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🗑️ 🧵 Why is Greenland getting colder?

Anonymous No. 16483086

Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

New research analyzes two decades of Greenland land surface temperature (LST) data. Contrary to the popular narrative of a significant warming trend, Greenland has instead cooled from 2000-2019 at a rate of -0.055°C per decade.

Southern Greenland also cooled from 1958-2001, suggesting the region has been cooling for over 60 years.

Anonymous No. 16483225

The paper you linked say's it probably linked to the Central Pacific El Niño Southern Oscillation teleconnection.
>Over the last decade, warming over Greenland has slowed down (IMBIE, 2020; Hanna et al., 2020; Khazendar et al., 2019). In coastal southern Greenland, the temperature during 1958-2001 showed a significant cooling (Hanna et al., 2020).A recent study by Matsumura et al., (2021) reporting a slowdown of warming in Greenland suggested that the Central Pacific El Niño Southern Oscillation teleconnection plays a key role in recent summer Arctic climate change

Anonymous No. 16483725

Uh... It's in the upper northern hemisphere and we're past the fall equinox for the year?
Execrably stupid questions go in /sqt/

Anonymous No. 16484463

Without looking into it it's probably related to the polar vortex destabilizing as a result of global warming. The Arctic is a lot colder than Greenland and so it can easy cool Greenland even as the Arctic warms.

Anonymous No. 16484696

>abstract in some scribbles
Yeah... no...

Anonymous No. 16485393

Because global warming is fake

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Anonymous No. 16485573

We're due for another ice age

Anonymous No. 16486313


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Anonymous No. 16486551

We're in an ice age now. That's why there are glaciers

Anonymous No. 16487875

The only measurements that show constant warming are satellite measurements. Because they dope the numbers. This is 15 year old news now, theres NASA and NOAA emails all about this. They have been pretending the ocean surface temps keep rising because no one can prove them wrong. But they can't pull that shit where there are ground stations.

Anonymous No. 16487958

>millions of years before present

Double retard.

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Anonymous No. 16488514

Anonymous No. 16488522

OMG. You're telling me that scientific papers occasionally produce results that run counter to other scientific papers? Holy fuck, I would never have guessed.

Anonymous No. 16488545

>Three papers
>Zhang et al

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Anonymous No. 16490147

Greenland has been cooling off for a long time

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Anonymous No. 16491107

it isn't only greenland that is cooling off, that same pattern has been repeated worldwide. the current interglacial warm period peaked thousands of years ago and it has been getting generally cooler ever since.