๐งต is 25 to late to get into physics/math?
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 20:54:12 UTC No. 16483174
so i have been a undiagnosed adhd "kid" my entire life and struggled hard becous of it in school (still managed to get through whitout horrid gades but still nothing to brag about) my parents always hounded me for being shit in school and made me feel bad about my grades and quite insecure of my intellect (dads and engine and mom a lawyer) now i got the diagnosis this summer and got some medication and its a world of diffrence. so i have been thinking about going back to school (currently doing telemarketing) and i did a paid mensa test in order to check my iq in order to have abit of a hum about where i am at (always thought i was mildly retarded becous of my incabability to consentrate) and it came back whit a 128! not mensa mind you but still DAMN so what do you guys that are in theese fields think should i become proffessor just to spit in my parents face?
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 21:02:03 UTC No. 16483197
You should brush up on it and maybe hire a tutor before you go to uni or you risk a lower gpa
Contrary to popular belief you arent there to learn you are there to get good grades and hopefully learn in the process
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 22:06:05 UTC No. 16483993
Not really. I've seen plenty of people at my Uni that came in after working in industry for years. As long as you learn the basics you can jump right into a degree program, assuming they accept you.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 22:31:14 UTC No. 16484427
looks like he saw the devil
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 22:50:12 UTC No. 16484707
yeah this is taken i think 39 min into the 1h 400$+ mario erotica donation spree from hexeract1 here if you want the pleasure of getting aquainted whit artosis tts donations:
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 22:51:07 UTC No. 16484726
Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.
If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to >>>/adv/ - Advice.
If you want help with your homework, go to >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 23:52:54 UTC No. 16485379
No. I started self-teaching myself math just a year ago (I'm 33 now, no degree), and I've already learned algebra I & II, geometry, statistics, linear algebra, and just started calculus. And I did this just by studying 1 to 2 hours per day.
I was always gifted with math as a kid, but fell out of touch as a teen and young adult due to various circumstances.
Now I'm working on coming up with ways to demonstrate my knowledge so I can get a job as an engineer (w/ out a degree, yes its possible).
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Nov 2024 23:54:32 UTC No. 16485388
And regarding physics: I'm not as far along with the subject as I am with math, but have started learning.
Protip: LLM's (ChatGPT, etc.) are god-tier for self-learning math/physics, and many subjects in general.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 01:13:41 UTC No. 16485614
Learning math or physics from Chat-GPT (or equivalent alternatives) is setting yourself up for failure. You literally would be better off reading wikipedia.
If you actually want to learn, there's no shortcuts. Just get some used books in whatever subject you need cheaply and have at it. For physics (as an example) you can get a copy of Serway and Jewett used for under $10 and have at least a year's worth of daily self study content that will get you up to a 2nd year uni education in the topic.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 01:17:59 UTC No. 16485627
>Learning math or physics from Chat-GPT
Why? In my opinion it gives great high-level overview for concepts that you can then investigate further yourself with the classic literature.
I use the paid version for work, but I also use it for self-study, and it's serving me nicely.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 01:54:23 UTC No. 16485672
> Why? In my opinion it gives great high-level overview for concepts that you can then investigate further yourself with the classic literature.
The simple answer is that it has no internal logical system by which it can evaluate whether or not its presentation of the material is correct. The big problem with LLM's and these kinds of things is that "good enough" is the best they can do. They are fundamentally interpolation systems which seek to find the closest in-distribution answer to your question.
If you primarily learn from Chat-GPT or LLM derived summaries, you have no real understanding of what parts are entirely sourced from a human author in the field (i.e., are likely to be accurate to the discipline) and what parts are interpolated based on what is "good enough" but in-distribution. My advisor loves to dummy check these things and you'd be amazed the number of simple subtle mistakes LLM's (even 4o) make around things like dimensionality for matrix multiplication or ensuring that the two statements surrounding a set of equality signs are actually consistent.
Even if 80% of the content is a legitimate summary, you'll never know what parts are hallucination if you don't spend the same time actually checking it with a legitimate source in the field.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 05:02:21 UTC No. 16485918
math and physics at an undergrad level is something chat gpt and others can easily cover accurately, you sound like one of those pseuds that recommends people retardedly elaborate paths to learn basic calc I - III when stewart would serve just fine
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:00:04 UTC No. 16485945
I literally recommended you take a look at Serway and Jewett (the "Stewart" of university physics).
You don't need some retarded or elaborate plan through the basics of math. You just need to stop being a lazy fuck and use a textbook instead of trusting an LLM (that has no ability to verify the correctness of any particular content it generates) to faithfully summarize and instruct you on a math topic. You're literally better off using even the most basic bottom of the barrel human sources that we're at least evaluated for some level of consistency by someone that is a human and took a math/physics course one time. Khan Academy or Brilliant or any YouTube lecture series you can find will give you a far better education than ChatGPT because ChatGPT literally cannot assess/check whether any of the examples or definitions it provides are correct.
If you want to use Stewart, use Stewart. Don't use a retarded interpolation algorithms regurgitation of Stewart with added hallucinations spread about randomly.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:48:57 UTC No. 16486413
High IQ alone is not sufficient but if you are motivated and hard working it's possible to go far.
btw what meds are you on? what dosage? my meds didn't do shit and I didn't want to up the dosage in case of heart arrhythmia
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 15:00:45 UTC No. 16486422
>now i got the diagnosis this summer and got some medication and its a world of diffrence
My 8 year old son was just diagnosed with ADHD. I want him on medication but why wife doesn't. Countless stories like this where your entire formative years are wasted because of unmedicated ADHD is what I want to avoid with my kid. But my wife is a fucking idiot with an extreme anti-medication bias.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 15:30:34 UTC No. 16486460
I never liked math and and repudiated physics from my schedule in 10th grade because we could choose what we actually want to study harder and what not at all and I am 26 now and have 0 problems looking things up and solving the problems I need to solve. Turns out that when you remove worthless boomer teacher from the topic, and only focus on the essential and your own curiosity, learning thing becomes easier and faster.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 16:03:09 UTC No. 16486501
About the career path:
Tutors make more than professors
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Nov 2024 20:05:56 UTC No. 16486875
It's great for spitting out jargon and buzzwords that you can later google to learn properly. Basically, its good for when you don't know what it is that you don't know.