication destroys mRNA in same way your own body slowly depletes your own DNA until your cells fail to replicate and start failing, resulting in your death.

Anonymous No. 16486627

The spike is the dangerous part, thoughbeit. Realistically, what makes me wonder is how different humans are, some might produce more efficiently longterm, others might produce faster in short period, that might cause unexpected deaths.

Anonymous No. 16487202

>I thought mRNA replication was really unstable, highschool bio said so
What do you mean? RNA synthesis through transcription is very precise. RNA synthesis through something like reverse transcription done by retroviruses is much less precise. Both are within highschool curriculum where I'm from.

Anonymous No. 16487224

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