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Anonymous No. 16486019

What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem

Anonymous No. 16486040

Itโ€™s so weird, if liberal girls just got pregnant (and didnโ€™t abort) then they would be cured

Anonymous No. 16486116


Anonymous No. 16486166

What happened around 2009? I think it's a certain internet culture that nourishes self derogation, and liberals are much more likely to be a part of it. Not sure what happened but in many places of the internet it seems to be the norm to call yourself stupid or a depressed failure and it seems like almost excepted to talk bad about yourself when you are talking about yourself, otherwise people will think you are arrogant.

Anonymous No. 16486287

The Recession

Anonymous No. 16486494

iphone was invented along with all manner of degenerate social media apps

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B00T No. 16486495


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Anonymous No. 16486532


Anonymous No. 16486565

The white half feels bad because they're condemned to be evil. The non white half feels bad because they're condemned to be trapped by that evil. It's impossible not to feel bad about your destiny.

Anonymous No. 16486572

race hustling nog became president

Anonymous No. 16486588

iphone pushed lookism and a constant need for social validation, while undermining real and meaningful relationships

Anonymous No. 16486589

>invents virtually every medical, technological, and safety standard on Earth

Anonymous No. 16486605

White guilt

Anonymous No. 16486652

They are nothing but demonic trash, and deep inside they know it. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16486953

>higher IQ is associated with more mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
Conservatives are just blissfully ignorant. Low IQ tards are also more racist, which conservatives are considerably more racist than liberals.

Anonymous No. 16486975

Being forced to live around themselves + having those stupid conversations that go nowhere.

Anonymous No. 16486994

Man, you're literally retarded, look at the graph again.

Anonymous No. 16487002

>Self- derogation
Sounds like something with a mental illness would do, especially depression or bipolar. You would get this if you weren't a retarded conservative.

Anonymous No. 16487020


Anonymous No. 16487049

obama's presidency and the rise of identity politics

Anonymous No. 16487053

they're under a great delusion

Anonymous No. 16487073

Are you retarded or something? Just saying "durr look at the graph" when it just shows that liberals have more self-derogation after 2009 isn't going to change the more you look at the graph.

You can say "Oh that's because of cell phones" but there's no correlation. You can also say it's because liberals and conservatives have drastically changed since Obama went into office and became more extreme on both sides.

Anonymous No. 16487083

do you find your life difficult, being low IQ?
>I find that individuals who identify as Republican have slightly higher verbal intelligence than those who identify as Democrat (2โ€“5 IQ points), and that individuals who supported the Republican Party in elections have slightly higher verbal intelligence than those who supported the Democratic Party (2 IQ points).

Anonymous No. 16487103

>verbal IQ
>Usually one of 3 IQ identifiers
>2 points difference
Hur dur

Anonymous No. 16487105

>became more extreme
NTA but this is only semantically true because the media convinced a bunch of boomers that extreme positions are centrism and centrist positions are extremism.

Anonymous No. 16487114

Mistyped 2. Ignoring the entire other section of IQ testing is fucking retarded, especially when the difference is an entire 2 points.

Anonymous No. 16487204

>no disagreement found
i'm glad we're on the same page

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16487215


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16487237

non-liberal whites score low only because of their hatred for liberal whites.

Anonymous No. 16487271

We really aren't. If you think someone's life is difficult because their IQ on only a single part of an IQ test is within margin of error difference then you are just retarded.

Whoever wrote that article is borderline retarded and reaching towards a superiority complex. They go on and on about how verbal iq is so god damn important and does all this shit that literally no one else agrees on only to come to publish the results that are negligible at best. It's a clickbait article that gives morons a good title to brag over.

Anonymous No. 16488540

Agreeability, which corresponds to vulnerability to jewish tricks

Anonymous No. 16488549

Racism is a high IQ trait, only idiots are not racist.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16488577

Hating your own race and being unwilling to stick up for it is just a part of self loathing.
>my race can't be anything special because I am so much of a loser

Anonymous No. 16488585

Racism is objectively a low IQ trait. Are blacks more racist or are whites more racist; are blacks higher IQ or are whites higher IQ?

Anonymous No. 16488588

Allowing your instincts to influence your actions signifies low IQ. Racism is a common instinct in humans. This is because it is adaptive to be racist.

Anonymous No. 16488596

It's a common instinct for humans with a plurality of monkey genes. But answer both questions: Are blacks more racist or are whites more racist; are blacks higher IQ or are whites higher IQ?

Anonymous No. 16488656

Whites have historically been racist. East-Asians are very racist. Racism is a trait of all peoples not collectively brainwashed into self-hatred.

Anonymous No. 16488669

But answer both questions at the same time: Are blacks more racist or are whites more racist; are blacks higher IQ or are whites higher IQ?

raphael No. 16488802

low T

Anonymous No. 16488837

I am higher IQ and more racist than all blacks

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Anonymous No. 16488868

Is derogation where you put a cucumber in your ass and jerk off?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16489597

Anonymous No. 16489635

Having to deny reality and their own senses all day long has to have some negative side effects.
Could you respect yourself or have esteem if you were going around calling men "women"?
Certainly you could not. The very act makes it clear to yourself and everyone around that you are a pliable clown.

Anonymous No. 16489784

No you see turning your womb into an infant graveyard means you are liberated and is much better for your mental and spiritual well-being.

Anonymous No. 16489787

The funny thing about this chart is that it shows non-liberal whites are actually the least racist group, yet they are the only group castigated for racism. Quite an incredible society we have built.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16491088

I'd hate myself if I were one of those idiots too

Anonymous No. 16491126

>What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem
Being a liberal

raphael No. 16491243

this is why liberals complain about the economy then they go out on limbs and get gender dysphoria and shit

Anonymous No. 16491282

>born in 2000
>dark, grey UK
>depression and autism
I fucking hate life so much

Anonymous No. 16491286

Ever notice that they refuse to simply grab a large group of adult Whites (at least 35 years of age) and simply give them IQ tests? They always use some kind of elaborate and circumlocuitous proxy for intelligence.

It's because the liberals already know what they will get if they do direct IQ tests and they don't want to accept it. Conservatives are not just slightly smarter than liberals. They are very significantly smarter.

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Anonymous No. 16491302

Every bit of UNBIASED hard data we have shows that leftists are ugly, weak, and stupid.
Imagine trying to convince the world that you're the smart party when you also say men can get pregnant. You can publish "studies" on yourself all day every day asserting that you're smarter and nobody is going to believe you.

Anonymous No. 16491305

>What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16492103

Shitty people have low self-esteem. High self esteem is what you get when you're not a loser.

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heat map.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16492156

This data explains it somewhat

Anonymous No. 16492660

Ignoring your instincts to not upset redditors is even lower IQ

Anonymous No. 16493102

No. That started with Lehman Brothers imploding, and that was 2008.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16494295

people who are total losers reject their close companions because those people (family, friends, neighbors, etc) are the ones who know them best and they are the ones who know that they're total losers

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16494403

Anonymous No. 16494443

You might be dumb. The clickbait title is all you read and didn't bother to read the actual article.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16494573

>In group
>Thinks it's a chart about racism toward the out group
Conservatives just can't be saved.

Anonymous No. 16495345

Consumption of amount of reality denying propaganda.

Wordcel No. 16495383

High IQ is not associated with mental illness.
Show me ONE single good study that show this.

Anonymous No. 16496242

>What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem
Higher intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16496259

Maybe it's the neuroticism that leads to both low self-esteem and liberalism.

Anonymous No. 16496431

if they were legitimately smart why would they have low self esteem? genuinely smart people are proud of their intelligence

Anonymous No. 16496888

High intelligence correlates with people being more critical of themselves, as they have fewer illusions about their own flaws.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16497917

people with low intelligence are incapable of figuring out how to overcome adversity, it isn't a high IQ trait

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16498336

people with low intelligence are incapable of figuring out how to overcome narcissism too, they can't correct their negative traits and improve themselves because they always fall prey to seeing themselves as perfect.
>someone is stronger than me?
>thats because he spends too much time exercising, its not a deficiency in me

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16499643

here is an example of the kind of propaganda they subject themselves to which inevitably results in the statistics depicted in that graph

Anonymous No. 16499735

Trauma-based mind control ideology.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16500881

you're quite a know-it-all, aren't you. how do you justify considering yourself as an expert on the habits of intelligent people? is your total lack of self awareness your key qualification?

Anonymous No. 16500944

I am not a know-it-all, but I am aware of the scientific evidence concerning the correlation between high intelligence and low self-esteem.
You are free to use any search engine to come to the same conclusion.

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Anonymous No. 16500957


Anonymous No. 16500958

Nutrient deficiencies
Propaganda about race, culture and religion
The reality of waking up to a bigger world, dreaming about a better life somewhere else

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Anonymous No. 16500965

It has been a long time but I remember Kaczynski's analysis of leftist psychology being very poignant. I think the liberal self loathing is multi-faceted but is rooted in their inherent agreeableness, which is a also the root of their liberalism. Agreeableness isn't inherently bad, but is a feminine trait. The face of modern liberalism is a clownshow because the liberal whites who view themselves as the oppressed are pushovers who let the lunatics hold the spotlight. Inversely the average conservative is more likely to be combative, which isn't inherently bad but is a masculine trait. I don't think the "politics" of liberals and conservatives is based on actual political opinion as much as it might have been, and is centered on a disconnect between femininity and masculinity, thus all the gender nonsense of the last decade.

Anonymous No. 16500967

Exclusion of out-groups occur when resources become (perceived as) scarce.
Distill this behavior to the fundamental evolutionary explanation and follow it through the millions of years.
The species wasting energy humping other incompatible species fell out of the gene pool. The same with cuckolds.
It's an ongoing process. Will always be.

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Anonymous No. 16500969

>I am not a know-it-all, but I am aware of the scientific evidence concerning the correlation

Anonymous No. 16500981

when even The Royal Clickbait Institution invites WOKE talking points we can be sure women's rights and disabilities are not in danger, with last out 'the Schrรถdinger gender'.

Anonymous No. 16500989

Low esteem stems from low ability.

Anonymous No. 16501223

The job of liberals (generally, not the extremist variety of the last 15 years) is to undermine established order which means second-guessing everything, including what they themselves think. Conservatives have it easy because they revel in the confidence of what is and has been, there's really no reason for them to be afflicted by neuroses related to self-esteem

Anonymous No. 16502604

Low IQ people have low self awareness, they're also too dumb to recognize their own lack of self awareness, thats why they seem so stupid and oblivious.

Anonymous No. 16502632

because liberal whites, aka the entire professional class are the anti-whites

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Anonymous No. 16502647

this, but whatever happened to make obama get elected happened on w's watch, as he was too busy doing the 9-11 for daddy. Obama is part of the same mafia as the clintons, so to find the truth one should look at people they have in common, such as john podesta and rahm emanual

Anonymous No. 16502679

link to source? I somehow can't find it

Anonymous No. 16502998

> I somehow can't find it
that 'somehow' is because your IQ is too low to allow you to find it

Anonymous No. 16503263


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16504492

jews are not white, semites are an asian race.

Anonymous No. 16505342

People who are liberal are usually less fortunate in life and less attractive. That informs their views and usually results in the rejection of just world thinking (which conservatives embrace much more than liberals). People who are less fortunate are going to be less confident.


Anonymous No. 16505429

>People who are liberal are usually less fortunate in life
They mostly come from rich families